Kissing Bobby Dias; storytelling phony
Apparently, because her website was POW Network, Mary got this little tale told by an idiot by the name of Robert Anthony Dias who thought he was adding to the oral history of Vietnam veterans (reprinted just the way he wrote it);
In 1967 I was stationed on the USS Paul Revere, stationed of the coast of Vietnam- we took soldiers onto the ship for rest and put them back a few days later in our small landing craft. A part of my duties was asked of me by President Johnson- run around south-east asia in a helicopter assigned to me(I did not do the piloting)to meet and greet leaders and whoever I thought would help the US. I was in Hanoi with General Thang of the army of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam(north)at the Hanoi city jail(big sign on the one building said,in english, “Hanoi City Jail”. Seeing one prisoner behaving so badly that I said to Tang that the prisoner was a “mad dog”. I turned to Thang and said “Do you have a human being I could take back with me?”. He said back to me: “The war is ending and we will be one country,right”. I said: “Yes, everybody is working on it”. A twinkle came to his eye and he said “I have an angel for you”, he motioned to me to follow him down a hall and looked back to me to say “Two angels”. Thang and the jailer brought out two Americans. Me, an E-3, was a little unnerved to motion to these POWs to follow me. I had been ordering admirals and general in changing how to fight the war but these two were very important to me- they had earned much respect from me- more than the fancy admirals and generals. I took them to the helicopter, a ornate four-seater. Pilot,co-pilot and I and the two Americans crowded in. The pilot and co-pilot laughed at me for coming out with something nobody had done before in Vietnam and TWO of them!
When we got back to the aircraft carrier(I called ahead and said I had a surprise)there were alot of officers on deck to greet us. As if they had never been away for long they saluted and asked for permission to come aboard. One got down and kissed the deck. I had not eaten that day(4 pm already) so I left without even asking their names- do you know and can you please tell me their names? It was a very special event to me. A very special event to many people.
Robert Anthony Dias,
Seaman USNR
aka Kissing Bobby
Yeah, Kissing Bobby is a moron. The President gave him a helicopter at the end of the war? And I’m pretty sure that the president at the end of the war was Richard Nixon, but my memory may be faulty on that point. But the National Personnel Records Center says “Who?”
Dingus Bobby, stfu.
Category: Phony soldiers
reminds me of the time president Regan gave me a flying saucer out of Area-51 to intercept the aliens from one of the moons of Jupiter. I accepted the assignment knowing that only I could save the world. Intercepted them and must of shot down at least 2000 of them before they gave up. Records were burnt up in the St. Louis fire so no record of it there and besides it was a secret mission so the records were sealed. Thanks for listening, Nurse Rachett said i have to get back on the ward now.
My god! What a hero! I salute you sir! What a heroic tale!
Wow… reminds me of this one time on Moon Base Alpha, the damned Klingons had been acting up again and I was sent out on my private shuttle assigned to me by Ronnie ray Gun…
Hey, I can beat his story any time any place. So can everyone else here.
It was dark, and it was raining. We were on the edge of this cornfield near the place where the mob buried those two guys down in Joliet, when the air twinkled and whined and somed blonde guy with a nail gun appeared out of nowhere, in the company of a skinny guy with pointy ears and another guy who was grousing loudly about the transporter, whatever that is. Now, since I don’t believe in leprechauns or unicorns, I assumed they were space aliens and the Earth was under attack, but they assured me they were only in the wrong time zone. They were supposed to be some place in California. The blond guy kept calling the grumpy guy Bones, and the pointy-eared guy said everything was illogical. Then the air twinkled and whined again and more space aliens appeared out of nowhere.
I went home and told my Mom and she said I should stop making up stories about aliens in the cornfield, and gave me a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.
It was not any ordinary helicopter, it was an “ornate” helicopter … Not to the “fancy” of the admirals and generals he was bossing around.
1. Creative Writing 101 class late in life to describe wonderful experiences and joyous travels throught NV.
2. The fact that he is really looking for these two POW’s.
Guess I will have to stop telling those stories about how I went into the jungle and wrestled tigers for the amusement of the villagers and played pass with the rock apes.
Yeah, I was an E-1 straight out of OSUT when President Carter directed me in a TS-SCI message issued through the NSC to be his personal envoy to the Ayatollah Khomeini to resolve the just-developing Tehran hostage crisis. I did my best trying to resolve the crisis after secretly flying to Tehran on Air Force 2, but to no avail. Because I failed in my mission, I was not immediately promoted to O-6 as was promised by the President, and all personnel records in my OMPF related to this mission was immediately destroyed by the CIA and NSA, in coordination with the ASA and the DIA…
Did Bobby eat paint chips as a child??
That would explain alot. Lol
I remember when President Reagan pulled me out of 8th grade and sent me on a super secret mission to Argentina to assasinate Elvis.
#7 CH-
You stole that from Ross Perot’s bio, didn’t you??
@10: Nope, Ross Perot stole it from MY bio 🙂
Dude seems legit, it reminds me when I was asked personally by president George Bush to do a 50,000 feet HALO jump to snipe Hitler who was in Argentina, trick is I had to take the 1.5 miles shot in the mid air because I had to catch the passing blue angel with an outside seat by cutting my parachute at the right time and landing on it, strap up and then finish the air show …
Yep yep … totally legit
Well I guess none of you all know about the secret Ranger Moonbase………..
Dang right you don’t, that place is Top Secret!
Guess the point of my story is…… you never know………..(sarcasm)
Like the old farmer said,” The shit can stay, but the Bull has to go”.
So does this mean that the firewall between TAH and the Duffel Blog has finally disappeared? Because that’s the only way this makes sense.
I actually lost 50 IQ points reading this “story” and now I have to wear a drool cup wherever I go. Thanks a lot, Jonn! 🙁
There I was, upside down, in an inverted flat spin at fortyone thousand feet. All of the controls were frozen and the altimeter was unwinding so fast that my eyeballs came uncaged.
I had just tangled with eight Mig-21’s and splashed six of them with laser guided missiles. All was lost, it was time to hit the silk. I grabbed the handle and pulled for all I was worth. Nothing happened. I pulled it again and it broke off in my hand. The earth was rushing at me and I knew I was dead. I woke up in a cold sweat. It was over. It was the worst nightmare of my life. I have that dream every night but I never get used to it. I must have caught the PSD during my 2 months of service as a casual while awaiting my BC discharge from Boot camp.
Holy mental health issues, Batman!
This guy is so far out of it I almost…but not…feel sorry for him. Someone needs to cancel his subscription to Saga Magazine.
There I was, up to my chin in grenade pins. The two Geisha girls in the foxhole with me were too afraid to go back for more grenades so I fixed my bayonet and…to be continued.
I Believe him, but what he doesn’t tell us is that he was the back up for a Navy lieutenant that was off in Paris negotiating peace treaties with the North Vietnamese. A true hero the LT was. It was supposed to be Bobby in Paris, but Bobby didn’t have the requisite 3 PH and was stuck in country until he got them. Color both of us pissed.
Posting something like this on POW net?
If he wasn’t goofing on them he’s a complete turd for certain….if he was goofing on them it’s in poor taste at best.
B Cousins: you forgot the “No sh!t – ” before the “There I was, up to my chin in grenade pins . . . . ” (smile)
This prickless dope must have never ever served. Even the most basic of GIs would know that you would have to be at least a corporal to order generals and colonels around, and an E-5 buck sgt. to be able to access Ho himself. But, there he was, an E-3 having the best of the best in ornate helicopters, (capacity 4), at his disposal.
Sounds every bit as legit as M/Sgt Soup Sandwich’s uniform looks.
One question, LSD or PCP?
No not that it was lead based paint chips and a tad bit of agent orange.
I remember this one time, at band camp….
@23: Why does it have to be “or?”
@21 he also forgot the Obligatory “hold my beer”!!
“1967” ? At the end of the war? This is a new level of stupid.
I’m always confused which articles I am reading are from the duffle blog. I just realized that this one isn’t.
I’d guess that John Giduck flew in an ornate four seater helicopter once too. Just ask him….
POW Network should have replied and said, “Sure we know who those men were, one was CAPT Jim Youradamnliargokillyourself and the other was MAJ Joe Whoareyoutryingtosellthisbullshitto”.
“I had been ordering admirals and general in changing how to fight”
Lost it there.
General Thang’s first name was Wild. He thought he loved him…but Wild Thang was married to Sweet.
THERE I WAS, manning my Draeger Plasma Gun in the door during one of the Apollo Missions when eight Zygorpian ships decloaked and strafed us. Had I not dismounted and space walked while firing, all would have been lost!! I’m not even wearing my tinfoil hat right now, and * PZZZT!*
Oooooh, look! Something shiny!!
Tragically enough, this shows how the military has declined. Today’s E-3 can barely manage to operate a mop correctly.
Can’t even figure out where to begin with this one. Bloody mess.
OK, thanks to you guys here, I just got “chewed out” for laughing too hard at work. “Just cuz it’s half an hour before quitting time, there is no excuse for me to me having this much fun”
A cursory search lead me here. After reading a weird review about a Ricky Nelson television movie, I decided to Goggle the person who wrote it (Bobby Dias, natch) because it was just too out there to not know if the author has written more weirdness. I wasn’t disappointed. I’m fairly certain secret agent Bobby D. is the same guy who maintains the WordPress link below (the story above is there I believe) and also made out with Diana Ross and was a close personal friend of Martin Luther King, Jr., LBJ, Elvis and even sang with Louis Armstrong. He also wrote a billion songs and has sold 350 million albums. Yup.
The only service this clown saw was a as Phildo’s mansauce repository.
Why does this story sound familiar? Wasn’t there another poseur du-jour a couple of months ago with the same helo’ing around Vietnam for Johnson story?
Yes indeed Bobby was a very busy man. With all these adventures hes had i be willing to bet that Bobby Dias is an alias. Um huh.