Still not mad at the IRS?

| May 18, 2013

Maybe, if you’re still not mad at the IRS for being political animals in the arena of battle, you can get mad at this; a veteran who was wounded in Iraq and spent part of 2010 recovering from those wounds had his checking account seized by the IRS, because somehow they figure that he made six-figures that he didn’t pay taxes on that year. Well, he’s 60% disabled and they seized his disability check, which is technically against the law;

I kindly read the federal code mentioned above to the lady I spoke with at the IRS, reminding her that VA disability money is 100% exempt. She placed me on hold for another age (I could see a man coming- bearing water- over the horizon) and then she came back on the line and told me, “We do not take veterans’ disability money. We wait until the funds are deposited from the VA and then we take all of the funds from your bank account.”

The good news is that through my persistence, and my refusal to accept their answer, that it is okay to launder VA disability money, I was able to get the IRS to refund all of the money they’d taken from my bank. I am working with the IRS to remedy their great misunderstanding of my earnings for 2010, and I am reaching out to all disabled veterans to let them know that if this is happening to them, they do have rights, and they need to stand up for them.

Category: Veterans Issues

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Gee. According to the article, “. . . only weeks before the IRS put this hold on my bank account, I’d been asked to be a contributing writer for key Tea Party personality ‘Joe the Plumber.’ “

Must be just an unfortunate coincidence.


Yep, I was already mad at the IRS but this just ratcheted it up a few notches.




This is beyond disgusting. I wish I hadn’t just ate.




“One survey found that 75% of IRS respondents felt entitled to deceive or lie to Congress.”

For perspective, the survey population was 800, so 600 IRS officials felt they could lie to Congress – not just to American citizens.

The article does not mention the Reagan, Bush-41 and Bush-43 administrations are not mentioned beyond low-level terrorism committed by IRS agents against American citizens.

Why does the IRS remind me of the tax collectors in “Hagar the Horrible?”

William Marcum

Or Robin Hood DaveO

A Proud Infidel

Damn. And the IRS has a huge role in inflicting Øbamacare, doesn’t that give you a warm, fuzzy feeling? I’m all for legalizing torture of Government Bureaucrats!!


I read that on Friday. There was no reason for the IRS to do that. They were after information on one individual.


You know, I remember after Republicans took over the House in 1994 they held hearings on the abuses by the IRS and the way that they routinely treated people and I was outraged then. But now, almost 20 years later, what has been done to rein in the power of this organization or stop its abuses? In fact, as detailed above, their power has increased exponentially.

Look, I hate the Democrats for what they do and are, but it’s also very hard to be for the Republicans given what they failed to do when they had the chance. There is one side which is clearly “less worse” than the other, but it’s hard to take seriously that there is anyone in the government that is serious about addressing the root causes of the problem.


Being an active member and/or donor in; Vietnam Veterans Against Kerry, Swiftboat Veterans For Truth,an organizer of Gathering of Eagles, an organizer of one of the first Tea Party rallys in Feb 2009, and signing of numerous conservative petitions, the IRS has mysteriously and just recently audited my son with same name. The audit was conducted by a contracted company, maybe connected to an Obama bundleer. The IRS then turned this audit over to the state Revenue Dept and informed them that the state was also due money from 2006. The state sent a certified letter to my home and it stated that my son’s drivers license was revoked upon receipt of the letter by a little known provision in state law.

Immediately contacted some state representatives and senators offices to express outrage and to get to the bottom of the problem. When the state representatives contacted the state Dept of Revenue they could get no answers or copies of the audit, only an explanation that the federal IRS had conducted the audit and they were notified of the amounts owed. The state did not have a copy of the audit. It’s been about three weeks now and still no copies of any audit has been received after official request. The only way the drivers license was finally changed back to active was to make a large payment toward what the state agency said was due them. They did agree to refund any amount paid if and when an audit was recieved and proven to be incorrect.

Next step is to see my federal representative and senator. As you can imagine, I am extremely pissed as is my veteran son. And he had a CPA prepare the taxes in question.

There is a lot more to this than told above. Stay tuned.


face/palm. Everyone remember when it was just the Military Finance Department that screwed us around like that? And folks wonder why we don’t fully trust our government and it’s agencies……

B Woodman

One answer:
Open IRS hunting season. No bag limit.


B–Our ancestors would have been shooting by now.


@12 – Get a subpoena for that audit started. Something’s fishy here. Dig deep. And DOCUMENT EVERTHING. Hammer those contraffazione.

Definitely something rotting in the State of USA.

See, this is when you practice a lot of cussing in a foreign language, preferably an obscure type like Gaelic or Latin or Urdu or maybe even ancient Egyptian. You could wish a pox on all their houses that way.


PH: Don’t worry about #12. He is one of THE most capable folks in existence to take care of the situation appropriately. And, unlike the bureaucrats, will do so well within legal limits.

Of course, he also knows that a bazillion of so of his closest friends have his back.


Even with everything going on now, they still act like they don’t answer to the citizens of the USA.

This agency is one that definitely should be shut down altogether. Especially when its proven the amount of illegal activity they conduct without reprisal, they can seize any asset, do anything they want without warrant or writ, and your only recourse is to talk to your representative, the media (if they’re listening), and hope something happens in your favor.

Wasn’t Obama proclaiming as a campaign promise something about fixing this kind of issue with govt agencies? And/Or increasing transparency in govt?


Here’s one for you, straight from the Obama mouth: