David Bellavia; this is why I carry a Gerber multi-tool

| May 1, 2013

If a Gerber multi-tool is good enough for David Bellavia, it’s good enough for me.

Why Bellavia isn’t Gerber’s spokesmodel I’ll never understand. He’ll be on Warrior POV tonight at 10pm on the Military Channel. Thanks to Zero for the link.

Category: War Stories

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I’ve read his book a couple times. I would love to meet this man and buy him a beer or 10.




Balls. Brass. Extra Large. Unit of issue: Pair.

2/17 Air Cav

Funny how his account smacks of brutal honesty–like realizing in the midst of a brutal fight what the object of the fight actually is.


Crap! Pound him! That gets my adrenaline going.

B Woodman

I have two:
One from Uncle Sam, a 2Gen I think, with the adjustable hex cap screws. Blunt pliers, black finish.
The second one is also possibly from Uncle Sam, possibly a 3Gen, with the non-adjustable rivets. Needle tipped pliers, stainless steel. This is my every day carry every where tool.

And Gerber is as good as their word on lifetime warranty on replacement parts. I have broken a file and a knife blade, and they shipped me the new parts, with a replacement screw, no questions asked.

I’d rather part with my left hand (I’m left handed) then part with either of these. Is it wrong to want to be buried with these, instead of bequeathing them to your (g)children??


Ramrods! I was so pissed when my company got left behind on FOB Normandy and everyone else in 2/2 went down to Fallujah to kick ass.

2/17 Air Cav

“Is it wrong to want to be buried with these, instead of bequeathing them to your (g)children?”

Yes, it is.

Hack Stone

Twist@1, he can use the bottle opener to open those beers.


@7 – 1st or 2d Battle of Fallujah? During the latter (Operation Phantom Fury) and under the direction of General Mattis, Colonel Toolan had everyone fix bayonets before they crossed the line of departure.

Before that, I can’t remember when the last time Marines were ordered to do so, but I’m sure it was well before my time.


@7 – Andy – my mistake. 2/2 was there in 2004. 2/1 was there for “Phantom Fury”.

Glad you made it home.


@10, OP Phantom Fury. SSG Bellavia was nominated for the MoH, but it got downgraded to a Silver Star. He was in Aco which got to go on down and kick some ass. They lost their CO, XO, and a team leader. my company and some folks from HHC got left behind to cover down on FOB Normandy and our sector. Sucked watching the news reports as the city was retaken.

Just Plain Jason

minveariufnoajdsnf<< me cursing really really bad….I just missed it!


And people think that a leatherman’s cool and all. I’ve always thought A gerber multitool is easier to use and stronger made than a leatherman..I guess we now have proof..


@Andy… What co and platoon were you in?


@15 Warriors, 1st plt

Robot Wrangler

@16 Yea I was suposed to go to act as support for 2/2 but my SSG took my place. I was with 201st at FOB Warhorse but my buddy was with you guys at Normandy. I was kinda glad that I wasnt there, seeing how you guys were still burning shitters for the longest time. I got to talk to David when he came down and spoke at the college I was attending, after he spoke I walked up and slapped down a 3rd BCT coin and asked him if he recognized it. He and I stood there talking for the next 10-15 minutes while the school officials and reporters waited for us to get done, hell of a guy.


I used my Gerber to pull a sparp metal object (thistle from a wire brush) from my hand.


Well done David!


Bear in mind that Bellavia butt-stroked this guy, wrestled with him and beat him with his SAPI plate before he finally subdued him. Combat will often come down to sheer brutality, just like it has for thousands of years despite the way it is often portrayed for popular consumption today.


@Andy… 2nd platoon Bad Boys but I started as a Horseman under SFC Haynes…


I did 1st Fallujah as a saw gunner and had to resort to my gerber to unfuck my weapon multiple times. Not as dramatic as Bellavia’s but important to me and my team.


@20, yea, we were hating life when he went off to the S2 and we got our new PSG. Life got better when they put him in charge of HQ plt and SSG Ag came back from training the Iraqis. Remember the team live fire we did at the range outside the main gate? It was my team that took top honors and got those company coins. My team was made up of Toon, Calkins, and Cordova.
You know what makes me mad, and I hope it was a honest mistake. I picked up SSG Bellavia’s book, and in the back he list’s everyone in the Div that died except the guy from 1st Plt that killed himself.


@Andy, You’re not “Sarge” are you? Its “Pro.” I remember that shit. we missed fallujah but 2nd got there just in time for the victory party. Who got killed in 1st? I thought ehrlich from 2nd was our only suicide?


@23, fat fingered it, I meant 2nd, my fingers typed 1st. I was sitting in my room with Kunk and Phillips over in the court yard when someone came by and told us he killed himself. Been so long “Pro” doesn’t ring any bells for me. And yes, I’m Sgt Andy. SSG Cologne was my sqd ldr. I picked up my 6 when we got back to Germany.


@Andy… Colon was my squad leader too in Kosovo, before I got moved to SSG Coley’s squad in 2nd. Did you hear about Sully?


@Andy… Sorry @25 was me…


@26, no, I haven’t been in touch with anyone since I got out after the brigade deactivated and I ETSed in 06. But I have a bad feeling about what your going to tell me about Sully. I wrote his NCOER before he PCSed and I did my best to pump it up so he would look good to his gaining unit.


@Andy… He deployed again with 1/8 cav. I ran into him in Baghdad while my unit was replacing his. About a year later I was trying to look him up and found out he was murdered by his ex-girlfriend and 2 soldiers on Ft. Hood. Fucked up. Me and him were attached at the hip since basic…


@Andy… He deployed again with 1/8 cav. I ran into him in Baghdad while my unit was replacing his. About a year later I was trying to look him up and found out he was murdered by his ex-girlfriend and 2 soldiers on Ft. Hood. Fucked up. Me and him were attached at the hip since basic…


@29, I searched the story and found a few articles. man that’s fucked.