Wednesday feel good story

| September 25, 2013

Open Channel D sends us a link from Washington State with our feel good story for today about a former Marine who helped a man turn his life around when the man tried to steal the Marine’s truck at gun point;

“All I heard were gunshots, then I came outside and the man and woman were trying to drive away but the car wouldn’t go,” [Kristen] Hague gets emotional talking about what happened next. She says the male passenger stood up with a weapon.

“Keenan yelled ‘gun’, and he pushed me to the ground to protect me,” said Hague. She says that’s when shots were exchanged. “He did it to protect me. He loves his aunt.”

Hague performed CPR on the suspected thief and put pressure on his bullet wounds, but he did not survive.

The two criminals showed up at the scene in a stolen vehicle and the survivor had felony warrants on her ass, so no tears here.

Category: Feel Good Stories

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NR Pax

My wife’s reaction to the story: “It’s all the fault of Grand Theft Auto V being released.”

Thus the reason I stay with her.


@1: Are you married to Tipper Gore? 🙂


The TRUCK … the TRUCK … will it be OK?

Good job Marine!

NR Pax

@2: Should I have included the /sarc tag? 🙂

Trust me. That woman is so good at acidic commentary, I’ve been stunned.


Nice grouping.
Especially under duress and low light.


Unlike the earlier story of the shitbag ex-Marine who was a crappy robber and even crappier shot, this young hard charger obviously paid attention during his marksmanship training and put rounds on target. Nice job!!!

2/17 Air Cav

I hate local news and the dullards who pose as reporters. And this is a perfect illustration of why. The reporter isn’t reporting the shooting, he’s promising to keep on eye on developments, after suggesting by his question and statements that the shooting was unjustified. Interspersed with his little editorial are some facts. One he omitted that I would have liked to hear is, “Jeez. Will ya just look at that grouping! That Marine is a helluva shot!”


He also employed sound close in personal protection tatics, shouts “gun” while shoving protectee to safety.

Then at close hold delivers rounds on target.

If he planned on going to range this weekend. I say we give him a note!

Wild Bill

2/17 Cav, up here in the Seattle area, the reporters(?) follow the lead of the ruling party that all guns are bad unless some felon is using one to get what he thinks he needs from the hard working people. Since I live about half way between Seattle and Tacoma, I don’t go into lib ville for anything, no parking for my F350 and they don’t want me to carry to protect me and the wife. I don’t have the same problem in Tacoma. I think that the young hard charging Marine did right by this and even the King County Attorney will not file charges, just the local hippies playing reporters have their butt in uproar.


Good for the Marine. The reporter is a poofter.

Did you guys watch the ramen noodle video?

2/17 Air Cav

It’s all over the place, WildBill. I stopped watching local news decades ago when a local TV station ran a mortuary photo of a little girl who had been killed. There was absolutely no need whatsoever to run the photo. A day or two later, I damn near jumped the station manager when I saw him outside of Memorial Stadium. I recognized him from his little 30-second station editorials. Man, I ran up him one side and down the other, cussing him every other word. I still recall it fondly to this day.

Old Trooper

I wonder of the bitch is going to be charged with murder, because her accomplice took the dirt nap?


12 … in most states YES!

2/17 Air Cav

@12. That’s the Felony Murder Rule but it is up to statute (and then the prosecutor) whether it applies to the bad guys left standing. It’s not all felonies, as commonly thought, but usually just the biggies such as burglary, kidnapping, rape, and robbery. Here, it looks like felony attempted theft. Sorry.

Green Thumb

I feel better already.

Roger in Republic

In the local print media, this was reported as a shootout. The owner of the truck caught the perps trying to start his truck when the dead guy pulled a gun and fired on him. He returned fire and killed the thief. The female ran away and was found hiding in the stolen car they arrived in. The cops found her and arrested her on open warrants.
Maple Valley is out in the sticks and has been plagued by Meth fueled crime for a long time. The crooks like it because it rural and the homes are separated from their neighbors in a lot of cases.

An armed felon fires on a trained gunfighter and is killed. Nothing to see here, move along. And yes, the female will most likely face murder charges for her participation in the underlying felony. It is a favorite tactic of our prosecutors in Washington counties.


He obviously wasn’t a pizza box qual.



Well done, Marine!


Wild Bill: yeah I live over in Kitsap county and the county prosecutor has been on a tear trying to shut down the gun range here. And we have the liberal bastion of Bainbridge Island supporting him.


That was me at 19. Oopsie


Double Oopsie. First day of my vacation, and my brain is already turning to mush


Well frickin’ done, Marine!

Anybody hear the first “reporter” say, “…took the law in his own hands …?” And the cops are still grilling him eight hours later? With no sleep? Oh, wait. It’s Washington.