Joseph Haley; another tattooed phony hero
This is Joseph Haley. You know he’s legit because of his tattoos, right? I mean what kind of doofus would have themselves disfigured with military stuff that they didn’t earn, huh? He lives in Nashua, New Hampshire and hides behind his war stories of battling evil in the world in Central American and the Middle East. He claims that he’s wiped out entire villages by himself. He fought terrorists in Nicaragua over oil – I’m guessing it was banana oil because there’s virtually no petroleum in Nicaragua as evidenced by their extreme poverty there.
He claims that he took a settlement for his healthcare from the Army so he’s not eligible for VA benefits. He flashes his tattoo to the cops when he’s arrested like it’s an ID card or something. Here’s what he claims he earned;
His daring do is his excuse to beat women, too. He tells his wild-ass tales in his kids’ classrooms at school. I can only imagine what impressions about military service he gives the youngsters.
But the Army says, “Who?”
Category: Phony soldiers
He beats women? I have a cast iron skillet I’d like him to meet. Weights 8 pounds. It hurts when it drops on your foot.
Nashua, huh? And here I didn’t think I’d have anything to do today.
“took a settlement for his healthcare from the Army so he’s not eligible for VA benefits”…. wha-huh???
As far as beating women goes, I have a solution for that too – aluminum bat and five minutes alone with him.
So, the woman beater has the prerequisite Ranger Flash in his love me box, along with unit pins? Cool. I can think of a few real Rangers that would “pin” those on him, permanently, like right in the middle of his forehead.
I’m thinking that a link to this story might be a neat subject matter for an email to the local School District office as well as the Nashua PD.
Forewarned is forearmed, et al. 🙂
I hope some real 82d paratroopers will take away his shadowbox and smash it over his phony fucktard head…
Would love to see some real 82nd veterans either cut or burn that tattoo off his arm…just sayin’.
What a fucking loser. What Unit Flash is that? I do not recognize it from Division. Nice mustard stain of=n his jump wings too…
Ahhh the blood boils early in the morning
Right angle grinder with the coarsest paper available. Just sayin’
i guess he saw the movie,”Basic” one too many times when Travolta shows his Ranger tab,tattoo!
Holy mother fucking shit snacks. I’m friends with a relative of this fat fuck. Said relative told me that he had served and made him out to be some sort of Tier One type Operator. Upon meeting him, I could tell just from how he walked and talked he had probably never even served, never mind the stories I had been told about him. I shifted our conversation to military chatter, and he was absolutely clueless. He had the presence of mind to ask me if I had served. When I answered “yes”, he started down the “well, it was just so long ago…” and “I don’t like talking about it…” path.
Since I never heard any antics come directly from him, I didn’t pursue it. I didn’t even give him the third degree, which I have done before with posers/embellishers. If I had scared him off, it may have prevented him from spewing his garbage to schools, specifically, the students. I’m pretty fucking disappointed in myself right now, I should have know better.
I’m sorry, ladies and gentlemen.
Could it be THIS Joseph Haley from Nashua, NH?
oops. This is James Haley, but the south has Alabama and the North has…well…….
This, however, IS Joseph Haley.
A branding iron will fix that tattoo.
Until a few years ago, I’d have thought no one would even think of getting a permanent tattoo to impersonate service.
Is he employed by All Points Logistics?
Yet another instance of a poser with a connection to children, one which may not be healthy. We have no data to prove it, but have observed it to be a common occurrence among posers.
Since he also seems to be a violent abuser (aka a bully), he is not really a good roll model to present to children.
He also presents one more reason for me to not like tank tops, or any other attire which exposes armpit hair.
There’s a few Gold Star Moms I’ve met who would put the beat down on this clown. Oh, and the DSC and PH do fit under the new SV Act. Hope he likes jail.
Do you mean derring-do?
Well, failing at gaining entry into one elite group, the US Army Airborne and Rangers, he has succeeded in joining another highly elite group. Welcome to the website, Joseph Haley.
Oh my…. another member of the “rump riding rangers, team gundog, EEEELLLLLLLITE special feces group”. And on top of that, he’s a member of that oh so secretive Indian tribe (you know, the slapaho’s). Looks like he may be headed to a special session in the local county hoosegow for some “anal dilation therapy” with Bubba, Julio and Tiny.
BTW – any news on the Monkeyboy legal situation… he’s another one that needs a session in the pokey?
How about real “blood” wings for this clown courtesy of a claw hammer.
Nashua with phonies huh, may have to check out the bar this loser hangs out in.
Hey, I am in Manchester. I was in the 504th. Just sayin’. I like Nashua and go there alot.
They need to hang piece of shit like poser
@ NH Sparky. No doubt you have come across Natalie Healy Gold Star Mom of Dan Healy of Operation Red Wings. Let’s send this mug a message by way of visit from Natalie and company.
Natalie and her crew comes to NYC every year an event, I always make time for her!
Back to the POS above:
He had me at after market boonie hat!
Shades sealed the deal!
And the arm and chest blubber was the pink bow on the whole package!
It’s been my honor to have made her acquaintance. She lives not far from me. She and Senior Chief Healy have given far more than I’ll ever do, or, God willing, will ever have to.
This turd in the OP needs a serious beatdown for being so freaking stupid.
Thats a pretty shitty looking tatt and shadow box….
@ NH. I am notifying Susan Peterson. He will be sorry for his asshattery soon enuff.
Oh, that poor stupid bastard. Then again, any clown who claims a DSC and FOUR Purple Hearts he didn’t earn deserves whatever pain befalls him.
@20. Do you mean Jonn? (Talk about a fat pitch, belt high. Thanks. Felt good coming off the keys. Real goooood.)
He needs that 82nd Patch carved off with a dull butter knife !
I have a Makita belt sander that will take that tat’ right off in just a minute
He doesn’t have a hair on his a$$ if he doesn’t have his nametape, US ARMY tape and jump wings tattooed on his chest
Joseph Haley sleeps on yellow sheets.
Butbutbut with that snazzy lookng shadowbox and the tattoo he MUST be real…
@8 That is a flash for 1st Ranger Battalion, pre- black/tan beret debacle. The current ones have a black border.
He is also rockin’ a mustard stain on his wings.
As for that shadow box, it looks like it was put together by Ray Charles then dropped down a flight of stairs…
@38, didn’t look at it that closely… should have recognised it.
I noticed the mustard stain.
@11 not your fault the guy is a douchebag poser. Though educating his relative that you know would not be a bad thing at all.
@34, I vote for using either an acetylene torch or a lit road flare!
This guy takes it in the ass.
Steel Wool and bleach.
Here is a phony vet who claims to be an Army Ranger as an Army Reservist. Claims 2 halo jumps and 2 combat jumps, claims 100 confirmed kills, service from 2006-2011 with 4 combat deployments. Always walks around claiming he has ptsd but when asked basic questions about the Army he cannot answer it. Claims he graduated from OU while he was doing secret missions.!/jared.kramer.10?fref=ts
I don’t see his name on the DSC recipient list. nor have I ever seen a CPT with a Distinguished Service Medal, Legion of Merit, or a MSM… Not to mention no campaign medals or a NDSM for that matter… Yeah this guy must be legit!
2/16: I’ve seen a few CPTs with MSMs. LOMs or DSMs . . . um, no.
I second Hondo’s post.
Hondo: a very few group CPT’s have an MSM, but this guy isn’t one of them… he is kinda 1+ John Kerry with 4 purple hearts
This turd is scrubbing a Hardee’s men’s room near you!