Peaceful George… Another Son of Obama

| August 28, 2013

Here we go again with another unprovoked attack on a white senior citizen by a Son of Obama, this time in that bastion of entrenched conservatism, Connecticut. According to New Haven police, a 71-year-old white man who had just attended a mayoral campaign political rally was sitting on a bench in Goffe Street Park eating a post-rally hamburger when he was approached by Jorge de la Paz, 35. Don’t let that Spanish appellation mislead you –Jorge, as his subsequent actions demonstrated, is a member in good standing of the black thugocracy.

The police say Jorge approached the white senior and demanded that he leave the park, telling the old guy that, “He shouldn’t be in his park where young black kids are playing.” When the obstinate old coot stood his ground, he promptly got pounded into it by Jorge who reportedly smacked the surly septuagenarian several times in the face knocking him to the ground, according to multiple witnesses. Jorge then allegedly threatened to go get a gun, a witness reported.

Jorge, demonstrating the usual mental acuity of a Son of Obama, hung around following the assault and only jack-rabbited when the police arrived. When he was apprehended he was reportedly well-prepared for further martial engagement. Police confiscated a 9mm Sig Sauer P239, a magazine containing five hollow-point rounds, a set of brass knuckles, and two voter registration cards in his name. It would seem all those draconian gun control laws they have in Connecticut really made an impression on Citizen Jorge, who is a convicted felon pending trial on charges of illegal possession of a firearm in a vehicle and numerous drug violations. Yep, those strict gun laws really work, don’t they?

You have to give grudging credit to Citizen Jorge, who is apparently such a devoted Son of Obama that he not only whupped that old cracka who dared come into a black park but he so admires the Black Messiah that he availed himself of the means to vote for him twice. Jorge de la Paz, which, by the way, means George of the Peace, or more colloquially, Peaceful George, will probably organize the other Sons of Obama sharing the slammer with him into a real voter bloc with voting capabilities far beyond their actual numbers.

Is this a great country or what?

Crossposted at American Thinker

Category: Crime

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These thugs need to watch themselves and quit fuggin’ with older folks. The “Greatest Generation” aren’t known to suffer fools too easily. Elderly folks are likely to start packin’ heat, and we’ll start getting “Feel Good” stories for every day of the week.


Revs Jessie and Al to the white courtesy phone please.


Son of Obama…like it so much, I’ve resorted to using it whenever I can remember too. Just saying. :d


Looks like there are a few other problems up there in that “worker’s paradise” New Haven, CT:


“Thugocracy.” I like that. Consider it stolen.


Okay, old folks…time to pay attention. You’re the point they are going to be making for awhile.

Time to start packing heat. It’s more fun to sit in the slammer than lay in a hospital bed. Cheaper, too.


So, how is the elderly gentleman?

And may Jorge find himself on the receiving end of what he got, when he’s pimpled out in jail.

Jim S

New Haven – What a Sh!t hole… actually that’s pretty much all of CT now.


Of course the thug is saying that the elderly gentleman started the fight and he was just defending himself.


He may get more than that, Ex-PH2. Some of the old guys in that part of the country reputedly know people in, shall we say, “nonstandard family businesses”.

Jorge might want to hope that this old guy doesn’t.

I kinda hope he does. But that’s just me.


Peaceful George indeed …


Link’s not working for me, Poetrooper.


@9–I heard that the old guy was trying to sell him crack.

New Haven. What a friggin joke. If I get a flat on I-91 or I-95 I’ll burn the rims off before I stop.


Another “Creepy Ass Cracka” no doubt.


They must have put the picture back. When I went to the page just now, there he was in all his thuggish glory.


I live in Connecticut and hate every minute of it.

Roger in Republic

Perhaps it is time to revive the Gray Panthers. Armed groups of harmless looking senior citizens, wandering around dispensing speedy justice.


I’m a white woman but I went to college at an HBCU in the early 90s. Enjoyed it – 15 years later went back and worked there in the IT dept for several years.

I wouldn’t go to an HBCU nowadays that’s for sure.

Charles Martel

Maybe Jorge is a black-hispanic


This guy sounds like a model Democrat. Votes early and often every election. Ignores the laws meant to be followed only by law abiding citizens. I bet he doesn’t even pay his taxes like a good Democrat, either.

Personally, I think this little wannabe thug should be shown what a good old fashioned can of whoopass tastes like, served raw in jail.

My only complain is that now he is not only a burden on society, but society will be paying for his room and board, too.


Wish that sack of offal would’ve tried that with me. My friends, Mr. Heckler and Mr. Koch, would’ve made a .45ACP impression upon his dull mind.

defensor fortisimo

Obviously it was the old man’s fault for not realizing the park was segregated.

Just an Old Dog

What’s really Ironic is that the victim had just attended an event supporting An African American Female Democratic Mayoral Candidate Tori Harp.
I feel sorry for the victim, but I think he was naive in thinking his liberal leanings would let him sit unmolested in an area with a high thug population.

A Proud Infidel

Just let some punk like that try that with me or any of my family, I’ll call on my 1911 and empty mag after mag into him until I’m out of ammo or he quits twitching!! Better to be judged by twelve than carried by six!!


I’m a budding senior citizen that never travels without mi amigo señor Colt, model 1911. Just curious, since Jorge had 2 voter id’s, would I not be justified in 1 round per name?

A Proud Infidel

SFC D, I think one MAG per name would be appropriate!

B Woodman

Messers Smith and Wesson travel with me everywhere.


So, old white guys are dangerous child molesters or something? Notice how Al Sharpton and Jesse are stone quiet on this one.

Combat Historian

@25: As they say, “a conservative is a liberal who had been mugged”. Hopefully, this older gentleman will reflect on this and see the light and adopt a more “realistic” political philosophy…


@31, the quote is a neo-con is a liberal that has been mugged by reality.

i think neo-con is what they are calling constitutional conservatives now. we might still be libertarians too, i cant keep up with the label changes

Combat Historian

@32: For a long time, Neo-Cons have been tagged as conservatives who believe in foreign military intervention to bring about democratic change in other countries (i.e. Iraq). I think that definition of neo-cons is still current, but I may be wrong…


who knows, ive never been a big fan of the titles placed on right wing groups. ive been called a neo-con (almost like it was an insult) a libertarian, and even a nazi (dont know how that works, im not a socialist and dont give 2 shits about race). i classify myself as a constitutional conservative. i dont buy into the living breathing document idea, but think the founding fathers had a pretty good idea what they were doing when they wrote and signed the thing.