Bruce Mim; phony Navy SEAL in your school

| November 15, 2013

Bruce Mims

Tman sends us a link to an article by our buddy, Dan Noyes at KGO in San Francisco about Bruce Mim, a high school principal who was pretending to be a Navy SEAL.

George Berg thought it would be a routine matter — he objected to a book assigned to his son, a sophomore at Rohnert Park’s Technology High School, because it contained explicit descriptions of child sexual abuse. Any parent has the right to opt out and ask for their child to read another book.

But the principal, 47 year-old Bruce Mims, continued to push Berg’s son to read the book and the conversation took an odd turn.

“Principal Mims brought up his prior military service and something to the effect of that you never forget the smell of dead bodies,” Berg said. “When my son told me this, it sent all sorts of red flares up.”

Our buddy, Don Shipley, makes a guest appearance (sadly, without Mrs. Shipley) in the video report;

So Mim was allowed to resign but without everyone knowing why, until Noyes got a hold of the story. Now maybe his perverted ass will be kept away from other young boys, thanks to Noyes and his report.

Category: Phony soldiers

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The Other Whitey

@4 Are all (or even most) black kids gangbangers? Are most Germans unrepentant nazis? Are most Muslims suicide bombers?

Fuck off and die, asshole.

2/17 Air Cav

You guys might not believe this but for many years, when I had to look up something for school, I either pulled a volume of the home encyclopedia or visited the local library. I kid you not. And if that’s not enough to make you cringe, when I wanted to communicate with someone in writing, I would do so in a paper letter, written in ink, and spell checking was done using a dictionary! What’s more, the completed letter had to be folded properly, placed in an addressed envelope and MAILED!

HS Sophomore

@52—I used to do that. Now, it’s been so long since I actually mailed an envelope that I’d probably have to take a refresher on ehow before I did it. How far I’ve fallen 🙁

2/17 Air Cav

@53. Do the words Bruce Mahoney mean anything to you?

HS Sophomore

You bet they do. The Bruce-Mahoney Award, the holy grail of the cross-town rivalry between Saint Ignatius and Sacred Heart Cathedral. The most sought after award in Bay Area Catholic Sports. The subject of much quiet low-stakes inter-student betting at my Jesuit HS, too ;). Both the guys it’s named after, Bill Bruce and Jerry Mahoney, died during WWII, unfortunately. Definitely some great Americans, Christians, and athletes. God rest their souls.


Games were what we played using decks of cards, boards and assorted game pieces stored in a box, or just paper and pencil. Games sometimes involved running and weird stuff like that.

Oddly enough, it was during game playing that some of us oldsters learned the most important life lessons from our elders. Not quite certain what has replaced that phenomena these days.

2/17 Air Cav

@55. I was hoping that you would just say yes or no. The reason I asked is that the intertube is forever and what is on these pages goes places you can’t imagine. Be careful what you give up here, pal. I asked the question b/c I wanted to illustrate how easy it was to pinpoint something based upon freely served-up personal info. That’s all. Ya just never know.


I think 2/17 Air Cav just made a buddy for life. George & Jake Berg! Very well done, carry on!

HS Sophomore

@56—Now we have Facebook and Call of Duty. Between the two of them, they’ve pretty much driven meaning out of the lives of half the people I know. Even I’ve got to be careful—their twin charms are seductive. And COD especially—oh, you kid at school, please, keep critiquing what went wrong with Black Hawk Down and what the military should have done differently. I’m sure your COD education had prepared you more for this evaluation that any fancy—shmancy actual military training could. I had this happen to me at school—a guy literally claimed that what the military should have done was provide more tactical armored laptops and fully armed Predator drones (first used by the US Military in 1995) to the troops in the convoy so that they could visually guide Hellfire missiles onto target, thus vanquishing the Somali militia. He said that the fact that they didn’t made Bill Clinton a murderer. I am dead friggin’ serious. Another guy, a well-intentioned but naive friend of mine, asked a Navy Petty Officer manning a recruiting station outside a movie theater how much time they spent learning how to dual-wield Uzi’s in training. No kidding. However, there are still high-schoolers who do stuff and have a little common sense. The majority, in fact. Most of us play some sport and take challenging classes (kind of a prerequisite these days). Unfortunately, we do miss out on some lessons you get from game playing like in old times. Shame.

HS Sophomore

@57—I caught that. By the way, I don’t go to either SHC or SI—all the Catholic schools in the Bay Area watch the Bruce-Mahoney games. The personal info. I offered up was that I go to a Catholic High School in the Bay Area, and that I’m a Sophomore. That is personal info. that could definitely narrow down a search for me, but I have every single one of those points in common with literally thousands of other people. I also don’t have anything to do with TAH on Facebook for the reason that I don’t want anyone looking for a link between TAH and a sophomore at a Catholic High School, finding a profile matching my info., and tracing it back to me. I’m a teen, alright, and I have a lot to learn, but I’m not stupid. I know what should go up and what shouldn’t. What shouldn’t go up is your personal info. like address, email, phone number, hometown, school, the name of any place you hang out at on a regular basis (defined as more than once per week), etc. It is okay to give out some info, though, on your life experiences and a generic geographical region. The Bay Area is a place hundreds of square miles wide, it’s got at minimum a dozen and a half Catholic schools, and nobody’s going to find me. Thanks for the concern, but I’m careful.

Sgt 2iron

I was browsing around and came across this discussion about SV and how many cases of it there are. I didn’t realize it was such a big problem. I guess I just didn’t think that there were so many insecure scumbags out there who have the nerve to try and carry it out. As I was reading the posts the thought came to me that it should be easy to smoke these suckwads out by just asking to see their DD214. Then I had an idea to see if it was possible to buy a blank DD214 on the internet. Sure enough!! They sell them BLANK on several websites. All you need is a credit card. That made me nearly as mad as the posers.
I am an Army Nam vet and I hear lots of guys who claim to have been in country but were not. Most of them are easy to detect just by listening to them. But to actually put on a uniform, a Marine uniform and claim to have been a Seal is just too too much. I served but not as a Seal, Green Beret, Ranger or any of the elite services and never had the inkling to claim I was.


I read HS Sophomore’s post and I think some of you guys walked on him all out of proportion to what he wrote.
I didn’t get that at all from his post.
Of course, my opinion is worth a pisshole in a snowbank..


@48: Thx, you got there before me.

Jake, Airplane! truly has one of the best collections of one-liners and sight gags in any movie ever. We suspect, however, that watching Captain Oveur in the cockpit with the young passenger will probably give you an icky flashback to ex-Principal Mims, so be ready to get creeped out a bit. It’s not the movie’s fault, though. “Surely you can’t be serious!” “I AM serious … and ….”


… and good work getting this clown bounced. Blaming everything and everyone but himself all the way to the bitter end. A-hole.

Mark F

Is it just me, or does anyone else kind of a bad vibe from the superintendent? Maybe it’s just me.


Green Thumb

I forgot about this shitbag.

Another poser with access to kids.

I bet he is hanging out with Reginald Hinson at the latest meeting of the “Fake SEAL and Former Principal Support Group.”