Eugene Storley; the phony Marine

| November 2, 2013

Eugene Storley

We wrote about Eugene Storley back in June when it was news that he stopped a bank robbery down in Florida. And then we talked about him again when it was discovered that he himself had bombed a bank during his misspent youth. Then we got to wondering if he was even a Marine. Turns out, nope, according to the National Personnel Records Center;

Eugene Storley FOIA

If you’re wondering what Mary used to search for his records, it was his social security number (he uses two, by the way).

Good for him that he stopped a bank robbery, but, that was good enough, he should have stopped right there before his mouth overloaded his ass. I wonder if he’s also a member of the US Veterans MC like those two other phonies that we found in Brevard County.

Category: Phony soldiers

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Is there no end to this fucktardery of poseurs?


Speaking of phony Marines, I asked TSO if he was gonna scope out the sports bar that the toe-sucker Blake hangs out at and say hi.


Excuse me – TWO social security numbers?

Do these people have NO shame?


He went full retard plus…

Just An Old Dog

I got an email confirming another fake, he’s a doozy, hopefully they will forward it here. Yeah another Poser/MC guy in Brevard Co, who would have thunk.


Must be something in the water in Brevard Co.


I swear that a guy I work with is a poser. It’s one of those things where he said he was in the Corps and the first thought I had was ‘bullshit’.

He hasn’t done any stories of daring do, but it could be because he has two sailors and three Marines working nearby.

A Proud Infidel

The STUPID is strong in his breed!

Herbert j Messkit

One for tomorrow already lined up! good god are you running a TOC in your basement with current and future cell battle captains


Another tard for the Ballduster… seems like they’re multiplying like rabbits


Does the Motorcycle Club community breed posers?


B Woodman

#12 Byrd Man
“Does the MC breed posers?”.
They may not breed them, but they sure don’t police ’em.

Combat Historian

Just another liar…

PSR Pete

That depends. Our club requires DD214 and we check it out. Most do, those that don’t are a problem.


Uses two SSN’S? I do believe the Fed’s would be interested in someone fraudulently using a SSN.