Think Progress award-winning blogger charged with faking her own Hate Crime

| May 1, 2013

Yeah, who could have seen this one coming.

The University of Wyoming Police Department says Meg Lanker-Simons created the anonymous threat of sexual violence targeted at her on social media last week.

The university announced Tuesday that campus police cited Lanker-Simons for misdemeanor interference with a police investigation.

Lanker-Simons accused an anonymous source of posting a threat of rape on the Facebook page “UW Crushes” on April 24. But the citation issued Monday claims Lanker-Simons admitted to making the post, then lying about it….

“I want to hatef— Meg Lanker- so hard,” the Facebook post read. “That chick that runs her liberal mouth all the time and doesn’t care who knows it. I think its hot and it makes me angry. One night with me and she’s gonna be a good Republican b—-.”

Here she is being honored by Think Progress and Mother Jones.

Here’s her deleted Twitter Page.

Here’s her dopey Tumblr.

She sounds like Regan-Wolf, the lesbian pirate infantry battalion commander busted for beating the shit out of herself.

 BTW- Welcome to Malkin and AoSHQ readers.  We love Ms Malkin, and while not quite “Collins” about Ace, we admit to being somewhat curious.  With enough Valu-Rite we would consider it.

 UPDATE:  Here’s the stuff about her and Ayers working together:

University of Wyoming student Meg Lanker and University of Illinois-Chicago Professor Dr. William Ayers filed suit against UW and UW President Tom Buchanan in federal court in Cheyenne Thursday afternoon seeking an immediate injunction against the university for the “current and imminent violations of plaintiff’s (Lanker and Ayers) rights guaranteed under the First and Fourteenth Amendments to the United States Constitution.”

University of Wyoming Communications Director Jessica Lowell had no comment.

Filed by attorney David Lane, the complaint alleges that UW “acting under color of state law” has barred Ayers from speaking on campus and further declared that such actions are prior restraint against the rights of Ayers and Lanker to freedom of speech, freedom of assembly and freedom of association.

One of the specific threats allegedly was this:

Maybe someone could take him out and show him the Matthew Sheppard (sic) Commerative (sic) Fence and he could bless it or something

Only source I can find on that one right now is Ayers himself. But, maybe some more digging.

Category: Politics

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[…] com­ments from Gate­way pun­dit on the Ayers con­nec­tion, This Ain’t Hell on her pages now gone, and Stacy on the silence of her […]


[…] recent incident in which a University of Wyoming female student created a fake rape threat in order to advocate against sexual violence demonstrates how hate crimes on campus always require […]