Biden Lies About His Comments on Clean Coal

| October 3, 2008

Palin challenged Biden on his position on clean coal technologies. Biden responded by saying that his comments were taken out of context. He said he was talking about providing that technology to China, then went on to talk about something totally unrelated to the subject.

Here’s what he really said:

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“No coal plants here in America. Build them if they’re going to build them over there, make them clean.”

So he was talking about China. He wants to give China our clean coal technology and eliminate all coal plants here.

“Say it ain’t so Joe” is proposing killing one of the largest energy industries in America. Oh and naturally lying about it.

Category: Politics

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This might be a dumb question, but what if China says “no thanks” to our brilliant clean-coal technology? What’s Biden going to do, ship it over there, carry it on his back and install it himself?

What a buffoon.


Biden has claimed his comment above was taken out of context. But in a Salon interview last year, Biden proposed a series of radical, unilateral actions by the U.S. to combat global warming. He also he spoke against clean coal, coal to liquid, and creating new nuclear plants.