Chelsea Manning

| August 22, 2013

Yes, we put up with a lot of abuse here because we referred to the traitor known in most media sources as Bradley Manning as Breanna. After we discovered that Manning had told his commander that he’d rather be known around as “Breanna”, we here at TAH, were the only people adhering to his wish. People who only half-assed kept up with the facts of the case criticized us and said we were homophobic (I’m personally not scared of gay people so I don’t understand that term). Now that she has decided that she wants to change her name to Chelsea and engage in sexual reassignment surgery, we’ll support that decision and call her whatever she wants to be called, because we’re not scared of gay people;

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It’s nice that the rest of the planet has caught up with the forward-thinking crowd at TAH. He’s still a shitbag.

Category: Shitbags

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SHE’s still a shitbag. Get it right!


FrostyCWO: personally, I prefer “he/she/it” at this point.

Kinda like saying it, too. I find it very descriptive of the little sh!t Manning – in a Southern-drawl kinda way. (smile)


What a shitty stripper name.


And who is going to pay for that thing to get his/her sex change, the tax payers. Unless the military has some real good health insurance.

Combat Historian

chelsea? I liked “breanna” better…


hope here new roommate is happy


Chelsea? Does he/she have the cankles to be a Clinton?


He/she/it can call itself whatever it wants to. I don’t give a crap. But the sex reassignment? Not on my tax dollars. Wait until the little wanker is out of jail. If we’re lucky, that will actually be 35 years from now and s/he’ll be menopausal.

Besides, wearing a wig and lipstick only make himmerit a drag queen, not a TG pronk.


Kinda sums up this entire episode – it always seems to be about what he wants rather than what he or anyone else actually needs.

How’s about: I want to live in a castle with servants passing me bonbons on command. And you can pay for it, Bradley. Does that work for you, Bradley? Makes as much sense as my pretending to care about what you want.


Let me do it with a chainsaw and I’ll be all for it.


Does this mean that we, i.e., the American public, are going to have to pay for this reassignment surgery? I sure hope not — furloughing me and flying Bo to Martha’s Vinyard wrecked my budget already!!

Veritas Omnia Vincit

Chelsea Manning

Sounds like a lesbian to me, not that there’s anything wrong with that…

I sure hope Manning doesn’t cut off his wiener and figure out he/she still prefers the bun over the sausage….

Oh wait, now that I think about it, I guess I don’t really care what happens one way or the other at this point….

Widowmaker 502

agree with the author, not scared of gays…they’re the ones going to hell, they want to live that way, let em, just don’t shove it in my face, I don’t talk about my bedroom antics, neither should they…

The Poet Laureate

This cowardly excuse for a shitbag doesn’t want his precious starfish puckered in the pen so he wants to undergo special snowflake treatments that aren’t available at Leavenworth where he should rot in a dank, dark cell where his unused and shriveled balls can get moldy.


So does the Army cave in to this traitorous little shits demands and give him his hormones? Or does Bradley arrive at Leavenworth as a male of the species (loose interpretation of the term male) and depart in 35 years in the same manner??

It won’t surprise me if the Army caves, but it will be pretty fucking sad if they do.

My hope is that the Army tells Bradley and his fuckwad attorney to go pound miles and miles of sand and Bradley, distraught over not being able to prance around in his blonde wig, hangs himself from his hello kitty sheets.

But I am a dreamer……

The Al

Would it surprise anyone here to learn that Ron Paul is “outraged” at the punishment, and thinks we need more “brave” Americans like Manning?


He makes one fugly chick.


Ah, so THAT’s why s/he/it did it… to get three squares a day until retirement and a free sex change (not to mention getting to shower with hunky prisoners) out of Uncle Sugar!

Sam Naomi

Lay off and give her/him a break, after all she/he was only trying to serve she/his country, besides, she/him are not the only ones serving in the military, there’s alot more we don’t know about, myself, Who gives a shit!!!!!!!!! LoL


Whatever happens, please don’t post that creepy picture anymore!


Needs to change the last name in that case.

Chelsea Ex-Manning.


There’s supposed to be a federal law on the books that says someone with gender issues going to federal prison is stuck at whatever stage they’re at when they showed up. Besides, he was given a dishonorable discharge. If he can’t apply for VA benefits, he sure as hell shouldn’t be able to apply for this.


I’m sorry but Chelsea Ball Munching is a disgrace to gay people as well.. who at least don’t opt for treachery when coming out with their true identities. What Chelsea Butt Mooning had done is essentially use a social issue as a platform for highly inflammatory antics.


Damn you guys need training. The proper reference is “She/He/It” which resolves to SHIT. Get with the program. 😉

Green Thumb

I wonder if Manning is a member of IVAW?


Now the little creep wants to get married. The question is, to what?

Sorry, stupid little boy, but if you change your sex to female, you can’t have children even by proxy. You don’t get ovaries and a uterus along with losing your pecker.