Friday feel good story

| September 20, 2013

UpNorth sends us a link to today’s feel good story from Tulsa in which we learn that if you’re intent on turning your life around, pick a partner with enough common sense to help you in that regard.

[Police] said [Aaron] Warner and Elbert Hendrickson robbed a man at the Georgetown Motel Thursday. The robbery victim chased after them and caught up with Warner, who police said he tackled and caused to drop the loot from the robbery.

Police said Hendrickson continued running, until he realized Warner had been caught. They said Hendrickson went back and fired several rounds at the robbery victim, but missed him and hit his accomplice instead.

The two stooges fled the scene. Hendrickson dropped Warner at his girfriend’s house and she was supposed to take him to the hospital but Warner died on the way.

Hendrickson, who was captured stowing away in the trunk of someone’s car, has a record of burglary and weapons charges, no word on the deceased, well, except that he’s still dead.

Category: Feel Good Stories

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At least one of these doofi has been removed from the gene pool. (At least, I hope he hasn’t had a chance to breed.)

2/17 Air Cav

Dumb and Dumber. So, the victim got his money bag, one robber is dead, and the other is now to be charged with murder, attempted murder, and robbery–for starters. That’s a helluva day’s work.


Gotta love a happy ending.


Must be something in the water that makes them this dimwitted.

Retired Master

I love these “Feel Good” stories. They work for me!!

B Woodman

#2 2/17 A/C
Except that it’s now, Dumb and Deadest. All in a good day’s work. The Law of Unintended Consequences still hasn’t been repealed.


adios asshole!


scratch 1 bad guy to leach off the system, plus his partner gets to ride it for 3 crimes… That Karma, she would be sooo sued if she was around to be.


One of the best Turning Their Own Lives Around stories ever! If I had kids I’d read it to them as a bedtime story.


My wardrobe is exploding with all of these commemorative t-shirts for the recently departed homies. The only thing left to say is “Fo’ Shizzle!”


Ah, a happy ending to a story. The world has one less punk turd now.