The SNL lost video
The video that Saturday Night Live removed is back on the internet (I found it at Bits Blog who got it from Sweetness and Light).
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It’s almost too accurate to be funny. But, it’s funny nonetheless.
Sweetness and Light (at the above link) also has another charateristically great post on George Soros’ involvement in the bank melt down. It’s beginning to look like a conspiracy of huge proportions.
Here’s a less funny video but equally accurate (from Ace);
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Category: Politics
OOPS! 2225 hours 10/08/08 and already its killed yet again. Evidently this skit really steps on somebody’s bunnions.
Some redeeming news – Sweetness and Light has the skit script printed so you can at least read it. And then you may understand why some people really want it to disappear.