
| July 12, 2013

AWOL pussy fake

I found this douche-nozzle on Facebook this morning, there’s no Gerald Ellsworth in AKO, but if he was indeed AWOL in 2006, there probably wouldn’t be. I don’t know how old the photo is, but he hardly looks old enough to have been in the Army in 2006.

But, regardless, his right to “NOT participate in this illegal war” kind of ended after he raised his hand and took the oath of enlistment.

Category: Shitbags

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Wow…That’s the first time I’ve ever seen a shit stain outside the confines of underwear.


What he really needs is a sign that reads “I will not waste my life smoking weed and playing XBox in my parents basement while pretending to take classes at a community college and stop trying to imitate draft protesters from the 60s to get sympathy from girls with low self esteem.”


Yeh know…

If we was to, you know, enforce the rules, customs and, you know, like laws and stuff… and shoot a few of them what desert during a time of war…

This sort of silly crap would end real fast.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

@3 Yeah, that’s not likely to happen…more likely a discharge and a washing of hands….but a nice public trial followed by a quick hanging would send a message to these numb nuts to not join if you don’t want to do the job….

Nobody is forcing these turds to step up, they are doing it on their own and then deciding after the fact it’s not what they thought….no sh1t dummies, leaving your family behind sleeping in the dirt, living in miserable conditions….did you never read a book or see a f$cking movie before you signed on the line?

Glass Joe

Appears to be wearing modern issue eye glasses, so that is a clue…but, on the other hand, dude’s got his collar popped.




I bet the education he recieved happened shrotly after Ramadi and shortly before a deployment.

“I know I voluntarily joined the Army, but I didn’t think I was going to have to go to like war or something. I just wanted money for college.”


The look on his face says “heavy flow day”.


Good lookin’ kid though. NOT. Bet his mom is all proud of him for taking a stand.

Old Trooper



Another brainless air parasite. His mama should have knocked him in the head and raised a pig on the milk.

Green Thumb


Mike Kozlowski

…If he’s so damned sure he’s right, then he should turn himself in and make his points at trial. Amazing how these weasels never seem to actually want to face the music for a chance at vindication….


Eagle Keeper

I only wish to address one specific point:

JL: One’s right to NOT participate in an illegal war kind of ends after one raises his hand and took the oath of enlistment.

Bravo Sierra. Military personnel are morally and legally obliged to disobey illegal orders. If a war is illegal, soldiers are obliged not to participate.

Course, the deck is stacked against them, because the very people issuing the orders are the ones who get to determine — initially, at least — if the war is illegal.

And they never do that, now do they, John?

Eagle Keeper

Mike (13): If he’s so damned sure he’s right, then he should turn himself in and make his points at trial.

Kinda like Ehren Watada did?

Except the presiding judge tried to DISALLOW Watada’s testimony re. the legality of the war.

According to him, the court martial’s ONLY purpose was to determine whether or not Watada was guilty of missing movement. (Course, in Watada’s court martial, the gummint kinda stepped on its own schwantz, and was forced to declare a mistrial.)

So, ye Solomons, just how is it a soldier is supposed to argue the illegality of a war if those arguments won’t be permitted at trial?


“So, ye Solomons, just how is it a soldier is supposed to argue the illegality of a war if those arguments won’t be permitted at trial?” If his arguments are valid, and can be articulated better than “I don’t wanna go”, he’d probably be allowed to make the argument.


@Eagle Keeper

It is a volunteer Army. He wasn’t conscripted. He voluntarily went to a recruiter and signed up. He did that knowing that the U.S. has been engaged in the “Global War on Terrorism” since 2001.

It would have behooved him to do some research and become educated about the “lies” BEFORE swearing obedience to a war fighting organization.


Only one thing comes to mind when I read this.

You know that “foul black fecal tar that accumulates on the inner sewer line just past the toilet” … that is what comes to mind!


Green Thumb’s response never gets old!


Eagle Keeper

UpNorth (16): If his arguments are valid, and can be articulated better than “I don’t wanna go”, he’d probably be allowed to make the argument.

Yeah, your faith in the fairness of the system is just so cute. In a naive sort of way.

Watada wanted to articulate his argument. The gummint judge simply forbade it.

Eagle Keeper

ByrdMan (17),

Every one of our world views changes with time. Some of is by small baby step, others by large giant steps.

Many of the conscientious objectors to the GWOT were “believers” when they enlisted. They only become objectors after the fact.

Not toting water for the guy in THIS story, BTW. I’d rather he took the honorable route — say, “No sir, I will not go, and here’s why,” then face the music in hopes of making his case. (If the system permits him to do so, that is.)

A Proud Infidel & Patriot

Another coward parades his douchebaggery. Just let me come across one of these turds in public, I’ll start with a good Old School ass-chewing for starters, as to what I’ll do next depends on how stupid they want to get with me…..

The best part of that boy ran down his Momma’s leg the night she did tricks behind the Bus Station on payday weekend!


Eagle Keeper: the system indeed permits him to do exactly what you propose. A guy named Lakin did. He ended up in jail, then dismissed from the service a couple of years short of retirement.

Deployment to Afghanistan is fully lawful, regardless of any birther arguments regarding the POTUS. The Afghanistan conflict was authorized by EO and supporting legislation in 2001. Congress has re-authorized it each time it passed a Defense Appropriations Act authorizing funds for same. That’s happened at least a dozen times since 2001 – most recently earlier this year, as I recall.

If this guy is actually arguing that the Afghanistan conflict is unlawful, he’s an freaking idiot. That argument has already been made – and found wanting.

If he’s arguing that his specific orders to Afghanistan were invalid, he is also a freaking idiot. Lakin tried that. He failed. Every soldier can be ordered to deploy. In fact, he knew that full well before he raised his right hand and joined.

I don’t believe this tool is making any Conscientious Objector claim. And even if he was, Conscientious Objectors cannot object to serving in a particular war. The objection has to be either to supporting war in any way or to personally killing others. Selective objection to particular wars don’t meet the definition of Conscientious Objection to war.

This tool knows (or should know) all of that. The fact that he won’t turn himself in and face the music indicates that he’s either (1) a self-serving moral coward who’s afraid to take a stand on principle if it means he might have to suffer consequences, (2) nothing but a damn coward who realized “Holy shit, I might get hurt!”, or (3) a damned liar who’s pretending to be something he’s not to support a political agenda.

Once you raise your hand, you don’t have the right to object to a particular war. If you do, you’re pissing into the wind.


@23/Hondo – Personally, I believe he’s all 3 of those.


USMCE8Ret: I thought about that. But either of the first two would mean he actually served – which would rule out the third. And if he actually served but is now lying about being a deserter, that would probably rule out at least 1 of the first 2 if not both (no longer any risk of consequences or of being ordered to deploy and possibly getting hurt).


do these people just wake up one day and say, “im a cowardly pussy little bitch, i want the world to know it too”?

what these little bitches seem to have over looked, is that ANYONE can sign a declination of orders statement and not go to war! ok, it kinda has long lasting implecations and effects on your military carreer, but if ya are too much a pussy to do your job, im guessing ya arent planning on staying in that long anyway. libtards want to make heroes out of these guys, but in actuallity, they are just idiots that screwed themselves over. this little punk, im guessing, is just trying to be the next boyfriend of breana manning and figured this was a good way to get his attention.


Eagle Keeper,

I respect the fact that there are those who do not wish to enlist in Military service. I respect that some troops deploy and see the conflicts first hand and have a change of heart. This young man enlisted voluntarily, and shouldn’t be excused for his decision to abandon his obligations because of naiveté. I would think there are other options available to him.

There have been regular reports in the media about the fraud, waste, abuse and opposition to the campaigns in Afghanistan and Iraq since 2001 and 2003 respectively. Think before you act, or at the very minimum accept responsibility for your actions.

Just my opinion…

And just so he knows;

He’s not AWOL, he’s a deserter.

K Bar

@26: I’m not aware of a declination of orders statement for deployment. I am, however, aware of AR 635-200, par. 16-4 that states the following: “Soldiers denied or ineligible for continued active duty service may be separated, upon request, as provided below:
a. Locally imposed bar to re-enlistment. USAR AGR Soldiers who perceive they will be unable to overcome a field
commander’s bar to re-enlistment imposed by AR 140–111 may request voluntary separation. This provision does not
apply to RA Soldiers.
b. Declination of continued service. RA Soldiers serving on a second or subsequent enlistment who refuse to take
action to meet military service remaining requirements by signing DA Form 4991–R pursuant to AR 601–280 may
request voluntary separation.”

I think you were thinking of “b” above, but this douchenozzle, if he even served at all, could not do that.


I know for PCS moves, you can decline orders, i was under the impression that it also worked for TDY orders. i have no clue what the actual form number is for it, i was infantry. i did make sure i bought our paper pushers a beer when ever i would see them in a bar (smart infantry).

what you pulled up may have been what i was informed of, i couldnt say for sure. id have to make some phone calls to check. its been too long since i got out

A Proud Infidel & Patriot

If he IS a Deserter, he’s screwed the moment he gets pulled over by the Police, wants to renew his Driver’s license,…. It’ll pop up on their screen when LE personnel run a check on him, and “Voila!” he’s Bubba & Thor’s new sweetheart whenever they don’t have him pimped out for cigarettes!


#15, your reading of the law is not correct. I explained this in a comment to an old TAH post titled “Michael Yon and the Geneva Conventions.” As I said then:

Every now and again, some numbskull decides that he’ll disobey his orders to deploy in the theory that the war is illegal. He fantasizes that, at his court-martial, the court will have to decide the legality of the war to decide whether he’s guilty or not – so that it’ll be a fantastic antiwar publicity stunt.

Anyone who thinks that needs to study the case of United States v. Huet-Vaughn. Bottom line, according to the Court of Appeals for the Armed Forces:

“[t]he duty to disobey an unlawful order applies only to a positive act that constitutes a crime that is so manifestly beyond the legal power or discretion of the commander as to admit of norational doubt of their unlawfulness.”

So if your PL orders you to torture prisoners, you don’t get to do it, and hide behind “we were just following orders.” But if you’re ordered to deploy, you sure as hell don’t get the option based on your own reading of the Geneva Conventions, the U.N. Charter, or any other such thing.

I hope no one is foolish enough to take the advice this man is offering. If you do, your court-martial will NOT decide the legality of the war, or even listen to your arguments on the subject.


Err, I meant #14, but it’s the same person.

Pineywoods NCO

If you can’t wear it right, take OUR uniform off, you dumbass.

K Bar

@29: Declination statements (the DA Form 4991-R cited above) are defined in AR 601-280, Chapter 4. This toolbag, if he even served, was in his first term and was ineligible to take this action. It’s technically not declining a PCS as much as it is declining reenlistment or extension to meet the Service Remaining Requirements (SRR). It’s a self-imposed bar to reenlistment that also puts the individual in a nonpromotable/no school attendance status.

All of that said, a deployment to OIF is considered a temporary change of station (TCS), and I’ve seen many soldiers sent home early to ETS. There’s no “declining deployment orders,” but there may be cases where the commander chooses not to deploy a soldier who has less time remaining in service than the projected deployment duration.

Green Thumb


anal leakage.