Duffel Blog: US Military Deploys Two Airsoft Battalions To Syria For ‘Operation: Softening Blow’

| August 27, 2013

Our buddy, Strike FO, writes at Duffel Blog about the Obama Administration’s new strategy for our intervention in Syria;

US Military Deploys Two Airsoft Battalions To Syria For ‘Operation: Softening Blow’ (via http://www.duffelblog.com)

DAMASCUS — The U.S. military took an unusual move Tuesday with the deployment of two battalions of amateur airsoft players to the Syrian capital, in an attempt to depose Bashar al-Assad, or at a bare minimum, just look like they are at least doing…

Category: Satire

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Absolutely priceless.


best use for those airshiters, I mean airsofters.

yes I know it’s the Duffle Blog, but I stand by my statement.


And the airsoft foolishness has inundated eBay. You can’t look up anything in the military and gun sections without having to wade through pages and pages of their garbage. I wish eBay would give them their own catagory.


Now THAT was a funny story. “Since most of their parents bought their equipment, they’re also better outfitted than Delta Force and SEAL Team 6.”




Created a appropriate meme to accompany this article.



Well, are they getting deployment pay? Is this going to cost us some extra tax money?

I think I’d have more faith in their ability to win one for the Dripper if they were on roller blades or had scooters or something.

Club Manager

Did you airbrush out the required red plastic tips on the muzzle of each weapon?

Green Thumb

Did someone alert Angel Gomez?


Without a doubt, the most coherent, astute foreign policy decision this administration has made to date.

Wx Guy

That was good – almost priceless! I’ve never been an airsofter (my son did when he was about 12) but I did drive by a Holiday Inn express on my way home.

Just an Old Dog

They could probably get a squad or two from the airsoft posers busted on here.


currently en route to the conflict zone via an extremely short C-130 airbus.

The wheels on the plane go round and round…

A Proud Infidel

Did their Mommies pack them an extra peanut butter sandwich for later on?


“unarmed aerial drones that will only beam back video footage that everyone can laugh at later.” Damn, I’m laughing now. Priceless.


Something stolen valor creepers could go do.

Combat Historian

Hehehehe…hope the airsoft troopers are trained-up on and issued JLIST and mask; they’re gonna need it when they hit the LZ running…