Marine stops bank robber
Andy sends us a link to the story about Eugene Storley a 65-year-old former Marine who happened to be behind a bank robber in line at the teller’s window;
From Space Coast Daily;
As [Edward ] Sotelo demanded money, former U.S. Marine and Law Enforcement officer Eugene Storley, who was at the next window, intervened and began fighting the bank robber.
Sotelo threw his gun and ran from the bank before he received any money and no one was hurt. Sotelo was apprehended a few moments later across the street. A short time later, Cocoa’s Police Chief was helping officers search the area and he located Sotelo’s gun.
In addition to the armed robbery charges, Sotelo has been charged with assaulting an elderly person. That’ll make him popular in jail.
Category: Veterans Issues
Jonn: Sotelo wasn’t trying to turn his life around?
@1. SJ: I understand it was on his to-do list but, as it happens, it was the second item on the list. He never got to it. The first item was, “Rob Bank.”
It was pretty cool
What a war fighter!
Well done, Marine!
Amazing how few of these “yoots” actually turn their lives around.
Haha so funny I hope they throw the book at him
Buy that Marine a beer!
I keep telling you guys, don’t mess with us old folks.
Don’t worry PH2, I do my best to avoid those crazy old cat ladies. 😉
Us old people, we ain’t out to impress anyone anymore, we just plain don’t give-a-damn. So don’t piss us off. We don’t have the strength to take you down, so we’ll just shoot to kill.
I used to bank in that building.
It wasn’t a Wells Fargo back then, but the facade hasn’t changed since.
I really can’t imagine why someone would rob that bank. Access is terrible to streets.
But then again, I bet the robber never imagined the guy in the leather vest was a Marine and would kick his butt.
Another genius headed to jail for life and another citizen who deserves great praise.
I just found out a few weeks ago that assault on an elderly person (65+) is a FELONY in Florida.
It may not be a felony in my state, but up here in the woods the penalty can be a death sentence. No appeal when administered by the intended victim. You would be amazed how many of us old coots carry.
BRAVO ZULU Mr. Storley!
You don’t mess with old folks. My father-in-law has more guns than an Infantry Platoon.
If Obama had a son, his name would be Sotelo….
Good job Marine. But that robber could have simply been trying to get a helping hand to turn his life around. Now he’ll have to go back to muggings and purse snatchings. After…her gets ass canned a bunch in jail. Happy, happy, joy, joy at the thought.
Another turd gets a beating…with luck he will be experiencing some PITA prison time and die there so he can’t victimize anyone else…
Says he was a cop, why not give him the credit as a cop? He probably only did 4 years in the marines and that was more than likely 30 -40 years ago in which case all that “high-speed” training would be long forgotten, then he became a cop after. Should be “well done officer”.
How about “well done, sir”? Meanwhile, Sotelo is facing mandatory life? Nice..
[…] Eugene Storley, who is told the media that he was a Marine and stopped a bank robbery in Florida (we talked about him last week) was himself a bank robber in the […]