Hasan objects to wearing uniform
Jury selection began yesterday in the Nidal Hasan trial, you know, the one that we’ve been waiting for nearly four years now, according to the Associated Press. The judge, Colonel Tara Osborne explained to the prospective jurors that Hasan was wearing a camouflaged uniform instead of Class As because of the fact that he’s paralyzed and the work uniform is more conducive to his condition than the restrictive dress uniform. Of course, Hasan doesn’t want to wear any uniform;
At a hearing earlier Tuesday, Hasan said he wanted jurors to know that he was being forced to wear a uniform that he believes represents “an enemy of Islam.” Hasan, an American-born Muslim, had said he didn’t want to wear either military uniform.
I wonder if he feels the same way about taking the American taxpayer dollars that are direct deposited to his checking account while he craps in an American taxpayer-funded colostomy bag and eats his meals paid for by American taxpayers. He ought to file another motion that would allow him to only wear clothes, eat food, accept medical treatment that is donated by Muslim sympathizers.
Category: Shitbags, Terror War
I object to his breathing American Air, but i would gladly pay for the American bullet to shut him the phuck up.
At this rate, Hassan will die of old age before a verdict is rendered.
If he feels that the uniform represents the enemy, then why did he not resign?
How about we put him in a diaper and swing his diaper wearing ass from the nearest tree? That’s better than what he deserves. Sorry folks, but when I’m pissed off, I can be an evil bastard (it’s that German heritage thingy).
@4…I’m not German but I’d say we just stuff him in an oven and cremate him…..alive.
I think it is time for the victims families to line up civil suits for damages and file against his “wages”. Keep him on life support for 200 years,
I’d make that motherf@cker shave, if he won’t shave I’d strap him down and shave him, and I’d staple that uniform to his body….
f$ck him…
@7 VOV
“Dry Shave Him…NOW!!!”
/ one of my favorites.
#2 buzz. Clean shave. Clean pig leather shroud. .45ACP between the eyes so he can see it coming. Next?
Somebody should put an oxygen mask on him so that he can’t talk, and then put a sign beside him that says he’s on a hunger strike in sympathy with his fellow jihadis in GTMO.
And no force feeding.
Strip that motherfucker naked, put a towel over his crotch and take him to court that way. Why in the name of Jesus are they coddling this fuck?? He is WAY past his hanging due date.
I’m at the point that if I say anymore about this turd, somebody’s going to come knocking on my door. I will say this, however.
Evil prevails when good men do nothing.
Don’t forget the pork. Bacon…it’s not just for Gentiles anymore. Make him wipe his sorry ass with crispy bacon. POS. I am surprised he didn’t want to wear traditional Muslim garb.
When (not if but when) this douchenozzle is convicted, he should be fined whatever amount he has received in pay and allowances since the shooting.
I don’t give a flip if he appears in the buff! Get it done.
Why is this a big deal? He has proven repeatedly that he has no respect for the Army, the US, or any of us. No surprise that he continues in that vein.
Failure to obey a lawful order? Another charge?
Never mind…this guy is treated with kid gloves because of today’s PC military.
If any of us killed our fellow servicemen. The worms would already cleaned all meat off of our bones. TSO is there any way,petitions call our politcos to speed this sick pandering to PC up? Joe
He will never get any of that money. He will be convicted, and based upon the crime of multiple murders, will be dishonorably discharged. Part and parcel of that is reduction to the lowest possible grade, and forfeiture of all pay and allowances.
Far too smug for his own.
Make him live in a pigsty for the rest of his life.
Pigs bite. Especially angry sows.
#18, the problem is,that he is still getting paid now. Isn’t he?
I am fully for a show trial where he is brought in wearing a gimp mask, found guilty in 60 seconds, and then slowly fed to boar hogs, one limb at a time. How tall is he? That will determine how long it takes us to feed him to the animals.
Of course, we will make sure that there are sufficient medical staff on hand to make sure that she does not die too quickly.
I would contribute to an American-funded, brutal skullf**king for this soul-deprived piece of amputated foreskin.
Once he has been executed his parents will try to have him buried in Arlington. The Obama administration will no doubt support that effort. After all he did serve honorably right up to the point he ambushed and slaughtered 13 of his fellow soldiers. I say bury him face down with his feet pointing toward Mecca.
usmc steve: I’m pretty sure that the forfeiture is not retroactive. Legally, I don’t believe it can be. Perhaps one of our mil JAGs here can verify.
Bottom line is that I’m pretty sure he’s drawing full pay now, and will until such time as he is convicted and sentence imposed.
Roger in Republic: if the courts-martial imposes a dismissal (equivalent of a DD for officers), I don’t think he can be buried in Arlington. Or any other US national cemetery, for that matter.
He’ll either get a dismissal or a non-punitive administrative discharge. Officers cannot receive BCDs.
Please someone remind me why this rectal-wart fornicator has not yet collected a 9mm bullet in the back of the head, and his family billed for the bullet and the cost of an unrecorded burial in a live volcano?
Hondo, taking into consideration that he was a shrink, can he cop a plea of guilty but mentally ill?
There is that statute on the books in Illinois for Class X felonies like murder, but the criminal still has to serve time if he’s deemed ‘cured’ – and I use that term loosely.
Like everyone else, I would like to see this charade ended with a guilt verdict, since this manipulative bastard is obviously afraid of what he himself inflicted on his victims — death — but I also want to see that there is no chance of his getting out of being punished for what he did.
I though the Army was still paying this clown.
No uniform = no pay.
But that is probably to easy.
First, give Hasan a transfusion of pig blood. One week later,…
1. Rope.
2. Tree (orGallows).
3. Hassan the terrorist.
Some assembly required.
Burial in a pit full of hog excrement and entrails facing away from Mecca.
Solitary confinement for life with no visitors, three meals of grits and water per day, the only light available coming from an encased fluorescent in the wall, no window, and no reading materials other than women’s magazines.
I object to the fact Hasan is still breathing
@18 and 24 – Right, forfeitures are not retroactive. So, right now, he’s still getting paid – at least the base pay for a major (his extra pay for being a physician was discontinued when his medical privileges were revoked). And, an officer cannot be reduced in rank by a court-martial. I think we can pretty much count on him being convicted and dismissed; the only real question is whether he’ll get life or death.
@29 He’s paralyzed. No way to do it. And the care they have to give him to keep him healthy would disgust you.
@32 why is he paralyzed again? I might have missed that (I seriously try not to read much on him as I get very angry sometimes :P)
Seems a bit ridiculous to spend so much money to keep him healthy only to whack him in the end, why not send him to his ideological friends, i’m sure they can give him the same care right?
@33 The bullet severed his spine, and he’s paralyzed from the waist down.
I get angry about him, too. Mainly because some of my tax dollars are being used to keep the bastard. The only thing I want to pay for concerning him is another bullet.
I like the fact that this fellow will not wear the uniform. I don’t ever want to see a pic of him in an American uniform again. It defiles the cloth. It dishonors active military. It is wrong. So, yeah, I’d grant him his wish–and I’d ask him in examination, for the record, exactly why he is not in uniform. And if I were the prosecutor, in closing I would applaud his not being in uniform–not for Hasan’s reasons–but for the ones I mentioned.
5th story roof. 15 yard dumpster full of broken glass and roofing tacks. Hog tie prior to push.
No mention regarding the courtroom on a military base in the United States being turned into a hardened bunker due to security concerns of an admitted terrorist not being brought up on terror charges, but rather workplace violence?
Our military is retarded and scared out of their minds.
now im Muslim too and what this guy did is completely wrong. people like this asshole make Islam look bad if i had a choice id shove my uncles bayonet up this guys ass forget the jury.
I’d happily donate the bullet. 9mm, .40, .45, 5.56, 7.62, whatever you like.
How ’bout a .58 Caliber Minie ball from a Muzzleloader?
Covered in lard, of course!
Lock him up and throw away the key. Grits and water, both through feeding tubes just like dogs in puppy mills.
Sorry, guys, I’m getting mean in my old age.
Ex, he deserves it. After he finally gets his due process, of course.
Of course, he’d rather wear a dishdisha… if his ass could get up to put the mandress on.