About that idiotic Rolling Stone Cover (cross posted)

| July 18, 2013

Rolling stone


I used to get Rolling Stone until 2010, when they ran a smear piece on General McChrystal and I called and cancelled.  It’s certainly their right constitutionally speaking to write whatever they want that isn’t libelous, but then again it is my right as a consumer not to pay for it.  I thought that article went too far, and from the point of view of a guy who does embeds with the military I have to keep stressing to units that “I’m not from Rolling Stone or the New York Times, I’m here to stress the positive.”

On top of that, I am a native Massachusian.  I love my Red Sox, I love my Patriots, I love the Bruins, I love UMASS Basketball (more than my wife is comfortable with,) and I love chowder.  I even have a Boston Terrier I named Fenway.  (He’s my little black and white monster.)  So, the Rolling Stone cover sort of had a visceral reaction with me too. 

Today we have a Big Q up on the legion website (you can vote HERE) that my boss even asked me to write.  I told him that I wouldn’t, probably in a more angry tone than I should have.  The whole thing really makes me mad. 

A lot of folks will likely say that I should read the article before I cast aspersions.  Yeah, I’m not going to do that.  The article could clearly talk about what a monster this guy is (and it even says that in the title) but either way my feeling is that he shouldn’t be on the cover of something like this, certainly not in the same pose as the Doors’ Jim Morrison.  But Rolling Stone feels differently of course, as they make clear in the statement in the picture above.

Nonetheless, reaction has been swift.  Twitchy.com has been monitoring the Twitter reaction since the beginning, and has some pretty choice quotes from companies, Bostonians and other Americans disgusted by it:

Actor James Woods:  First Amendment protects Rolling Stone, but nobody had to buy that $#!^ rag. Boycott Rolling Stone. Put it out of business…

Dancing with the Stars’ Tom Bergeron:  Just saw the latest @RollingStone cover. Unbelievable. Was this instead of their Al-Qaeda swimsuit edition?

Actor Dean Cain:  I never read Rolling Stone anyway…but now?    


Actor James Van Der Beek: Rolling Stone – No matter what the content of the article might be, you DO realize your cover space is all about glorification, right?

Donnie Wahlberg of New Kids on the Block:  I’d be remiss if I didn’t express my disappointment in @rollingstone magazine’s cover. For many reasons, it just feels wrong.

Singer/Songwriter Brad Paisley: I have to say, the Rolling Stone Magazine cover with the bomber is in poor taste. We shouldn’t make rock stars out of murderers.

MLB Pitcher Brad Ziegler: Never going to read Rolling Stone magazine again after this: http://fxn.ws/16J0c6V

Even Boston Mayor Menino, a man seldom noted for his great speaking ability leaped into the fray:  Your August 3 cover rewards a terrorist with celebrity treatment…To respond to you in anger is to feed into your obvious marketing strategy…The survivors of the Boston attacks deserve Rolling Stone cover stories, though I no longer feel that Rolling Stone deserves them.  (More on that at the bottom of this post.)

Meanwhile the response from retailers hasn’t been much better for Rolling Stone:

Kmart: Kmart will not be selling copies of the new Rolling Stone magazine out of respect for those impacted by the events of April 15th.

Rite Aid: Out of respect to everyone affected by the Boston Marathon bombing, Rite Aid has decided not to sell the latest issue of Rolling Stone.

CVS: We have decided to not sell the current issue of Rolling Stone, out of respect for the victims and their loved ones.

Walgreens: Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us. Walgreens will not be selling this issue of Rolling Stone magazine.

Naturally others are complaining that the article wasn’t fair to the alleged (which is to say not YET convicted) bomber, with some continuing to claim it is all a hoax:

Dear Rolling Stone magazine, ‘The Bomber’ ? Prove it. Sincerely, you dont know anything.

@RollingStone calling him a monster? Who the hell y’all trying to convince

Jahar is on cover of upcoming Rolling Stone mag. Ignorant,inflammatory article presuming guilt inside.

Call yourself an investigative journalist? 2 mths research & u still call him The Bomber: FAIL

How dare you judge someone when you have no right to. I hope you get sued for defamation and slandering Jahar’s name.

Amanda Marcotte at Slate thinks it’s “brilliant”:

As the Washington Post’s Erik Wemple points out, the image is exploitative—but it isn’t just exploitative: It’s also smart, unnerving journalism. By depicting a terrorist as sweet and handsome rather than ugly and terrifying, Rolling Stone has subverted our expectations and hinted at a larger truth. The cover presents a stark contrast with our usual image of terrorists. It asks, “What did we expect to see in Tsarnaev? What did we hope to see?” The answer, most likely, is a monster, a brutish dolt with outward manifestations of evil. What we get instead, however, is the most alarming sight of all: a boy who looks like someone we might know.

By way of contrast, it should be noted that Rolling Stone has a monthly subscription rate of 1.4 million.  The American Legion Magazine has 2.2 million, but because it is shared so freely, our actual readership is 3.4 million. 

The Boston sports blog “Barstool Sports” [which is probably not safe for normal work traffic] has been making mock-ups of what they felt the cover should have been instead.  Now this is a magazine cover that I would have been proud to purchase.



Category: Politics

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TSO, you made some good points, and I agree with all of them. However,the only thing you needed to say was that RS glamorized a killer. Without reading the article, the cover screams sympathy for the sweet, sexy murdering little moppet.


being from Massachusetts, having stood and walked where those bombs were placed, having friends who had loved one grievously injured there that day…. Rolling Stone needs a collective brain douche for even thinking having that terrorist adorn their cover like that was even remotely a good idea.
As to the article inside, I won’t be reading it but find it equally disgusting we have asswipes defending that piece of shit.


…and the only “larger truth,” the only “thoughtful coverage” any journalist in this counttry needed to expound on was the American blood all over Boston streets and sidewalks. THAT was/is the only TRUTH that matters.

Combat Historian

Oh our sweet little dozhokhar; that wonderful innocent little boy COULDN’T have done that horrible bombing thingie; not with that sweet innocent little face of his…(sarc)

Green Thumb

Never read it.

Will not start now.

A Proud Infidel & Patriot

KUDOS to the retailers who have refused to carry this month’s issue of that rag!!


I have only one thing to say about Ms. Janet Reitman and the editorial staff of Rolling Stone. In the immortal words of Redd Foxx (as Fred Sanford):

Basta. All of ya.”

2/17 Air Cav

@1. Yep. That’s on the money. It would be like putting Terrorist Bastard Hasan’s pic on the cover–as a dashing uniformed military officer.


Have I got a gem for you…posted by a self-absorbed, I’m smarter than the rest of you, types…

“The banality of evil. Hannah Arendt wrote that to describe Nazi villain Adolph Eichmann, who didn’t look like a cartoon caricature of a bad man, he looked like a clerk at Woolworth’s. Rolling Stone isn’t glamorizing this asshole, they’re reaffirming with great certitude Hannah Arendt’s brilliant observation how evil sometimes comes in surprisingly banal packages. All evil men don’t look like Atilla the Hun or Hanibal Lecter.”

When someone says terrorist to me, I don’t think banality. I think of words like bastards, murderers. I don’t ever look at the face of a killer and say, “He was such a sweet boy.” Ever.
And I was chastised for reading the tagline as giving him a pass…because it fucking does!!

” How a popular, promising student, failed by his family, fell in to…and became a monster…”
Do I interpret this wrongly?” Nope.


I’m sure it will sell like hotcakes in Iran, Syria, North Korea, and venezuela

Veritas Omnia Vincit

Several of my colleagues were out of work that day, and had driven the hour to Boston from Western Mass to run or to watch a friend run. I will remember that day as clearly as I remember 9-11…. I have to be honest in that I have never read a single issue of Rolling Stone. I think it’s pretty clear from my posts that I don’t give a rat’s 4ss about popular culture and the politics of a magazine that glorifies that culture have zero attraction in my mind. So here goes, Rolling Stone has the right to produce whatever kind of magazine they feel is appropriate to their editorial content. In this case they’ve chosen to make a murderer look like a rock star because that is what they do on their magazine covers. Now apparently they are surprised that acting like a collective of complete douche nozzles has consequences when the general public disagrees…..if they were serious journalists and not just pop culture jerkoffs they would have put that little prick in an orange jumpsuit and ran with the monster in our midst theme, and the article photos could have had him looking like a regular teen and no one would have complained… They chose to exercise their journalistic integrity by creating a cover that would piss people off to generate sales at their crappy magazine that less than 1% of the population ever looks at. Apparently they don’t understand at Rolling Stone that their vendors are not obligated to carry products that the vendor finds objectionable or will create a problem for the vendor. Grocery stores want to sell you bread and milk, if a magazine gets in you in the door to do that great, but Grocery Stores don’t want political firestorms on their shelves….you can create whatever crap you want, but no one has to accept it or purchase it. And if it is offensive enough many people will band together to try and drive your product out of business as is their right. If Rolling Stone ceases production I won’t know unless I… Read more »


RS cover is in extremely poor taste. It just glofies his actions. I’m glad that some retailers are not carrying the magazine and I for one am glad that I cancelled my subscription.


What Arendt wrote is certainly true, but nobody did soft-focus cover photos of Eichmann before they took him to the gallows.

No Celtics TSO?!? Back when they had Bird they were the one Boston team I could ever stomach.


@9: I find this cover absolutely disgraceful and I hope the editor is fired for such poor taste and judgement. That said, I DO want to understand the path these terrorists took. Yes, they’re terrorists now -murderers, bastards and more- but they weren’t always, and *understanding* that transition is helpful in preventing these sorts of things in the future. And, as a part of that understanding, you do need to step back in time to when these assholes were, in fact, ‘sweet boys’. It doesn’t change what they are now, but it’s about understanding the process so it can be fought against more effectively.


Would I be interested in an article about why and how this little crapweasel (love that word, thanks whichever one of you it was that introduced me to it) was radicalized. Yes, I think there’s value in that. The value stemming from possibly being able to identify what drove him to action or who did so and being able to monitor them so that we can catch the next batch before they set off their bombs. More intel on the enemy’s disposition, intentions, most probably course of action, all valuable stuff.

I do have a tremendous objection to the cover photo they chose. I agree, he looks a lot like Jim Morrison. Why choose that photo? Why not highlight the transformation from the kid in the photo to the monster and do it right on the cover? Personally, I think RS wanted this storm. No such thing as bad publicity. And so, for that reason (and for the reason that RS is blatantly slanted so anything in there is without value anyway), I won’t read the article.


Has Charles Pierce weighed in on this?


He did…


If the point is to demonstrate an evolution of a monster, I suppose I don’t actually mind the cover that much. I don’t think it’s particularly brilliant, but it doesn’t bother me as much as I thought it would, either.

The Dark Enlightenment folks would tell us that psycho killers make ladies swoon anyway. Adding a fuzzy picture that shows how pretty this little monster was only really works on that crowd.

I’m fond of KMart and other retailers that aren’t going to carry this. Rolling Stone’s McChrystal piece was the same reason I hate them already, and if it takes a glam shot of a murderer/boat lover to punish them for something, I’ll take it.


Hopefully when they convict and execute this little shit stain, Rolling Stone will put a glossy photo of that on the cover too.


TSO–I’ve been on Boylston Street more than a few times, and walked from the “Pru” to Fenway to catch a game with a few stops along the way.

To know EXACTLY where those bombs went off and the carnage that resulted hits close to home.

And to see someone wrap themselves in their First Amendment rights to act like a collective bunch of douchetools, well, everyone has a right to be stupid, but those fuckers are abusing the privilege.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

@21 They have a right to be stupid and we have a right to not buy their bullsh1t and let it finally fade out of existence….

Now if only the combined idiocy of rags like US/People…etc….could be wiped clean we might be able to focus on something other than celebrity…


An old saying that I apply in cases like this: The First Amendment doesn’t exist for speech you agree with, but that which you disagree with. I’m here in MA and had friends at the marathon that day. I hope this d bag ends up in a deep dark hole, either a cell or underground, doesn’t matter to me. But I will probably read the article. I have it online now, so RS gets no money from me. But I do want to know what motivated this POS to randomly kill. I’m not sure I’ll learn much, since what happened is so far out on my scale of human behavior.


I see that Pierce goes for one of the idiot lefty’s standard responses (in what is a fairly lited toolbag for them to begin with)-equivocation, what with the complete non-sequitur picture of McVeigh from Time years ago.

I’m sure the other lefty standby of “racism” would have been harder to play (though I’m also sure some of them have tried).

2/17 Air Cav

“I was going to become a serial killer but decided against it after I learned that….” Ever see that line? No, I haven’t either. Who gives a rat’s ass what motivated someone to do some horrible crime if knowing comes after the fact and it doesn’t stop the next evildoer? In any event, in sweet pea’s case, his motivation for murdering and maiming is directly traceable to Islam, however corrupt the teachings. And if we later learn that if he was potty trained at gunpoint and forced to have sex with his grandmother, what?


Dear RS – Fuck you for making me agree with Menino! I hate you.


Just An Old Dog

If he had been one of that rat-mouth, snaggle-toothed, cross eyed, tangle-bearded un-photogenic flea infested primates that set road side bombs they wouldn’t have even thought about it.
Scum selling scum. Fucking turds.


@15- I see where you come from. But I am not there and I won’t ever be. If this cover were in relation to a book promo it would be completely different, but it’s not. This is indeed giving the kid a pass because of the words on the cover. Pick any other high profile cases where the appeal is to the “poor misunderstood perfect…” and fill in the blank. What about the younger William Kennedy who killed Martha what’s her name from CT and got away with it for years? Do you really want to deconstruct the bullshit to understand that he out and out killed someone in cold blood and it had to be the fault of his life? XXX! I cannot get there.


Murderers of this sort are motivated by wet-dreams of death, blood, and fear. What got them there doesn’t interest me at all.


RS has been irrelevant for years, which in their desperate “I want to stay hip till I’m 80” thrashings is probably the worst that they can imagine. Me, I don’t read it so my ‘boycott’ is ineffective. However, I will say that I’m grateful to CVS, Walgreens, KMart et al for not selling this issue – the only better thing would be if they continued to decline to sell RS in the future. One week’s notoriety could even help sales – multiple national chains refusing to carry their rag from now on would STING.


@28: Again, I think the cover is a pathetically misguided attempt at being edgy and unequivocally disagree with it. I don’t see it as explicitly giving the asshole a pass, either, but indirectly it does seem to lessen the ‘blame’ a bit. Which I also hate. My fear with the cover is all the nutcases who subscribed to him on Facebook because he’s ‘cute’ or something, and… god, I’m wretching just thinking about it.

Basically, I hate the cover, but I do want information on the path this guy -and yes, other psychopaths, whether serial killers or terrorists- took. I can step back from my emotions and evaluate this because it’s critical we do so – there WILL be others, and if gaining valuable information allows us to either catch them more quickly or reduce the number who turn into monsters like this, that’s worth a little temporary objectivity in my opinion.

I get that it’s not for everyone, though.


Being from Boston and having gotten my drivers license in Watertown where they finally found this prick, I’m only moderately outraged. This is after all the same magazine that took down Stan and gave voice to Michael Hastings, what did people expect? I’m a little perplexed at the outrage by folks from places like the peoples republic of Cambridge. I guess your only offened when the douchbags blow up parts of your city…the rest of the time they’re “misunderstood”. I’m schocked people even care about this rag anymore.


And one more reminder, kids: RS feeds, clothes and houses so called “journalist” Matt Taibbi, who blasts other journalists for pro-Government bias against little Bradley Manning, while starring in the “I Am Bradley Manning” series of navel-gazing advocacy spots by and for dipshit elitists. F*ck you, Rolling Stone.

ABN Gramps

It was stories like this that caused me to cancel my subscription in the mid ’90’s. I now see that this was absolutely the correct decision. As mentioned previously in @16, “no such thing as bad publicity”, but there is such thing as bad taste. RS may have the right to publish this cover and story, but it is in bad taste. Won’t read that issue or any more in the future. That is MY right!!!


So, where are the pictures of the l’il bass turd when he was a baby?
Boston will name a street after this clown.
Rolling Stone? Dang, I thought that rag was long gone.