A History of Lying
There’s a piece up over at American Thinker that should be of interest to TAH followers. In fact, it is the very kind of exposé that TAH is famed for. However, in this case, the lowlife scumbag spinning faux tales of military valor isn’t your typical lowlife scumbag usually found on these pages but a prominent professor and Pulitzer-winning author, Joseph Ellis. The Los Angeles Times published an op-ed hit piece by Ellis wherein he sneeringly attacks the Tea Party and conservatives. M. Catharine Evans, writing at American Thinker, points out that historian Ellis is a demonstrated serial liar regarding his own history and that much of his lying is in regard to Stolen Valor issues, such as serving in combat with the 101st Airborne in Vietnam.
Ellis, who also prevaricates about his high school athletic prowess, was exposed years ago but apparently his demonstrated dishonesty poses no problem for the Times. The liberal left has no problem embracing phony heroes, John Kerry being the poster child proof of that. But can you just imagine the dismissive contempt in the liberal media were a conservative guilty of stolen valor to write such an op-ed attacking a leftist political organization and congressional Democrats?
Joseph Ellis, who told his students about his bloody tour of duty in Vietnam and coming down with “The PTSD” when in fact the prick did his time as a West Point history teacher. I’m sure the Hudson River is exactly like the Mekong Delta…
For anyone interested, this appears to be the 2001 Boston Globe article that busted Ellis the Liar:
Think Ellis needs slapped with the ugly stick a few times. *spit*
He’s a lefty, right? For some of them, lying when it would be easier to tell the truth is just a symptom of their mental illness. For others, lying to infidels is a badge of honor.
I wish I could say I was surprised by some of the comments on that op-ed piece, but then I realized it was the LA Times and I should be surprised that there was anyone pointing out the lies
Some on the left (and sadly, some on the right) don’t give a shit how much someone lies as long as the messenger says what they want to hear. Hence, they’ll forgive any transgression, lack of integrity, etc., in order to keep the message flowing, no matter how much bullshit it might be.
@7 Thank you, I’ve been saying that for a long time. People on both sides of the aisle are inclined to forgive the liars they agree with and hammer the liars they don’t.
I tend to just hammer liars, whether I like their politics is irrelevant. When you have no integrity nothing you say brings value to the argument.
“If you do not tell the truth about yourself you cannot tell it about other people.”
? Virginia Woolf
I am thinking this POS deserves a seed in the next SV tournament. Although he was exposed as a thief long ago, he still meets all the pre-req’s, plus he is still a tool bag, as evidenced by his drivel in the L.A. Times.
In conclusion, fuck this fucking asshole!!
As I commented on the article in question:
It isn’t just Ellis & Kerry. Senator Tom Harkin (D, Iowa) was an air force pilot with an honorable record. Then he decided that that wasn’t enough, which is the mark of the Stolen Valour syndrome. He had been ferrying aircraft from Guam to Vietnam and back, and instead of just saying that, which was a great job and a necessary one, he told folks that he flew combat missions over North Vietnam as a fighter pilot.
His lies helped him get elected and reelected until someone started to dig, then he went through all sorts of anger issues, denial, calling people liars, saying folks fabricated this stuff, until he was finally forced to admit he had lied about his service too.
And yet, he’s still in the Senate. leftists are like that. They have no shame, no integrity, no honour. Conservatives, when they eff up, admit their mistakes and almost always resign, retire, etc. Not so with the left. To them, power is everything and when they are caught up in their own web of deceit, they’ll lash out like a wounded animal to keep what they’ve got.
Elections have consequences, and anyone who gives a damn about our Constitution and our Republic needs to do whatever they legally can to get leftists out of elected office and Conservatives put into those seats.
@10: AW1 Tim, you’re giving Harkins more credit than he deserves. Harkins was a Navy pilot who ferried aircraft from Japan to the Phillippines (NOT Vietnam). As far as I know, Harkins never set foot on Vietnamese soil. He fought his “Vietnam War” from the bawdy houses of Olongapo and Atsugi…
Goes to show how a biased paper will print anything that goes along with their agenda without regard to the credibility of the writer.
Yes, you are correct. I was going on from memory from some years ago. My apologies. I’d blame the drugs I’m on post-surgery, but that’s too easy an out for not fact-checking prior to posting.
Thanks for the correction. Unlike some leftists I know, I’m always willing to take criticism and offer up a mea culpa when the situation warrants it. Like this one. 🙂
This fellow Ellis reminds me of the Churchill quote: “Occasionally he stumbled over the truth, but hastily picked himself up and hurried on as if nothing had happened.
AW1 Tim: I think you can add a certain Senator from Connecticut to that list as well.
Heck, NJ just elected Booker by a margin of 11% even though his imaginary friend was outed as well as his made of story about holding a guy while he died (i.e. lied to get elected). Oh yeah, and how he lives in NY, not NJ.
The left doesn’t give a crap about the truth, honesty or integrity, just power and control.