A word about drunk driving

| September 25, 2013

Blanka Highland Falls

I don’t want to sound like a weekend safety briefing, but our buddy, Blanka, an Iraq veteran, pictured above, was struck by an apparently drunk driver the other day. I love Blanka like a sister, so it’s one of the countless things weighing on my mind these last few days, but she sends this message to you from her hospital bed;

I had been walking back to my hotel after visiting a friend in Jersey City, NJ. The last thing I remember was trying to cross the street. An hour later, I woke up underneath a parked car, lost and delirious. After calling several friends, I was able to remember who I came with to Jersey. I called him and asked him to take me back to the hotel, not realizing the seriousness of the situation.

The next morning, I could barely breathe. I was taken by ambulance to the hospital. Final verdict: concussion, whiplash, fractured left ankle, fractured left fibula, broken left radial bone, fractured spine, severely bruised hip and rib cage. I underwent surgery the following Tuesday and will be wrapped up in casts and a wheelchair for several months. I just wanted to warn people of the dangers of drunk driving. I’m guilty of it myself, and learned my lesson after crashing my car into a tree. In this incident, the driver was not found, but the injuries amounted to the verdict of being hit by a car that was in all probability driven by someone severely intoxicated and unwilling to take the charges. Hope you can help me spread the word.

I know Blanka, a frequent visitor and commenter here, will be OK when all of this ends for her. And I know most of you are smart enough to not drink and drive, but think of Blanka, if you’re ever tempted.

Category: Who knows

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Rob in NH

Sparky, HB isn’t scary except during tourist season. That’s why the PD has about 40 PT LEOs. Then throw in some of the shows at HBCB, and the riff-raff that comes for those. Saw a news article about heroin making a comeback. All I could think is people must be stupid to think it ever left! Case and point with the girl that killed 2… And her lowlife friend that enabled her to get the car.


God bless Blanka and all the best for a speedy recovery

First Team!


When I was 7 years old, I was struck on my bike by a hit and run driver…broke my left femur in 2 places and shattered my right foot.

I’m not only lucky to be alive, but fortunate that the Army did not medically disqualify me from service when I went through my ROTC physicals. I had to get a waiver, but thankfully- an empathetic doctor who sensed how badly I wanted to be in the Army rolled the dice and let me go through.

I’ve often wondered how different my life would be if I had been in the hands of a bureaucrat who refused to sign off. 19.5 years later, I’m approaching retirement eligibility and have had a wonderful time serving my country.

But it almost did not come to pass. All the best Blanka…so sorry you have to go through this. Your recovery will be a long one, but stay strong!


Rob–like I said, I lived there for a few months when I first moved here. I work within spitting distance of that place. I have no great burning desire to go there–to crowded, too much crap. It’s like a low-rent version of the Cape.

Just a couple of weeks ago, the Seabrook PD and NH State Troopers put up a DUI checkpoint for what was scheduled to be six hours at the intersection of 1A and 286, but had to shut down after three because they had nailed over 30 people.

Trust me, the drugs that run through that place year-round is staggering. People from CA ask me what it’s like there, and I tell them it’s like Venice, but scummier and seasonal. They get the picture.

Old Tanker


The utility I worked for used to own Palisades Nuclear Plant before selling it to Entergy. We still provide the NDT teams and calibration support but there is a little town, Covert, near there and it’s in/near Allegan county Michigan. Lot’s of meth labs and meth heads there too….what is it about Nuc plants?


Honestly? I think a lot of it might have to do with the “NIMBY” attitude regarding nuke plants. Sure, everyone wants the electricity, nobody wants the power plant in their back yard.

I can think of several examples like that: Turkey Point down in Florida, ANO, Vermont Yankee, and then there are the conventional plants as well.

I also just read a story in the local paper that the “one-pot” meth cookers are (literally) exploding up here.

Just ‘effin great.

Old Tanker

That was somewhat rhetorical. Too bad though, Palisades is in one of the prettiest areas of Michigan…


Blanka, i dont know your employment status, or how much ins you have to cover this, but would you be opposed to donations to assist with the hospital bills?