Phony Vietnam vet, “Wayward” Bill Chengelis & cruel irony

| September 16, 2013

Our friends at Weapons Man did a post about our little pot-smoking buddy, “Wayward” Bill Chengelis. You’ll remember that Mr. Wayward cut off the ears of Viet Cong in Germany during the war. Well the folks at Weapons Man found an article about Kevin Grimsinger, a guy we wrote about three years ago when the Denver Post caught him hoodwinking the pot-smokers there with his PTS stories related to his non-service in Afghanistan. In the comments, Mr Wayward chastised Grimsinger for being a phony;

Kevin Grimsinger a fraud. Too bad Kevin.

You got and took kudos. Never yours. Faker.

You spoke for me and other vets besides speaking for the medical cannabis movement. How much free medicine have you taken for your glory?

I probably won’t make it through this if this is published. Another shallow lie. One that is as shallow as you. For shame Kevin, for shame.

We, the military veterans of Colorado and the patients trusted you and you failed us miserably. Huey your dog doesn’t know better. Karma dude, karma.
Peace, Pot, Politics,
Wayward Bill Chengelis
Chairman, US Marijuana Party of Colorado
Public Relations Officer Mile High NORML

Of course, Mr. Wayward has only half-assed apologized for his lies and fraud perpetrated on the pot smokers and veterans in general and he seems less inclined to forgive folks when they hoodwink him. I just thought this bit of irony was particularly tasty.

Category: Phony soldiers

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Veritas Omnia Vincit

Always amusing to see one turd call another turd smelly and unacceptable….both are sh1t and Karma is a harsh mistress.


Yo, Billy! Karma’s a bitch, and she’s in heat.


Rich indeed.


Didn’t we have a phoney do that on here last year?


Sweet Zombie Jesus!


Combat Historian

Phony Vietnam vet calls out and shit-dumps on phony OEF vet…this shit’s just way too funny…


Irony? More like blatant hypocrisy.


(Sigh) If only he would use his ‘powers’ for good.

Green Thumb

These posers are positioning for rank.

Too bad Phildo is at the top.


@8 The only “powers” Bill has is munching through a pallet of Doritos.

For a bunch of folks who are as high as a kite, er, I mean self-medicated and relaxed, they sure are an uptight bunch.

Just an Old Dog

You think that there would be some sort of phony vet brotherhood code, where there wouldn’t be any blue falcons.


Just and Old Dog: IMO, posers like Chegelis and his “buddy” are already Blue Falconing everyone who’s served honorably and honestly. Why would they refrain from BFing each other?