American Legion allocates $1 million for Oklahoma tornado victims

| May 21, 2013

Someone at the American Legion sent us this link to a PRNewswire link;

The American Legion announced that it is allocating $1 million to veterans affected by the tornadoes in Oklahoma. The money will be used to cover relocation expenses for veterans and their families whose homes were devastated by the disaster.

The American Legion, the nation’s largest veterans organization, has previously assisted emergency efforts following Hurricane Sandy, Hurricane Katrina and other natural disasters.

The American Legion has set up a hotline for veterans needing emergency assistance. They can call 1-800-504-4098. If they have legal custody of minor children, they can seek help though the Legion’s Temporary Financial Assistance Program. Veterans without children can seek assistance through The American Legion National Emergency Fund. Individuals wishing to donate to The American Legion National Emergency Fund should call 1-800-253-7000, donate online at or mail checks to The American Legion NEF, PO Box 1055, Indianapolis, IN 46206.

Category: Veterans Issues

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THIS is another reason I’m glad I paid my $600 for a life membership.
They do good work.


I joined the VFW, but not the American Legion. I think I will now remedy that.


@2 Twist,
I wish I was eligible for the VFW but unlike posers, I will not lie about my service to try to get in.
If they broaden their eligibility requirements (which I heard they may do with the WWII population dying off), then I’d join.
Life member of the DAV too.
/23 years, never set foot on hostile soil…but my bags were always packed and I spent like 15 years on a rapid deployment team.


A good enough reason right there to join the AL.


God bless all the American Legion for this support. I wish I were able to join them right now.

Old Tanker

Sure makes me glad I’m a 20 year, dues paying member!

Anyone eligible should really consider joining, they do some really good work on behalf of veterans!


[…] This Ain’t Hell reports that the American Legion is providing aid for impacted veterans. […]


+1 to what has been said before…things like this make me proud to be a Legion member.

Old Trooper

The American Legion Legacy Scholarship Fund is another reason to join. Not too many people outside of the Legion know much about it. I have been raising money for this important program for 5+ years as the American Legion Dept. of Minnesota Legacy Fund Director.

When the floods hit WI, MN, IA, IL a few years back, the NEF helped out many Vets and their families. In fact, the Commander for the 1st Dist. in MN was at the doors of Veterans with help before the rain stopped or the feds showed up.

That’s why I’m a member


I’m renewing my AL membership ASAP!!


@9, +1 on Legacy Scholarships. This is the second year our post is sponsoring AL Riders over Memorial Day and the Rolling Thunder Demonstration, all proceeds to Legacy Scholarship Fund:

Many many reasons to support our VSOs.

2/17 Air Cav

One of our commenters is from those parts. Dammit, I just can’t recall who.


2/17 Air Cav: Joe Williams is from Bokoshe, if I recall correctly. That’s about 150mi E of OKC.

Don’t think Bokoshe got any damage, but haven’t seen Joe here today either.

Can’t recall any TAH regulars from the OKC metro area. Doesn’t mean there aren’t any.

2/17 Air Cav

This is one time I hope I am 100% wrong.


Legion lets every swinging dick in and that’s ok. No need to hate on the VFW because it is more selective. They both are great charity organizations serving military veterans and children.

Miss Ladybug

As a side note, I attended the monthly social at Travis Post 76 last night. They announced that the Legion Post in Granbury, Texas was destroyed in the tornado there last week. I know they were going to be soliciting (locally) donations from them to start rebuilding. Was there an AL Post in Moore, OK, too?


Speaking of victims, we haven’t seen Bodaprez show up and make a big ol’ speech yet, have we? Did I miss it?

Yeah, he might step on a nail or something if he went there. It isn’t Hurricane Sandy, after all.

Dragoon 45

I’m from Tulsa. IIRC there was an AL, VFW, and DAV post in Moore. There has been no local news on if any of those Posts survived the twister or not. The South and West sides of the OKC Metro Area seem to get hammered every 8-10 years by a twister. Also I have not heard if the various VSO Posts in Shawnee, Ok, got hammered or not. Shawnee took some pretty heavy damage on Sunday from a twister.


@15 I don’t think anyone is hating on VFW, both orgs do great things regarding service and Veteran advocacy.


Hopefully no phonies weasel their way into getting any of this money.

Joe Williams

All is well in Bokoshe, lots of rain, lighting and thunder. All around us , twisters were reported and none came close. Thank You for the concern Joe

Old Trooper

@15: I think you have the Legion confused with AmVets.


#12, I am. 3 of my kids live in Norman.

#17, Ex-PH2: yes, Bodaprez did speak on the topic. It wasn’t Benghazi, the economy, AP-gate, the economy, the IRS, the economy, or the EPA. However, Senator one-each Sheldon Whitehouse stepped over an incredibly wide line. Being the Alan Grayson of the Senate may be all cute for a purchased senate seat, but enough is enough.


Clarification: I am NoVA for work. I am not on site.

Joe Williams

New info a twister hit Poteau(18 miles South)picked up and hit Salisaw 40 miles South of me. Several other small towns around reported damaged unsure of twister or high wind damage. Joe


@22: “August 2, 1990 to today”
Sounds like every swinging dick to me.

Old Trooper

@26: It’s open because congress didn’t set an end date after the first Gulf War. With the VFW, they have some dates of eligibility that the Legion doesn’t and vice versa. The dates are set by congress and we know how effective congress is at getting to this kind of thing. If it involved gays in the military or women in combat arms units, then they would have had it taken care of a long time ago. Yeah, I, myself, don’t agree with it, however, there were all sorts of smaller scale things that happened in the 90’s (Bosnis, Kosovo, Somalia, etc.) and I think it was supposed to be a catch-all for that. Yeah, it sounds like it’s no different than AmVets these days, but to many within the organization, it is.