Stolen Valor Tournament unSweet Sixteen, Day Two
In Golf they have “moving day” here at the SVT Tourney we have Staying Alive Day:
If you didn’t vote on Day 1, go back and do so. (You have until noon)
Create your free online surveys with SurveyMonkey , the world’s leading questionnaire tool.
Be sure to go down and click “Done”.
Category: Politics
The Gidduck of Death and Spankerella FTW!
Somebody’s gotta cheer on Gidduck’s bracket opponent…Go WEEBLE WOBBLE!
For this group, IMO this VERY COARSE AND NSFW old British WW2 song (see bottom of cited page for lyrics) says it best:
#2, Yes, our PTS-faking weeble and our PTS-faking “air hero” need a special girls-only slogan…
“PTS or PMS? You be the judge! Kirsten and Anderson-Tesla FTW!”
…surely someone can top that.
YA-A-A-AY!!!!! Chicago-style voting!!!
Can I get in a vote for Mikey the Large and In Charge, too??
Green Thumb, I know you love the Punk, but Blake is SO much more rotten.
I would like to see a running tally of votes to see who the front runners are. Kinda like exit polling.
Great tune.
Giduck drew a good bracket.
He could advance.
That video makes my knees ache.
Damn guys, these were some real hard picks for the seeds of next round.
Scam Hamilton for the “win”