What Goes Around, Comes Around
Learn something new every day.
It looks like in passing that Puerile Pararthric Asininity Created by Agnosics Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA), Congress – to paraphrase that “intrepid and August font of wisdom”, Paul “Fitzy” Fitzgerald – just might have “went and f***ed themselves.” And it looks like they did the same to their staffs while they were at it, too.
How so? Previously, as Federal employees Members of Congress and their staffs were eligible for insurance coverage through one of the group plans sponsored by their employer (the Federal government) under the Federal Employees Health Benefits (FEHB) Program. Members of Congress and their staffs could also previously opt to secure health insurance individually. But now, it seems that the PPACA now REQUIRES Congress and their personal staff to use PPACA health exchanges to secure health insurance.
Yeah, under the new law Members of Congress and their staff essentially get the same subsidy that they would have under the previous employer group plans. But it seems that, well, the requirement to use the PPACA exchanges, coupled with the changes mandated by the PPACA, to secure insurance has led to some issues.
At least one member of Congress – specifically, Representative Michele Bachmann – has now received notice that her existing health insurance is being cancelled because it no longer qualifies under the PPACA’s new requirements. No word yet on how many other Members of Congress and Congressional staffers have been similarly affected.
Ya think if that happens about 300 more times Congress might realize something needs to be done to fix the problem? Maybe. I ain’t holding my breath, though.
Sometimes I swear that you can almost see Karma in action. Here I bet she’s grinning from ear-to-ear while acting, too. (smile)
Category: "Your Tax Dollars At Work", Dumbass Bullshit, Health Care debate
As one of the more infamous members of Kongress noted, publicly, out loud, “We have to pass the law to find out what’s in it.” Well, Kongress (and the libidiots who voted them into office) are finding out – the hard way. Good. Experience is the best teacher. Too bad the rest of us who never wanted this abortion of an abomination are getting dragged down as well.
The Immutable Law of Unintended Consequences is in full force, and can NEVER be repealed or amended.
We knew that congress and their staffs, would have to go to the exchanges, however, they voted to get subsidies for their plans from us, the taxpayers. They may have to go to the exchanges and they may have to get a certain level plan, but we still pay for it for them and their staff.
Actually, Old Trooper – the subsidy they get does not cover 100% of the cost of the plan. It’s roughly the same percentage as the Federal government covered under the FEHB program – and about the same as most private employers cover (70-75%) when they provide insurance coverage as a bennie.
Hell, it’s actually way less of a subsidy than Ford used to provide before about 2005. Prior to that, I’ve seen articles stating that Ford picked up virtually 100% of medical expenses for employees and retirees.
Fell off my chair laughing. Startled Mikey out of nap.
I await the loud squawking noises from that direction.
When everyone is either lying or speaking in half truths and no one, it seems, yet has figured out what the laws and the subsequent regulations require, it is impossible to believe anyone. I mean, if you intended to baffle and bewilder an entire nation, it is unlikely you could come up with an instrument this effective to accomplish that end.
The implosion of Obamacare has been delicious. The great reform that bears his name and the beloved fantasy of proggies everywhere collapsing under its own weight has been a double helping of awesome every day for a month now. It’s hobbled the progressive political movement for at least the next decade.
I was at the Full Moon, enjoying a cheeseburger, and watching Fox News. The banner line was 30 Dems split with White House on Obamacare.
The story is here: http://www.politico.com/story/2013/11/democrats-obamacare-vote-99915.html
Basically, these are people who see their jobs on the line in the next election entirely because of something that looked good on paper but had not been tested, or in any way set up properly. It failed from the get-go, and they don’t want that on their plates (and ballots). While it is delicious indeed to see this ship desertion by demorats, it doesn’t solve the real problem.
Good content, but with all due respect, was this the first draft? Commas where they shouldn’t be and a lack of commas where they should be made it so difficult to read that I had to go back over most the sentences several times to slueth out what you meant to say. Please edit next time? You made some excellent points that got lost in clumsy syntax.
@8: as far as I know, no one else seems to have problems understanding the article as written. Perhaps that’s an indication the problem isn’t with the article.
Bad punctuation? I don’t think so. @8, baloney.
Hondo, no. There are problems with the way its written. I’m not going to list them all unless you insist. It was meant as constructive criticism, and its clear you’ve got you panties bunched. Check your ego and run it by someone who writes better than you, you’ll see.
Fen: believe what you wanna believe, amigo. It’s a free country.
For what it’s worth: the article was evaluated using the Flesch-Kincaid method of determining readability and complexity of written English. The article assays as being written at the 12th-grade level and has a readability index of 42. That is indeed somewhat more complex than the prose pablum you find in most of today’s newspapers and periodicals. However, IMO neither written English at the 12th-grade level nor a readability index in the 40s should be beyond the grasp of a well-educated individual fluent in the English language.
Fen? Not exactly sure what I would have to be smoking and/or drinking to not understand what Hondo writes.
The only thing that your original and subsequent comment prove is that you read things in which are not there and have some comprehension issues with what is actually written.
Carry on, Hondo. Your writing skill and use of the language is quite good.
I get one comma missing and possibly four which could have been added, none of which affect the clarity of what was written. Might add that ‘your’ has an ‘r’ at the end of it and ‘sleuth’ is spelled as shown here, not slueth. Cast not stones in glass houses, etc.
One small observatyion that is actually cogent – was there ever any doubt that Bachmann would oppose Obamacare or have problems with her insurance? Seriously?