Katie Couric; Salute our troops
I know I could drop a grenade among the whole group here and not hit a Katie Couric fan, but the folks over at the Katie Show sent us a message that she’s saluting the troops Thursday in preparation for Memorial Day (which I just discovered is the 27th not the 31st this year and it’s the 26th next year) so I thought I’d pass the information along to y’all;
“Katie” salutes our troops and shares amazing stories from the front lines and the homefront in a special episode leading up to Memorial Day, which will be broadcast THURSDAY, MAY 23 (check local listings/ or www.katiecouric.com).
Highlights from the show include:
· The first female soldier amputee of Operation Iraqi Freedom, Melissa Stockwell, tells her story…from wounded warrior to Paralympics champion.
· Sergeant Paul Horton, a bomb specialist who served four combat tours, describes his harrowing battle with PTSD and explains how big the problem is for many men and women returning from active duty.
· ABC News correspondent Bob Woodruff discusses his own recovery after a life-threatening injury while covering the Iraq war, and some of the heroes he met along the way.
· Veteran Jaspen Boothe’s crusade to help fellow female solders find work and housing through her “Final Salute” program.
· Meet “The Smileys.” One mom from Maine got creative when her husband was deployed, and created an unforgettable year of special dinners for their three boys. She writes about the experiences and the incredible guests who joined them in the book, Dinner with the Smileys.
I know what you’re going to say, but if we boycott these folks when they do things we don’t like, we have to support them when they do good things, right?
Category: Support the troops
Yes, we do.
One word.
Have not watched anything she is associated with since.
Used to be a big fan.
Couric is a snake in the grass. And I just offended all snakes by saying that.
I wouldn’t watch anything she was remotely connected with, if she interviewed God.
I had co-workers go up for the taping last week in uniform. A few weren’t impressed. This seems like a dying grasp for ratings to get people she has pissed off and now she wants to save face.
I’d be interested what the other networks are putting on for the weekend. The cynic in me says they’re just going through the motions. I’ll watch if I happen to have the TV on at that time. Fool me once shame on you…..
Couric is a self-absorbed, self-serving, walking insult to her species and gender.
I am torn between wondering whether she’s going to attmept pandering to build some sort of fan base again now that the smoking wreckage of her nightly news career has been cleared away, or if it’s going to be something along the lines of a unforgivable hatchet job, a la Palin.
I was never a big fan of Palin, but what Couric did was unconscionable.
This sounds like a good idea but it features only one male soldier and seems to lean towards the female side of the subject. I hope that it turns out to be a good program but I refuse to watch anything featuring Couric.
Except Memorial Day is for remembering those who gave their lives for this country; saluting the troops is why we have Veteran’s Day. But thanks for playing, Katie.
Just from the description above, I see “victim interview mode” written all over it.
I wouldn’t even think of turning on the TV for this. I have no wish to throw something heavy at my new flatscreen.
Yeah Katie…whatevers…
“I know I could drop a grenade among the whole group here and not hit a Katie Couric fan”
You sir are indeed a wordsmith…
BTW f$ck Katie Couric…piece of sh1t hack, tossed her integrity aside years ago and is desperately trying to remain relevant.
Ms. Couric’s career went south a while back when she said she couldn’t be ‘bubbly’ 24 hours a day.
Just glad I don’t have a working TV right now. I have other plans for Memorial Day.
No interest in Katie Couric. She is a hack journalist and is grasping at straws trying to draw the military into her web. She is using military members to further her own career. And her politically correct bullshit will make those that appear with her look foolish. Sorry Jonn, not going to get much support for this one.
“I know what you’re going to say, but if we boycott these folks when they do things we don’t like, we have to support them when they do good things, right?” No, we don’t. Hey, it’s like a box of mixed donuts. Just because I don’t like the ones with sprinkles doesn’t mean I have to deny myself the glazed. Moreover, I do not like what she is doing for this Memorial Day which, unless I missed the change, is dedicated to our Fallen of all wars.
Is she doing a good thing? Really??
That said, anyone who wants to is free to watch, but I certainly don’t have to punish myself by looking at her at all. Ever.
I was ambivalent about her until she yacked herself onto my disgust/distrust list at the Barcelona Olympics. She showed her true colors there and has done nothing since then to improve my opinion.
Going to plant flags at the local Vet cemetery behind Ft Benning and remember my brothers that have been lost in this shit war that no one wants to pay for, and for soldiers that no one wants to take care of. Why does Couric choose to honor another news guy who didn’t need to be there anyway? How is he more important than any young man ordered to do shit that no civilian cares to do? Color me unimpressed.
Katie Couric
LSDM Leftist Libtard
Victim pandering ratings grasper
Maybe I’ll watch. But probably not.
@8: Yup. Thing is memorials don’t equate to promoting charities and that is the program. Every single one of those segments is to promote something. Why couldn’t they simply have military veterans talk about fallen friends? That is memorial day. What isn’t memorial day? Talking to surviving military veterans about their injuries or for fuck sake finding work.
It’s a shame.
@8 +1 What will she do for next Christmas’ special, interview the Easter Bunny?
Leave it to Couric to screw up even the simplest of National Holidays….. But, give her credit – it looks like the current Administration’s talking points will be covered (PTSD, Females in Combat social experiment, all she is missing is some ‘assault rifle’ & gun registration and how civilians don’t need them… )
Couric? I’d rather watch toadstools grow on cow patties in a pasture!
fuck this bitch
I’d really rather not. I’ll take one for the team, but damn, a man has to have his standards.
Comrades in Arms:
I refuse to observe the federally mandated Monday holiday.
For me, Memorial Day is the Thirtieth Day of May.
Also, as a Southerner, I must remind everybody that Memorial Day, which originally was called Decoration Day, was plagiarized by them there damn Yankees!
It actually began in the South, with widows and mothers decorating the graves of Confederate dead.
A Yankee general saw it and decided the rest of the country ought to do that, too.
Unfortunately, that there Yankee, General John A. Logan, from Murphysboro, Illinois, gets all the credit, and if’n you’re interested, his tomb is right there at the Soldiers’ Home Cemetery in Washington, D.C.
As “AW1ED” pointed out in their comment, Memorial Day is NOT synonymous with Veterans Day.
Veterans Day is for the living, and we rightfully celebrate it with tons of hoopla and fanfare.
Memorial Day is for our honored military dead, and it is to be solemnly observed, not celebrated.
Parades, concerts, fireworks, et cetera, are quite inappropriate for Memorial Day.
Notice also, that I specified “military dead”.
Folks have three hundred and sixty-four other days to put flowers on Great Aunt Bertha’s grave.
But, Memorial Day should be reserved solely for honoring our military dead.
I write about this subject frequently, but I doubt it has any effect.
Never-the-less, I still try, no matter how futile my attempt.
Thank you.
John Robert Mallernee
Armed Forces Retirement Home
Gulfport, Mississippi 39507
Well-outlined point.
Mr. Mallernee,
I would disagree that the attempt is futile good sir, a small effect creates a ripple through society. While that ripple might never become a surging wave, to those who are alert and watchful a ripple does not pass unnoticed.
No attempt to educate the masses to the solemnity of the Memorial Day observance, and the positive impact to our nation thanks to those we honor on that day, can ever be truly futile. God bless you and thank you.
Will never be a fan after she looked the editor of Time magazine in the face and asked, “why is there not a woman in the picture?”
Of course it was the year Time magazine made the US Soldier the Man (or person) of the Year and of course there was a women on the cover of the magazine!
She is a jackass!
I have another story … but I can not tell it here!
I have about as much use for her as I do a football bat. That being said, I’ll spend my day remembering those who DIDN’T make it home, rather than watching her using those who did, however grievously scarred by war, as a prop for a ratings boost.
I spent the majority of my formative years in the South and had never heard it was originally a Confederate holiday until relatively recently in life. I want to say it was right here on TAH.
@ 23 … I like you. But this Yankee disagrees with your point! I observe Memorial Day!
BTW … we won the war!
# 29, MCPO NYC USN (Ret.) wrote:
“BTW … we won the war!”
In the Eighteen Sixties, the North invaded the South, my ancestor fought for the South, and the South lost.
In the Nineteen Sixties, the North invaded the South, I fought for the South, and the South lost.
History repeating itself.
Katie Couric is the modern day Jane Fonda.
No intention of hearing what she has to say on ANY subject.
It will have the typical liberal media spin. Two split tails, one who got part of her shot off and is still more manly than most men, and another who is on a “crusade” to help out those poor helpless women veterans, but of course does nothing at all for those veterans with dicks of course; a male PTSD victim will tell about how fucked up he is from all that war and bomb defusing; a fellow “journalist” who got fucked up, How noble that is of course; and some woman whose husband got deployed so she cooked her ass off for her kids. Oh, fuck me how notable.
It will be total bullshit from the great Katie Cuntlick.
As long as Katie doesn’t salute with one finger.
@21, I feel the same way #22, yea, DITTO! I’d rather crawl naked through broken glass and poison ivy, then dip myself in rubbing alcohol before eating a grenade than have a date with Katie Couric!!