Jack Daniels to give troops a ride home for the holidays again

| November 6, 2013

I get a lot of email asking for your attention and I usually pass on it – but when Jack Daniels speaks to me, I listen. Every year for the last three years they’ve tugged on my ear about their “Operation Ride Home” program. This year they’ve donated $100,000 to the till to get troops home to their families during the upcoming holidays. They claim that in the past two years, they’ve paid for the trips of more than 2,000 Joes and their families to the bosom of their loving families.

Vouchers for plane tickets (averaging $300-400 per person) or $100 pre-paid debit cards to help with gas, lodging and food for each identified service member and dependent will be provided through the campaign based on the service member and his or her family’s individual circumstances.

“For the past two years, we have seen a tremendous outpouring of support to help our nation’s heroes and their families make it home for the holidays,” said Phil Epps, Group Brand Director for Jack Daniel’s. “Every donation, no matter how big or small, helps us reunite these families over the holiday season. For those troops who haven’t seen their families for years, or grandparents who haven’t seen their new grandchildren, there can be no greater present. That’s what Operation Ride Home is all about.”

So, if you have the time and a couple of extra bucks floating around toss a few their way at Operation Ride Home.

Category: Support the troops

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Club Manager

Jack Daniels speaks to you to Jonn? It has been talking to me for years, usually in the morning telling me I consumed too much of it the night before. They get a Sierra-Hotel for this gig. This Jack’s for you.