Kokesh rots in jail

| August 30, 2013

One of our good friends sent us a link to the Washington Post which announces that Judge Patricia A. Broderick has denied bond for IVAW member Adam Kokesh yet again citing the fact that he violated a bond on previous arrest a few weeks before his latest arrest.

Kokesh, 31, has been jailed since his July 25 arrest, after he posted a 23-second video on YouTube of himself apparently loading a shotgun in Freedom Plaza on July 4.

He requested a change in his no-bond status during a hearing Aug 13.

In her ruling, Broderick also cited that Kokesh had no verifiable employment and authorities found several weapons and illegal drugs inside his Herndon home.

I guess being an itinerant hippie has it’s down side. The DCist reports that whoever is keeping Kokesh’s Facebook page assures us that Kokesh is in “high spirits”.

Category: Iraq Veterans Against the War, Shitbags

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Awww – did widdle Adam’s temper tantwum get him put in time-out?

It’s about damn time. He’s been getting a pass on this kind of crap for way too long.

A Proud Infidel

I wonder how often Bubba & Thor have had a ball with his ass?

Frankly Opinionated

Love it. Dipshit thinks that he can walk all over laws, traditions, and the rule of life. Must suck to be the jailbird.


And yet Psulie still breathes free air, strutting around in his spandex…

Just in case anyone was confused, I’m not saying either of these douchetools should be outside jail anytime soon–only wondering why only one is getting the assplowing by Bubba.


Maybe he and Chelsea Manning can hook up. They can sit and whine together about how unfair the system is. Traitorous bitches.


He’s in high spirits? What the hell? Somebody sneaking weed to him or what? Hehe.

Green Thumb

This is a nice way to start the day!


@7 Agreed!!!


He can stay there and be forgotten, as far as I’m concerned.


streetsweeper: maybe he just really enjoys his cellmate’s company . . . .


Adam who?


And once again, Master Chief nails it with the fewest words possible.



Guess he is realizing that the gun thing is not as popular or forgivable with the authorities as his anti-war antics. I bet he is shocked to still be in jail after his previous experiences.


Of course he’s in high spirits. He’s got a roof over his head, three hots and a cot. That’s better than some WORKING people have!


When I was in the Marines, I was routing some paper work from the Maintenance Officer to the Maintenance Chief (one of the privileges of a Marine 6046. AZ for you Navy folks) The paperwork dealt with a repeat sh*tbird and his upcoming receipt of Private 3rd award.

When MSgt saw the package with the kids name on it, he said to me “Hey, Byrdman for comments can I just write f*ck this kid?”

So in the words of MSgt Beauchamp, I say, concerning Kokesh…

F*ck this kid.