Carney: Benghazi happened a long time ago
Yeah, so why are you politicizing the deaths of four Americans? It was a long time ago, why haven’t you guys forgotten about it yet? I mean, we’ve been stonewalling for months now. I’ve been doing my best to not use bad words so you guys aren’t blocked by filters, that’s why I’m going to shut up now.
Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Terror War
Someone needs to bitch slap this fucker…hard!
9/11 happened a long time ago, and you fuckers on the left are still trying to screech, “Bush knew!!! BUSH KNEW!!!!”
I love the consistent inconsistency of the left.
Whoa! That was one helluiva ready and well prepped response. The onlt thing Jay failed to say was, “Thanks for asking!” The message is clear to the talking heads and Big Media: Open up any treatment of the issue with, “Benghazi is ancient history.” Piffle. The WH remains afraid of Benghazi. And that’s a good thing. There remain a few bona fide journalists out there who will not stop asking questions. None of them attended the press briefing, as far as I can tell.
Saw that a bit ago and wondered what sort of altered reality this clown lives within. A long time ago? We’re not talking about something that happened in 1932 – it was less than 8 months ago.
A long time ago? September 2012 is a long time ago? In what universe, may I ask?
It’s been eight months. That’s only a LONG time if you’re pregnant and the baby’s been sitting on your bladder for six of those months.
But I guess it doesn’t really matter exactly when things happen when you just do NOT care.
Yep, the most open and transparent administration, ever. We can see right through them.
My comment at Facebook on this:
This is saying: “Since we didn’t fess up right after the incident, we cannot be held responsible now. Our delaying tactics worked.”
What does it matter…
It happened a long time ago…
My comment is this:
What the fuck are they hiding?
Memo to: Jay Carney
From: Moi
Re: Benghazi – not so very long ago
Jay, you dumb, stump-sucking, ticket-punching, slovenly wart on a pickle, answer this question:
I sure do hope you’ve got tranquilizers to control your fear when you have to start answering REAL questions, you fishmonger.
For shame, PH! Now you are insulting fishmongers?
C’mon Ex-PH2 – you and I both know that demo-tards couldn’t speak the truth even if their lives depended on it.
This is the same kind of bullshit Jay Smarmy and the rest of the administration play with, and folks like them see absolutely no wrong in what they’re doing.
Benghazi occurred some 7 1/2 months ago, and that was side stepped by the election and subsequent inauguration, then there was Hillary’s concussion. Then Sandy Hook happened in December (4 1/2 months ago), and that issue appears to be loosing momentum, too. Unless it’s an immediate crisis they can side-step and dance around, it really isn’t an issue.
Meanwhile, it seems a majority of Americans are still walking around in some kind of fucked up Obama zombie trance.
I’m sorry about the fishmonger remark. I was angry. I let it slip out. I guess no popcorn tonight? (Sniffles, tears trickle.)
@11 – Well, they tried to make up a crisis with the explosion at the West, Texas fertilizer plant when they should have been attending to people at the Boston bombing. I guess you just can’t be in two places in the same week when you’re in that job.
First they cover up the attacks with some nonsense about a YouTube video. Then they play the blame game while claiming it no longer matters. Then they try to silence those testifying. Now they claim it’s so long ago that it no longer matters. I sincerely hope every member of the Obama administration dies painfully.
@14 – I would rather wish severe, unsightly and very itchy permanent psioriasis on them. Every time they scratch, the names of the people who died at Benghazi show up in raised letters on their sking, like in the “Exorcist”.
Oh, yeah, walking around wearing a board that says “I was responsible for the deaths at Benghazi”.
And maybe completely social ostracism. That means no one talks to them; no one helps them when they need help; they’re ignored when they make emergency calls; when it floods the neighborhood, everyone else is evac’d but not them; etc., etc.
There’s an entire spectrum of ways to punish people who are so horrible without ever doing anything illegal to them. I’d rather see them live in complete social isolation until they die.
If Benghazi was so long ago, that must mean any documents have been declassified by now, right?
Ill take the next question that has anything to do with: the president’s recent flub…you know a gay basket ball player can “bang” with Shaq…come on guys. He gave you an easy one…is this thing on?
Pearl Harbor happened in the last century, but we knew who did it and they got nuked for it. We were attacked and we declared war the next day. God I hate being lied to by this criminal administration.
Susan Rice proclaims, it’s a you tube video making folks crazy…even when they have photos of armed men as persons of interest on the day of the attack…
Janet Napoletano proclaims the Boston bombers are acting alone after self radicalization….
Jay Carney proclaims, Benghazi was a long time ago….
Consistent obfuscation, obvious misdirection, and outright nonsense are the hallmarks of the current administration.
If you are going to tell me that the man who held the president’s office in 2008 is still responsible for the economic woes of the nation, I am going to tell you that the current man holding the office is responsible for failing to protect Americans from terrorists on several occasions due to his constant pandering to our muslim enemies.
The dead at Fort Hood, the Boston bombing, Benghazi are all victims of Muslim extremism. We are at war with muslim extremists, it’s about f#cking time somebody running policy steps to the plate and just speaks the reality of it…but I won’t hold my breath waiting for these cowardly turds to begin to man up and tell it like it is….heaven forbid we make the people trying to kill us feel bad about themselves….
Perhaps some day we can elect someone with some testicular fortitude who will clearly illuminate a policy that lets our enemies know we have some very specific ROEs designed to contain collateral civilian casualties, but if you change those ROEs to include our children and non combatant civilians we will use your rules and engage your families wherever we can find them and kill them so your genetic line ends permanently.
Or we can keep bowing and shuffling and trying to appease these sh1tbags, appeasement seems to be working as nicely in Iraq and Afghanistan as it did for Chamberlin in Germany.
We can see right through them.
Transparent indeed. Well said.
Very well said.
Hey, if Benghazi was a “long time ago”, doesn’t that make the Bush era prehistoric?
As we draw a little closer to learning the truth about Benghazi, we can expect the revisionists to hem and haw about who actually said what and when. Well, here’s a little recap I’ve put together regarding the BS cover up. Feel free to add additional damning quotes.
Sept 14: Jay Carney: “We have no information to suggest that it was a preplanned attack.”
Sept 16:
Susan Rice: “What this began as was a spontaneous, not a premeditated, response to what happened transpired in Cairo.” “We believe that folks in Benghazi, a small number of people, came to the embassy to — or to the consulate rather — to replicate the sort of challenge that was posed in Cairo. And then, as that unfolded, it seems to have been hijacked, let us say, by some individual clusters of extremists who came with heavier weapons.”
Sept 18:
Jay Carney: “Our belief based on the information we had was that it was the video that caused the unrest in Cairo and the video that — and the unrest in Cairo that helped — that precipitated some of the unrest in Benghazi and elsewhere.”
Sept 20: Obama:
“Well, we’re still doing an investigation, and there are going to be different circumstances in different countries. And so I don’t want to speak to something until we have all the information. What we do know is that the natural protests that arose because of the outrage over the video were used as an excuse by extremists to see if they can also directly harm U.S. interests.”
For those of you who want a refresher, the thread “50 Marines Headed to Benghazi” is worth a review. It was posted 12 September 2012.
Regarding Benghazi: along with the article 2/17 Air Cav cites ( ) and the timeline that he put together above, this is also worth looking at:
It appears that the Administration knew from day one that Benghazi was al Qaeda related terrorism and deliberately lied about what they knew – and when they knew it.
Tell me again how many people died as the result of Watergate?
Thanks for the links. We should have more damning information over the next couple of weeks–and it will be traced to the WH and State Department.
“What did the President know, and when did he know it?”
Haven’t heard that one in a while. Hopefully we’ll be hearing it again soon.
Looks like it’s already starting, 2/17 Air Cav:
From the Fox link: “On the night of Sept. 11, as the Obama administration scrambled to respond to the Benghazi terror attacks, then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and a key aide effectively tried to cut the department’s own counterterrorism bureau out of the chain of reporting and decision-making….” That’s part of what “Mark I. Thompson, a former Marine and now the deputy coordinator for operations in the agency’s counterterrorism bureau” will testify to next Wednesday.
Yes, it has begun. The truth is seeping out. The political ramifications of Benghazi for obamaman’s re-election bid were at stake. Hats off to Fox News. Fox has never let Benghazi go. Every single day, it seems, they have run a piece about that avoidable fiasco and its aftermath.
Does anyone recall which thread had the breakdown of casualties of terrorists dying while attacking American embassies. Harry Houdini is posting that same old bullshit about all of the “deaths” while Bush was in office. Someone needs to school the idiot.