Bear Drops Ditz in the Woods
In one of those eerie coincidences that leaves one looking around suspiciously while the music track from The Twilight Zone echoes in the brain at 2:00 am, I early this morning finished W.E.B. Griffin’s novel, Covert Warriors. What is so eerie is the premise of the storyline that Vladimir Putin is ingeniously attempting to destabilize America’s place in the world order through infiltrating the American president’s intimate inner circle and influencing his behavior as to make him look inept and possibly unbalanced. Published in 2011 and apparently set a few years earlier, the book has a rather abrupt, unresolved, unsatisfactory ending, leading one to believe that there must be a Volume II in the works.
The machinations of the fictional Vlad couldn’t more closely parallel current world political events.
While I’ll stay away from the comparison of mental imbalance, although advanced narcissism is considered a psychiatric disorder, the events of the past few days show solid evidence that Putin has displayed almost Machiavellian skill in manipulating America’s chief community organizer, Little Bo Sheep, into increasingly embarrassing diplomatic and geopolitical missteps that are indeed diminishing this once all-powerful nation in the eyes of the leaders and the peoples of the world. The guy who once famously boasted of bringing a gun to a knife fight seems to have entered this mano-a-mano struggle armed with a flashy political putter while Bad Vlad brought a bear-sized battleaxe. Guess who got cut down to size.
And if you happen to be one of those blindly loyal Obama worshipers who says, “So what?,” you need to take a look at the real geopolitical consequences of a weak and incompetent American president served by equally weak and incompetent secretaries of state. If you think even more daring and challenging moves of this sort aren’t on that big chessboard the Russians view as the world, you’re eminently qualified for low-information voter status. And you can bet the farm that where the Russians boldly tread, the Chinese will inscrutably follow.
Admit it: as a nation, we’re embarrassed. We allowed this incompetent, unqualified pretender to greatness to usurp the seat of power because of a misplaced, loopy sense of hope, racial guilt, and racial healing, and now we are paying the easily predicted price. The chilling truth is that we are locked into three more years of such losses before we can even begin to fight back and try to regain our previous preeminence. As the expression goes, we have shown the world our a**, and they’re not buying him.
Ronald Reagan battled the Soviet bear back through the forests of Eastern Europe and forced it into grumbling, resentful hibernation in its eastern lair. With his ill-advised Russian reset, Obama has freed the bear, and the 21st-century incarnation of that fearsome predator is the Ursus Putinus, who took our clueless ditz of a leader and left him lost in the woods of world power play.
Crossposted at American Thinker
Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden
Red Dawn 3 ?!?!?!
It’s worse than that–not only is HE incompetent, pretty much everyone around him is equally deluded and clueless.
While I’m not all that wild about JFK (when he wasn’t tag-teaming Marilyn Monroe, he was high as a kite) he had some SERIOUS artillery around him in his cabinet, and in his advisors and ambassadors, most notably Adlai Stevenson, who more than any one person, got the Russians to blink during the Cuban Missile Crisis.
Bush might have been called dull-witted (yeah, everyone with TWO Ivy League degrees is a moron, libtards) and a cowboy, but he also 1–surrounded himself with what he considered the best people available, and 2–let them do their jobs. Granted, it didn’t always work out so hot (see: Rumsfeld) but he also wasn’t afraid to take responsibility.
It’s not really so difficult to understand. Those currently in command and control were all steeped in communist philosophy. They are simply implementing the plan which has been in place for 100 years or so.
Don’t really care what they want to be called this week, it’s all the same/same. The destruction of this republic is the goal.
“We allowed this incompetent, unqualified pretender to greatness to usurp the seat of power because of a misplaced, loopy sense of hope, racial guilt, and racial healing, and now we are paying the easily predicted price.”,
I agree with all that, but I think that getting back to a position where this kind of stuff is not part and parcel of our politics will be more difficult than we appreciate. Politics is downstream of culture and the forces that drive our culture (the media, education, etc.) are firmly controlled by the left, which pushes a particular narrative in order to make us (collectively) feel more racial guilt, therapeutic narcissism and support for an entitlement mentality based on misplaced pity and scarcely concealed envy of actual achievers.
Only too easy for someone like “the one” to get elected in such a society, look for someone very much like him to get the Dem nomination in 2016.
Sparky, you mean that you don’t think much of the likes of Jawn F’ing sKerry, Jimmy Clapper, Susie Rice, Sammy Power and Val Jar-Jar Jarrett, just to name a few of the inner circle around Baracka?
I’m waiting for video of the group all arriving at the White House, along Joe Bite-Me, getting out of the clown car.
Poetrooper, you get more and more eloquent each time.
And while I agree that Vlad has skillfully manipulated bodaprez into a corner by his carpe diem grab of skerry’s offhand remark, I just don’t see us going to war with Russia.
If anything, we may go to war — if it ever comes to that — with China/North Korea, with the Russians as our allies.
Stranger things have happened.
I have to write Vlad a fan letter. He may be a pinko Commie, but he is about 28 exponential times smarter than Jarrett’s Manchurian candidate.
And by the way, Poetrooper, your reaction to that novel and current events is as creepazoidal a thing as when I published my first books (about women in the SEALs) and Chuck Hagel announced one week later that he wanted women in all special forces, including the SEALs.
It had that X-Files theme music ringing in my ears.
Hopefully Obama will be the last Democrat elected to the office in the next two generations. This is what happens when Affirmative Action meets the KGB. A clown meets a Bear. The out come of that meeting can be read in the bear’s scat.
I was trying to get a metaphor for Putin and bodaprez, and here it is: kid in a sandbox being watched by a nanny.
Not exactly what I wanted, but close. Or maybe the junior rodeo participant (6 to 8 year olds) who ride sheep, while Daddy rides the bulls.
@9–If Obama is the template for future Democrat presidents, I would hope that’s true as well.
Sadly, there are too many moochers, and they ALL vote. And vote. And vote.
Oh Mercy! Someone over at has printed an “unedited” version of Putin’s NYT editorial, which is hilarious.
#11, That makes me wonder why there aren’t enough non-moochers out there voting.
Putin didn’t have to be all that skillful. All he had to do (which no one else has) is call his bluff. He knew if he backed him up publicly that any bone he threw out O and his coterie would sit up with their tongues hanging out and beg for shamelessly.
Unfortunately, you do have to have skill when calling someone’s bluff or it can bite you on the ass, hard. Obama like POE says or indicates in his article, possesses no skills other than reading from a teleprompter running his mouth. When things are not going his way, he gets high pitched and switches to community agitator mode at the drop of a hat pin. Too much of the white guilt fueled, low info voters and feel good artists combined with other voters who knew better and sat on their asses helped bring this change to our doorstep.
Any President worth his weight in anything would have responded to that alpha op ed with some of this:
1. Georgia 2008
2. Who begets terrorism? Where did our Boston bombers come from? What, they were Chechen? Nice work, Vlad.
3. America isn’t exceptional? Sour grapes, jackwagon. We’re in ur Red October, being all quiet. But seriously, since we won the Cold War, at the bare minimum, either we’re exceptional or Russians are unexceptional.
In other words, a rejoinder worthy of a be-testicled President would be, “because America and eff you, that’s why.”
I’ve never been as down on our Prez as others, but letting your administration get wholly owned by someone only marginally better than Assad on a global scale is shameful, just shameful.