Vallely; US can’t keep weapons out of hands of al Qaeda in Syria

| September 24, 2013

The Washington Times reports that General Paul Vallely who recent returned from meeting Free Syrian Army commanders in northern Syria last month says that the US cannot keep weapons out of the hands of al Qaeda fighters in that country no matter what they do;

A report from a think tank at the U.S. Military Academy at West Point, N.Y., says the council’s top official, former Syrian armyGen. Salim Idriss, has no real control over rebel units, though Washington is trusting him to keep American arms from extremists.

Second, the council’s fighting group — the Free Syrian Army — operates brigades living and working with the Nusra Front, an al Qaeda-linked terrorist group with about 6,000 members. Sometimes they fight among themselves; sometimes they cooperate.

Reuters news agency reported Friday that two rebel groups, the Raqqah Revolutionary Brigades and God’s Victory Brigade, had abandoned the Free Syrian Army and pledged loyalty to al Qaeda.

But, hey, as with everything else, we have to do “something” even if it blows up in our face, right? And we wouldn’t be the US if we drew lessons from history.

Commanders told Gen. Vallely that they think the CIA-delivered arms will fall into the hands of the “wrong elements” before any reach secular Free Syrian Army brigades in and around Aleppo, Syria’s largest city and economic center.

Well, you know as long as we see something being done – that’s all that matters.

Category: Terror War

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Combat Historian

We should just cut out the middleman and send the weapons directly to AQ; I’m sure that’s what obamao wants, anyway…

2/17 Air Cav

Yeah, when this first came up at TAH in an earlier post, I wondered how they were securely routing the weapons. I guessed that they were using UPS or FedEx. I thought I was joking. I’m not laughing now.

That guy

No. Shit.
And in a decade or two, we’ll be hearing reports that Anti Aircraft missiles are being launched on civilian aircraft flying overhead by various AQ affiliates.
The state department and white house have no idea what they’re doing.


Does the USPS ship to Syria?


@3 – Ya think?

Can’t guarantee that the weapons would stay out of AQ hands?

Holy crap! How much do those clowns get paid to say things like that?

I should go work there. I figure that out in five minutes, the first time it was mentioned.

Hey, folks, this is your tax dollars at work! I’d ask for receipts.


As long as we can keep guns out of the hands of American citizens, we’ll all be safer. “Gun control should obsess us” per the Kommissar in Chief – except for his fellow travelers.


So with this new intell are we going to re-examine how we are doing business and perhaps come up with new TTP’s or are we going to continue on with the status quo, which involves arming our hated enemy??

I am betting on the second COA, just in case anyone was wondering……


Okay, so maybe they will get their mitts on weapons. Doesn’t mean we have to make it easy for them.

Ein Maryak

On par with this administration’s track record in the Middle East ie. arming and supporting malicious factions, anti-American “opposition groups”, and the occasional outright enemy force. All of whom, we can reasonably expect to be using our tax payer paid for weapons against us in the not too distant future .

While stalwart allies, groups that have worked for our interests are basically told to go take a flying leap of off go F%^K-Yourself Mountain!


You know, as long as they promise not to fight against us, just like they did in the 1980s in Ashcanistan, I’m sure the President will hold them to it and give them the arms. Maybe, he made them pinkie swear on it! And, everyone knows that you can’t break a pinkie promise.

Ein Maryak

@ 9

RE:Support for “Moderate Opposition Groups”

Egypt: Continuing arms deals with (at the time current) Muslim Brotherhood Egyptian Government which is essentially the grandfather of many cute and cuddly-community-peace love and rainbow-sprinkles organizations like Hamas, Jaamat-Al-Islamia etc….

See: Libya & Quadafi
Overthrowing a brutal secular nationalist dictator who had been taking active steps to distance himself from WMD program and terror…. In support of a motley crew of Islamo-facists, Al Queda regional affilates, and various other Jihadi self interest groups…..

the list continues…..

A Proud Infidel

It looks like B. Hussein 0bama & Co, while wanting to disarm the law-abiding American public as much as he can, wants to arm any and every drug cartel and terrorist outfit as well as they can. These Syrian “Rebel Militias” don’t seem any different from the ones in Afghanistan after the Soviets withdrew. Many of those groups had no quips or qualms about switching loyalties as they saw fit, and these Syrian groups pledging their alliances to AQ looks no different!


Okay, I’ll take a swipe at this with a theory. Over here on the left hand we have:

Everybody remembers our old pal’s, CODEPink. Right? It was what, 2005ish when they carted 600k to Iraq with the blessings and aid of some fellow traveler Congress critters and handed it over to refugee “aid groups” who’ve since been determined to be affiliated with al qaeda.

I know, I know not likely but follow along any way.

CODEPink goes quiet, no bitching or raising holy cain with this administration they take an extended vacation and weapons are miraculously reaching the “rebels”. What happened to them over that 600k transfer of cash? Nothing, right?

Now over here behind the right hand: We have Putin busy doing his thing, him and his crew jack Obama’s ride, swiping the wheels right out from under it. Obama, goes around flapping at the gums over here saying this thing, then he’s over there saying that thing, ya know, stirring up his low info voters over at DU with talk of cutting off the flow of the federal money pipeline they depend on.

And so, back to CODEPink. What are the chances Putin has the perfect vehicle in that jack wagon group. They got 600k into Iraq, get a free pass on that and next, they are in Egypt and help foment shit to get Morosi out of office and the MB in, THEN?

Wa la, show up in Libya next, helping stir the shit there and somehow avoid being shot doing it one more time. Quadahfi goes down, CODEPink hauls ass then pops up like one of those jack in the box wind up toys. Where? Syria.

Roger in Republic

Barack Obama hates America and will do whatever he can to destroy it. That is the only thing I can think of that makes any sense.

CI Roller Dude

No shit? how many over educated idiots did it take to figure that out?


@13 – Streetsweeper, there’s just one thing: when skerry made his speech about involvment in Syria, shipping guns, etc., the pinksters were in the audience behind him with their red-painted hands raised in the air.

I doubt they have the brains to try to pull off running guns for bodaprez.

Just An Old Dog

This is a Government that has promised to fund their voters with handouts stolen from citizens who voted against them and have let fraud waste and abuse run rampant.
Does anyone really believe that the idiots in this administration are competent enough to ensure that the foreign aid they toss around like candy doesn’t go to the wrong people.
They tell Law abiding Americans they cant have a semi auto rifle or large cap magazine, then they put fully automatic weapons and missions in the hands of terrorists and drug dealers