Voting present on Syria

| September 1, 2013

It seems that even after Secretary of State John Kerry’s breathless demand for action in Syria in response to the apparent use of chemical weapons by the Assad government against rebels, the President has passed off responsibility for any military response to Congress. According to the New York Times;

In one of the riskiest gambles of his presidency, Mr. Obama effectively dared lawmakers to either stand by him or, as he put it, allow President Bashar al-Assad of Syria to get away with murdering children with unconventional weapons. By asking them to take a stand, Mr. Obama tried to break out of the isolation of the last week as he confronted taking action without the support of the United Nations, Congress, the public or Britain, a usually reliable partner in such international operations.

“I’m prepared to give that order,” Mr. Obama said in a hurriedly organized appearance in the Rose Garden as American destroyers armed with Tomahawk missiles waited in the Mediterranean Sea. “But having made my decision as commander in chief based on what I am convinced is our national security interests, I’m also mindful that I’m the president of the world’s oldest constitutional democracy.”

Yeah, a risky gamble to hand off the decision to Congress. If the president is so convinced that there’s an actual national security threat, as commander-in-chief, it’s his responsibility to take action – in fact the constitution demands that he take action and the War Powers Act gives him the authority. But, apparently, polling tells him that it would be unpopular for him to take action.

An actual leader would present his case to the American public and sway popular opinion to his side, but then no one has ever called Obama a leader, well, except him. Of course, the Washington Post blames Bush for Obama’s indecision;

Ten years ago, Bush urged the American public, the Congress and the international community to believe intelligence assessments that Saddam Hussein’s government possessed weapons of mass destruction — a claim later proved wrong.

Now Obama is holding Syrian President Bashar Assad responsible for a reported chemical weapons attack and saying that justifies military action against his the Damascus government. But there are doubts about whether the evidence is convincing.

“The well of public opinion was well and truly poisoned by the Iraq episode and we need to understand the public skepticism,” British Prime Minister David Cameron said…

Yeah, well, I think most Americans know that Hussein had weapons of mass destruction, you know, like the 500 tons of yellowcake uranium that we shipped from Iraq to Canada, and many of the chemical weapons we’re seeing in Syria came from Iraq in the weeks leading up to the removal of Hussein from his throne. Most of the world was convinced that Hussein had chemical weapons since he’d used them twice against the Kurds and countless times against Iran in that war. I can’t believe that I’m still pointing all of that out – that the anti-Bush crowd are still denying the obvious.

The only reason any well is poisoned is that this administration, and the Cameron coalition, can’t prove a national security interest in attacking Syria to merely punish the Assad regime with no real effect on the civil war there. Either there is a provable national security interest, or there isn’t. And what will victory in Syria look like when we punish them? How will we know they’ve learned their lesson?

Fox News is reporting that the Obama Administration is poised to take military action in spite of how Congress votes;

One senior State Department official, though, told Fox News that the president’s goal to take military action will indeed be carried out, regardless of whether Congress votes to approve the use of force.

Other senior administration officials said Obama is merely leaving the door open to that possibility. They say he would prefer that Congress approve a military attack on the Assad regime, in response to its alleged use of chemical weapons, and will wait to see what Congress does before making any final decisions on authorizing military force.

So, basically, the Obama Administration is just hoping that Congress is willing to share the blame with him when his military action/punishment backfires.

Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Terror War

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A more than odd argument it would seem. The whole idea behind the War Powers Act was to give some wiggle room if needed because of the exigency of an attack. His statement that the target will be there next week and next month rather nullifies any need to hurry, doesn’t it?

No mixed signals here! Does he want Congress to support him or to deny him? Does he even know what he wants? Or why I should care what he wants??


My Lovely Bride commented, “Obama figures that if he waits long enough, the problem will go away.”

We’re such lucky we got rid of that clueless cowboy and don’t have Sarah Palin in office. Imagine the embarrassment!

AW1 Tim

I have been relentless in my support for NO military intervention in Syria. It’s put me into some interesting relationships, politically, this past week.

What’s fascinating is that some of the ardent “peaceniks” with whom I’ve clashed over the years have finally begun to understand the situation in Syria, and to even “gasp!” start to question their messiah in the White House.

It’s truly a sad state of affairs when an ardent constitutionalist like me starts to think that these United States would be better off under the leadership of Vladamir Putin, as opposed to the rank amateur and his clown posse we are currently saddled with.


If congress says no, Barry will go into his child mode; see I tried but they would not let me, it isn’t my fault, the republicans stopped me etc.
Standard practice for him, blame others for his problems.

Old Trooper

@4: Yeah that


You see, going from being a slacker and a dilettante to being someone who makes truly important decisions is a rough row to hoe.

Bodaprez has had, literally, decades of practice at being a slacker, sucking up tax money through his paycheck with no real-world consequences.

Now he’s expected to perform. And if he makes the wrong move, he might get into trouble and people won’t like him any more.

I have to stop here, because I can’t do this without giggling.


In reference to the Syrian governments use of chemical weapons against civilians, “what difference does it make”?


Baracka said, among other things, ” based on what I am convinced is our national security interests”. What, exactly, are those “national security interests”? Becoming the Al Qaeda Air Force is in our national interest?


See, it’s that phrase right there: ‘based on what I am convinced is our national security interests’.

I’m not as easily persuaded or ‘convinced’ as he is, that there is any reason at all to go into Syria, because, as I posted elsewhere (open thread) I made a note in 7/21/2012, that ‘the Syrian government may fall soon. If so, Russia loses a big arms market’. It’s been a little over a year now, Hassad’s government is still in place, and I am personally more convinced than ever that he’s not behind it and the AQs are.


The only coalition here is Obama and the New York Times.

Roger in Republic

I firmly believe every word the President has spoken on Syria. Just like I believe that the American ambassador to Libya was killed as a result of some cheesy video. Just like I believe the IRS scandal was hatched by rouge agents in Cincinnati. Just like the NSA does not spy on American citizens phones and computers. Obama is a lying liar.

CC Senor

If Obummer is really determined to get us into a war, why can’t it be over something important to our security? Like this, for instance:

Roger in Republic

I think he would have a better shot at invading Mexico than trying to punish Syria. Mexico and their Cartels are a bigger threat to our national security than a weakened Syria wracked by civil war. Mexico is flooding over our borders with armed drug smugglers and tax sucking, uneducated slave laborers. We have no way of telling who is in the invasion force, hell, we can’t even count them. I’d rather we occupied mexico from the border down 200 miles as a buffer. Chase the Mexicans out and then build a fence. An offensive fence rather than a defensive one. Is this a crazy proposal? Yes, but no more crazy than the one Obozo is setting forth. His means killing people who are too busy killing each other to be much of a threat to us.

77 11C20

As the weeks since the use of gas the president was stuck with his red line, a dubious comment, now said to be off the cuff, now without the support of anyone except the French, who have the recent habit of fighting to the last Legionnaire.

By putting it to congress for approval and they give the president authorization for force and things go into the crapper it will be their fault not his. If they say no he won’t do anything and blame them again. Either way its their fault not his.

Also, if the Arab league wants Syria punished so bad try using all that military equipment they have been buying to destroy Israel.


Well, the Syrians think Bodaprez is an idiot, too.

See? Now, he’s painted himself into a corner, and he can’t take his balls and go home. Can he?

No. He can’t.


No, Jonn, the War Powers Act does NOT, in any way authorize the executive branch to use military action against Syria. It only allows such force a matter of imminent danger to the US, the military, or its citizens.

Syria is in no way a source of imminent danger, hence any military action DOES require Congressional approval.

That may not be the reason he’s asking for Congressional authorization. It may very well be that he’s trying to pass the buck, but he ABSOLUTELY should be asking for approval before he commits Our Troops to combat action.


OK, TN, but if he does not get approval, what then? There is no threat to us from Syria at this point.

And I don’t care if the Arab states want outsiders to fire on Syria:

I do care that it appears we’re about to be dragged into someone else’s war whether we want it or not. However, I do care that this so-called president seems to be just itching to prove himself at our expense.

So, again, if he doesn’t get approval from Congress or agreement from the UN, does he just bypass/ignore all of that and run roughshod over Syria? And for what purpose?


Aw, come on, PH! You know the answer to that one – because he WANTS to. Nothing else matters. How DARE you question anything he WANTS!


OWB, finally, a good laugh out of this mess! Thank you! 🙂