Lying liar chastized by judge
Chris dropped off a link to the New York Post on our Facebook page which tells of a judge who apparently doubled the punishment of a sailor involved in a drugs and guns smuggling operation. Jason Teneyck, 36, tried to get a lighter sentence by claiming PTS because he saw some folks die on the USS George Washington in an aircraft accident;
But Manhattan Supreme Court Judge Edward McLaughlin dismissed the story as a fabrication.
“It’s a disgrace to those who really have PTSD,” McLaughlin told him before meting out the stiff sentence.
Then the judge slammed Teneyck with a 31 1/3 year sentence for his role in the illicit trafficking. His lawyer claims that the sentence was double that of Teneyck’s bosses in the scheme. Tough.
Category: Phony soldiers
pisses me off the way PTSD (called Shell Shocked in my day) is abused and used these days. Stub your toe, get hot by a flying pancake, got yelled at….everything imaginable people using this as an excuse or means of getting money from the government. They need to experience what real PTSD is. Seeing your buddies blown up next to you, mortars falling not knowing if the next one has your name on it. Being so scared you are hoping it’s all just a nightmare. I would love to believe there is Karma and it always gets it’s revenge. Love it when it does happen and hope it does bite these asswipes in the butt someday.
This should be the standard in dealing with these kinds of liars.
A Marine I served with, who never deployed, never did anything remarkable, but did serve honorably for 4 years tried to claim PTSD on their way out of the Corps beacause our Gunny yelled at them.
It didn’t work, but they tried to make it work.
From the article:
“My client still maintains he was aboard the [USS] George Washington when a pilot crashed the plane,” he said. “But it has nothing to do with the crime and my client got twice the sentence of the big shots who ran the trafficking ring.”
You said it yourself, Mr. “Lawer”. Even if there was an aircraft that crashed on the flight deck, it ain’t got shit to do with the fact your client is a criminal and a scumbag.
Oh, and if you’ve been on an aircraft carrier long enough, you’ll deal with an aircraft crash, fire, etc. Period.
Now that lying POS will have plenty of romantic evenings courtesy of Bubba & Thor!!
His next bout of PSDT will be related to Jerome and Salik hiding their caged monkey wrenches in his tool box … Ouchy wouchy!
Good call on the part of the judge. The best information that I have on the George Washington is that they lost a pilot during flight operations and that they had 7 people injured when an arresting cable broke, but there were no fatalities during any deck rashes.
It is scumbags like this that make those of us with real issues look bad.
or any deck crashes either.
Damn typos.
I was on the Nimitz when we had a flight deck fire. 18 year old kid I worked with in my squadron was burned to death not 10 feet from me.
I would dearly like to kick that piece of shits ass for trying to pull the PTSD card to try and get out of trouble for his BS actions.
Asshole got what he deserved. Everyone will try to claim PTSD, from the actual legit cases to the mail clerk in Kuwait who tried to claim PTSD because of all the mail at Christmas time was just too much for her. I’m glad the liar got more time. If more judges like this were trying cases, a turd might think twice before doing something illegal.
Let me make it clear that some people have legit cases and deserve care where others will use it as a crutch and ruin the acutal cases for the rest of us.
First thing that came to mind was “Play stupid games, win stupid prizes….”
Good for the judge for calling his BS. Although, I suspect that his sentence will be reduced on appeal…
Amen to that sentiment, Pigmy.
Trying to claim that PTSD makes you commit criminal activity is like trying to claim that a gun made you shoot someone. If anything, with PTSD, you are more vigilant than to do stupid, planned crimes. But, since there are any number of numbnuts who are not thinking they got PTSD because the DS/DI yelled at them before they were kicked out of Boot, we will be seeing a great many more actions like this.
Dude, you can’t get PTSD or have flashbacks from sh*t weren’t in…