Marines’ experimental unisex blues

| July 18, 2013


Not my service, so it’s not my discussion. But, the MarineTimes says;

Everyone recognizes the distinctive dress blues uniform worn by male Marines: the high mandarin collar, the broad belt, the round white cover. Well, female Marines may get to wear that uniform too if all goes well with a wear test taking place now down at Marine Barracks Washington.

All female Marines stationed at 8th and I have been wearing the white dress cover this parade season, and a select number have also donned tailored versions of the men’s dress blues jacket instead of the traditional women’s lapel blazer with white-collared shirt and necktab underneath. At the end of the summer parade season, their feedback will be transmitted to Gen. James Amos, commandant of the Marine Corps, to inform future uniform decisions or changes.

I will add, however, that the last I knew, Army females at Fort Meyers were wearing male dress blues to ceremonies.

Category: Marine Corps

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Make a zoomie the Commandant and everything starts goin’ to hell in a handbasket.

Who’da thunk it?

Before long, it’ll be a court martial offense not to properly lisp when spouting Semper Fi, which will only be a slogan with no meaning.


And the continued emasculation of our military continues……


@6 Combat Historian: “Are we next going to have unisex showers, like in ‘Starship Troopers’?”

Yeah, that’s where the politically-correct are going with this…


I have long advocated for giant showers for everyone. I cannot understand why a person of homosexual interest gets to shower with what he likes, and yet I cannot step into a female shower without getting yelled at and arrested. I want equality!

Besides, it is hard to rape anyone with a whole platoon of their friends watching you.


My thoughts, exactly, AtDrum.


@53–gawd, I hope not. Hell, I don’t even wanna see ME nekkid.

No offense to PH2 and the other female vets, but some of those women on the tender weren’t even deployment hot. Two years on Guam and still shuddering at the sight of a few? Yeah, that’s not gonna bode well for that modeling career you’ve got planned after you get out.

AF and Marine women, OTOH…go figure.


What, pray tell will the cross dressing Marines wear?


Perhaps……the commandant is a faggot.


@57–same thing, since it now covers both.

And their uniform costs are cut in half!


I agree with previous posts for unisex showers. Equal is equal. It worked in Starship Troopers. Now I admit I don’t like showering with a bunch of grunts but at least some females would be a pleasant and equal diversion from listening to some guy say, “hey, I think I got the crabs”. (Mass exodus from the shower) then everybody gets the white cream and powder treatment because one dude couldn’t tell a tick from a crab! I wonder if they do that to the woman if they get the crabs? Sorry to be so crab crass. 😀


They are still women underneath the uniform people! I thinks it looks okay.This isn’t a fashion show. I understand wanting to look feminin, but this is for uniformity. Marching bands have unisex uniforms as well as jobs around the U.S. whats the big deal? Besides, i would much rather see a woman in the tailored male uniform than a complete change of both uniforms.