Who’s Watching the Watchmen?

| September 25, 2013

From Fox News comes a story about a private citizen trying to exercise his 1st amendment rights in support of his 2nd amendment rights. It seems that someone didn’t like his sign…

Jon Gibson, of rural Lake Lincolndale, about 50 miles north of New York City, told FoxNews.com he set up a hunting field camera near the sign, which reads “Protect the Second Amendment,” and features the silhouette of an assault rifle, after two mysteriously vanished.

Imagine his surprise when his trail cam had these images….



Yep, the local Constabulary was taking his signs

“It was pure shock to see,” Gibson said to FoxNews.com about first seeing the video recorded on Monday. “He had a huge smile on his face as he’s kicking down the sign

Now, to be sure, he is having his property re-surveyed to make sure he wasn’t violating any ordinances regarding how close to the right of way he could have a sign but wouldn’t you think the officer would walk up to the house, drop off the sign and let the property owner know why he was taking it down? After taking 3 signs, shouldn’t he be issuing a citation to the perpetrator of such deviant criminal behavior?

Anecdotally, all of the LEO’s that I know are supporters of the 2nd amendment AND support concealed carry laws so I certainly wouldn’t paint all police as gun control advocates but WTH?

Category: Crime, Gun Grabbing Fascists, Guns

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I see the date/time stamp on the trailcam photo. I wonder if it caught the police car number, too? (smile)


In before the requisite cop bashing.

Green Thumb

This IS criminal behavior.

The LEO should be reprimanded.


Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?


Bad apple. I bet this particular cop has other nasty habits, and the other locals know it.


There’s always one that gives the rest a bad name. This guy is probably a badge happy jackass that thinks only the cops should have guns. Hope they fire his ass, but that probably won’t happen.

Jonn Lilyea

It might not be his fault. I saw these the other day and I’m guessing that someone told him to do it.


He is not a cop. He is a dick with a badge.

Big Diff

Club Manager

Received a citizens election complaint about a local cop in Pea Ridge, Ark. taking down 12 of his Vote Against This Tax signs. Belief is the local mayor put him up to it, such is small town politics. We told the citizen to take it to the Prosecuting Attorney since it was not an election board issue. I’ll wager someone in local government told this local cop to do it.

77 11C20

There was a further update on this story where the town supervisor stated the officer was instructed to remove the sign due to it being on town property and there is an ordinance prohibiting any signs, which according to her extends 15 feet from road. Mr. Gibson stated that he has received a letter prior from the town and was having his land surveyed to see if where his property line was.

NR Pax

@2: It’s not bashing when you catch bastards like that in the act.


OK on this one I am going to defend the actions of the police officer:

This is how I see it. Police Officer (name redacted) is the third cousin half removed, brother in law of the sister, that dated the PD dispatchers half retarded uncle. So as you can see, small town politics and nepotism is in paly here.

In addition, the PO has anger mangement problems becuase as a child growing up on a small rural farm in upstate NY, he had to share a bed with 13 brothers and sisters (or as they say up there in those parts – cousins). He never got over that fact that his sibling cousins had to share a bed so small in a single wide trailer.

An aggrevating factor that made his anger management issues spiral out of control was his love of Moutain Dew and Twinkies. When Twinkies went belly up … he lost all control.

Now he believes every sign is an advertisement for Twinkies and he is lashing out at signs becuase he can’t have his Twinkies.

So there you have it. The aforementioned accounts for about half of his bad behavior. The other half of his bad behavior is directly attributed to him being a total DUMB ASS!

2/17 Air Cav

So, I rode the link to Fox and saw another story regarding a video on the Navy Yard shooter. Well, that mess was a tragedy and I am saddened for the victims and their families BUT, amid the sadness, is one Assistant Director in Charge Valerie Parlance of the FBI’s DC field office. I am telling you, she IS Nurse Diesel from the movie High Anxiety. I’m not kidding. It’s amazing. If you don’t believe me, go to about 1:20 on the video. Uncanny.



Two points:

First, with the Reserves pulling a heavy load in OEF and OIF, many municipalities hired whomever they could to provide police services. The chances of a police force being a jobs program, or a political force, i.e. Union, reinforcing a political patron’s politics are fairly decent.

Second, with 4000 laws, state and local laws, regulations that behave as laws, and insurance liabilities – there is literally no way for Gibson to be innocent, and since he is therefore a felon, his right to free speech is infringeable. See also Nakoula, who was solely responsible for the deaths in Benghazi according to Hillary.


Well, DaveO, there you go. You have explained it so much better than any of our pet trolls could!


(But my head still hurts a little.)

Roger in Republic

I thought it was legal to shoot thieves.

A Proud Infidel

I’ve come to know plenty of Law Enforcement Personnel in my life, and to me, the vast majority are folks who want to make an honest living and live up to the oath they took. Also among their numbers are asswipe pricks (Shopping mall Rent-a-Fuzz rejects)that think their badge is a license to bully, bluster, and intimidate whoever they please, and that Ossifer looks like one of the latter!



“See also Nakoula”

Oh, please. Was the administration perhaps eager to cover up the root causes of Benghazi? Sure. Did someone bring his name to the attention of the USPO? Maybe. Did either have anything substantive to do with revoking his supervised release? No.

It’s hard to imagine a case where a supervise releasee convicted of fraud and saddled with restitution of hundreds of thousands of dollars wouldn’t face revocation if the USPO/court found out that he — contra the explicit conditions of release — had been using aliases (plural) and a computer not only to disguise his financial transactions, but also to deceive others. Federal judges are bitchy that way.

“The chances of a police force being a jobs program, or a political force”

Maybe, but it looks like many a donut has passed under the bridge since Officer Waddles was hired.


No warning? No reason to take it down.


4th Amendment case against the police department?


@22. For one thing, the sign is in plain view. For another, it would depend on what the property owner’s survey shows, as to his property line. If the sign is, in fact, within the roadway right of way, the city can do what they want with it.
That said, this alleged cop is an asshole. He should have trotted his fat ass up to the house, informed the homeowner that it appeared he was in violation of the local ordinance, and asked him to remove the sign, or move it onto his own property.


#13, Westchester ain’t upstate and I won’t tell you here where to shove your NYC upstate remarks.


Redirected this to facebook, and my daughter (and I’m gonna look into that, I think they switched her at birth while I was coming out of the gas) said something along the lines of “and maybe he’s had it with stupid people”. She had no clue that it was not about politics (the lefties so often wanna make it politics or personal) asking if I’d feel the same if it was a NAMBLA, Muslim or Obama poster??? WTF. PLEASE. It is theft, by LEO in this case, but theft none the less. If the property line is in dispute and/or city regulations require a certain setback, you would think that a LEO would at LEAST question/inform the owner of that, no? This country is going downhill fast……


@ 13. I was born in NYC, raised in both Bergen and Westchester Counties, own property in Orange, and in contact on a house in Westchester you could never afford.

Oh … One other thing … Clearly you don’t know of or me, can’t recognize satire when it has slapped you in the face like a cold dead fish or a warm set of balls, therefore KISS MY ROYAL IRISH ASS!

Any questions?

Carry on.

Just An Old Dog

There was absolutely no excuse for the hog-jawed destroyer of donuts to not approach the homeowner and talk to him about the sign. Unprofessional. Would have been a hoot if the homeowner had replaced the sign with another one that said “Quit taking my signs officer fat ass.”


#26, I’ll kiss your ass and then you can kiss mine. Your folks have all the money, like to bust on upstate, and are one of the few areas in the state that supported the SAFE act. We’re just poor yokels up here, but at least we don’t support the state taking away our rights. Say hi to Andrew at the next fundraiser while you hand over your donation to the DNC.


Did my sarcasm come through?


How about this? If it’s about a sign where the city’s easement is infringed by a sign, then put up one that is either blank or says “Good Morning Sunshine”, and see what happens.

If it’s simply about the property line, then the sign will still come down. If it’s about something else, then the property owner should demand his property be returned to him or the city compensate him.


@23UpNorth, 22malclave

Plain view has nothing to do with it: a 4th amendment claim would alleged something like the destruction of the sign was a “meaningful interference” with personal property and constitutes a seizure within the meaning of the Fourth Amendment. Of course, there are myriad of ways to style a complaint here (e.g., alleging a 1st and/or 5th Amendment violation), most of which be a waste of a Federal Court’s time.

Green Thumb

Maybe someone should consult Phildo?

I mean, he is a Brevard County Sheriffs Deputy.

His insight could prove valuable.


@ 29 … Stop drinking kerosine. It does not get you drunk.

CI Roller Dude

Almost all law enforcement agencies are hampered by politics. In the town I worked in, it was constant. One of the city council assholes would call the chief or captain and complain about some stupid ass thing….then, we’d get called and have to deal with stupid.
One guy was running for office, and some of the city council folks hated him. So when he put up a big sign on his business with was right on a very busy road. So, dumbass ass captain told us to take the sign down.

I almost got fired when I asked “under what law?”


“Almost all law enforcement agencies are hampered by politics.”

Bah! You ain’t seen nothing until you’ve been to Jericho or Sulphur Springs, Arkansas (or any number of hamlets in between).


Shouldn’t this be a code enforcement issue..it is in Florida


# 13 – Masterchief – screw that guy – I thought your post was awesome – and I spent 8 years living in Ontario County!!!!