Shane Ladner may face charges

| May 1, 2013

The Atlanta Journal Constitution reports this morning that Shane Ladner, the fellow who lied about his military service to get free a deer hunt and a ride on a float which cost his wife her leg, may be facing charges from Cherokee County.

Ball met Tuesday with Cherokee County District Attorney Shannon Wallace, who told the AJC she has requested that the Cherokee County Sheriff’s Office launch an investigation into allegations that Ladner lied about his war record.

Wallace said it’s too early to tell what laws, if any, may have been broken.

Ladner, speaking through his attorney, Kevin Glasheen, insists he is not lying about his record but offered a revised version of his initial account of his military service.

“Shane was stationed in Honduras at the time he was wounded during a grenade attack while on patrol doing drug interdiction tactics in Central America,” Glasheen said in a statement. “Shane was instructed to say that he suffered his wounds during Operation Just Cause in Panama rather than when and where the events actually occurred because of the sensitive nature of the military’s involvement in drug interdiction in that region.”

We got a hold of Ladner’s DD214 which supposedly came from his lawyer. It looks forged to me;

Ladner DD214 (redacted)

For one thing, he lists a “Joint Service Commendation Medal with Combat Distinguishing Device “V””. The Joint Service Commendation Medal is for “merit” and the “V” device is for valor, not for combat service, I can’t find an example of a Joint Service Commendation Medal with a “V” device, or where it might be authorized. I think Ladner got confused while he was shopping for the medals he wanted on his DD214.

If the Sheriff is looking for charges to file against him, he might try getting him for those Purple Heart license plates as well as the forged DD214. It looks like his lawyer has joined Ladner in his deception, Christian Boone, the AJC reporter told me that his lawyer is former military, too, so he knows that there are no records at Fort Benning that would prove Ladner’s lies, and that there are no hospital records in Panama that would support his Purple Heart, but he’s just hoping that it will all blow over.

It won’t, since Ladner went on a hunting trip that a real wounded veteran could have used.

Category: Phony soldiers

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the colonel

Thanks for validating my conclusions, guys. When I began, I thought Ladner had lied to get a free deer hunt, then lied more when people began to question him. I see now that he has been doing this for years. Although Ladner has broken several laws, certainly disappointed his family, and embarrassed a lot of good people, I strongly believe Ladner in mentally ill, (megalomania comes to mind immediately), and hope he gets the care he needs – he is still a veteran with several years of honorable service to his credit.


the colonel: you might be right about Ladner. Alternatively, he could simply be a modern-day con man looking for a way to “game the system” and get easy money/free stuff, and who’s managed to get away with it at a relatively low level for years. Either fits the observed behavior.

Whichever is the case, I hope he gets what he deserves.


Yeah, the mental condition idea doesn’t really stick with me. He was able to be a cop in different areas, and did serve time in the Army/NG. I think he has just been lying so long that he believes his lies, or simply began to lie just to get free stuff. WHo knows, really?


I don’t think he’s got any mental issues, other than a desperate need for approval that drove him to lie so extensively. Once he’d told those lies for so long to everyone he ever met, he was stuck and had to keep the deception going. Most of s knew he’d lied about some of his service, but we overlooked it. It just wasn’t worth challenging him about the veracity of his claims.

Don’t forget that Shane was a great cop. He was officer of the quarter and officer of the year. Three years ago he was involved in a shooting in a wal mart bathroom. In that case a man pulled a gun on him and his recruit. They were able to shoot him first. The suspect had recently been fired from Lockheed and committed suicide by cop. Hs LE career is over, now that his integrity has been destroyed. Prior to all this, his awards and career were based not on his lies, but by his actions as a cop. He was good at it.

He might have some minor mental disorder that causes him to lie so extensively, but he doesn’t have anything serious like bi polar or anti social.


Sad. His wife lost a leg and his career as a LEO is over all because of pointless lies.


@155, well said. So true.

the colonel

Sorry, guys. I guess I was trying too hard to be politically correct. I was trying to say that I started out thinking Ladner was an egotistical bull shooter who had gotten in over his head. Now I believe that he is a megalomaniac or pathological liar, who will probably never get the professional counseling he needs to change.


@ 157, I’ve known him for many years. We were very close. I’d say your assessment is spot on. He got in over his head and wasn’t able to back out. Egotistical bullshitter is accurate. He will need some counseling t o get over this and the stress of the wreck. After all, he has to rebuild his persona now.


I am a police officer investigating Shane Ladner, I would like to talk to anyone about Shane. Please call me at 678-898-7146. Thanks Jamie

Military Supporter

ABB-because he got in over his head, his poor wife is without a body part. She can’t rebuild her body. Glad he’ll just need some counseling to rebuild his persona. She lost her leg and has other indescribable injuries. Will you be there to help him, good friend? Who will be helping his wife? I’m sure any lawsuit she had has been diminished by his continuing lies. Maybe she can sue him!


didn’t look at his DD214 Because I couldn’t care less. However we must remember that personnel are usually idiots, and this is the government maintaining records. Let’s just assume they’re all idiots. I wasn’t even in personnel but I know how to open my eyes and I am a veteran. Those of you here should look at the fine print at the bottom right corner for what really matters. That’s because this is a DD-214 member-1. The real DD-214 is the Member-4. This looks to be a DD-214 worksheet that isn’t even good enough to get veterans preference for a federal job at the VA. The bottom right corner tells the truth. This is not a legitimate copy as they are all usually not accurate. Thus, it may actually be in this man’s file as my other member copies are mostly blank and not accurate either. Thus, member-1 copy is part of the discharge package and there may be additional sheets for the purpose of creating the final member-4 copy.

Seek and yee shall find….

Thus, If he entered the military prior to 96/97 when the NDSM was authorized, de-authorized, and then re-authorized again after 9/11/2001, he then would be issued a bronze service star with it. If he came in around 96-97 like my brother did, then got out in 99, He would NOT have a NDSM, but if he stayed in, it would be added subsequent to his training ribbon and awards leading up to a time after 9/11. The second award suggests he enlisted before my brother in 1996. Only then can you have 2 NDSM’s. Or I believe today it is the NDSM with bronze service star.

Henry Jackson

You are right, 1990-95 and 2001-until for the NDSM. I came in 1984-2004.

(ret) US Army Kelly

Damn. I Made a comment up top about the 214, seeing what I could,
and you have a Good point. And you are right on the Money…

Green Thumb

Any updates on turd boy here?


H e’s just a nut case!!!


GOT HIM! look at the DD214 look at his total years, then look at his MOS just over a year as an MP what about the rest of the time? it would reflect the other MOS he would have also in the body of the text there is a font change.


Whatever else this individual may have lied about- you can most certainly recieve a Joint Service Commendation Medal with Valor. Although rare, do a simple Wikipedia/google search and you will find plenty of them. Most recipients these days are Navy SEALs, Army Rangers and other special operations personnel assigned the JSOC. The JCOMM can be awarded for meritorious service in a joint command or heroic achievement in a joint command.

the colonel

Hi, guys,
This resource has been helpful in the past, so I am once again asking for assistance. I am looking at a National Archives document that shows the following information:
Dates of Service –
U.S. Marine Corps: June 27, 1974 – August 1, 1974
Assignments and Geographical Locations –
27 Jun 74: AFEES (L31) / Atlanta, Georgia
28 Jun 74: 1st Recruit Battalion, RTR – MCRD / Parris Island, South Carolina
01 Aug 74: CASSEC, RAC, RTR-MCRD / Parris Island, South Carolina
It looks to an old Air Force type that this guy reported to the entrance station on 28 Jun, spent 31 days in basic, and was discharged on 1 Aug. Anyone out there get a different read on this? I’m reading RTR as Recruit Training Regiment, MCRD as Marine Corps Recruit Depot, and RAC as Recruit Administration Center, but I haven’t determined what CASSEC stands for yet. When I enlisted in 1971, the Air Force had a Casual Status for troops in limbo until their next class start date, reassignment, or pending administrative action, so I’m thinking it could mean Casual Section, but it could also stand for Casualty Section – I’m looking for something definitive.
I am resubmitting my request to the archives to insure that I do have all this man’s service history, as he presents himself in the dress uniform with E-5 insignia, the Aircrew Member badge, two Expert Marksmanship badges, and nine ribbons, including the Purple Heart, the Marine Corps Combat Action Ribbon with a star, Navy Meritorious Unit Citation, the Corps’ Good Conduct, the Corps’ Expeditionary, the National Defense Service (which shows in his record, him having served the last 14 days of eligibility for the Vietnam era), the Vietnam Service , the Vietnamese Gallantry Cross Unit Citation, and the Republic of Vietnam Campaign.
Thanks for your assistance.


If you could scan and send the docs you received to Jonn (redact your personal info first if you like), he can reach out to several here with extensive USMC experience – some from that era. They should be able to assist in interpreting the doc.

If you refile your FOIA with NPRC, I’d recommend explicitly requesting a PII-redacted copy of the individual’s NAVMC Form 118, page 3 – or maybe a PII-redacted version of the entire form. If they send that, it will give a chronological record of his assignments. No guarantees, but I’ve seen NPRC send at least the page 3 before.

You could also request a PII-redacted DD214. However, type of discharge will be among the info redacted – that info is not among the info released pursuant to a FOIA request concerning military records. (Why we persist in protecting those who can’t hack it and end up getting anything but an honorable discharge by keeping that info out of the public record, I don’t know. But the law apparently requires that.)

Hope this helps.

Green Thumb

All Ladner had to do was come forward and present the awards or the dates or such.

Not even close by a long shot.

While mistakes do occur, real Vets step up to the plate and provide info.

Not so much in Ladner’s case.

the colonel

Thanks, Hondo. I’ll contact John. An investigator actually handed me the documentation I have – I never know what I am going to get from the National Archives since I left active duty, and I will certainly try your suggestions. Retirees don’t have much clout.


The Joint Service Commendation Medal can be awarded with V just as can the service commendation medals and the Navy and Marine Corps Achievement Medal. I was one of several soldiers and Marines decorated with a J-Comm with V following an engagement with Mahdi militia elements on 8 April 2004. Other than our team I know that a Marine captain, an advisor I believe, was awarded one with a V for service in Vietnam. His may have been the first.

Military Supporter

What ever happened to this fraud, Shane/Shame Ladner? Glad to see he ‘s being honored again! Hope he wins this time. Maybe he’ll be in the “big house” when he receives this honor.


He is full of Crap, I did know him back than as he was in my unit, had pretty far fetched stories to be honest with you, but just blew it off. I looked at the DD214 of his posted and it just doesnt seem right, First his DD214 reflects 95B the MOS is 31B which converted in April 2014. I pulled my DD214 to match up and the dates and its not totally right. We did deploy in 2003 and then ended in April 04 but some soldiers extended further for 6 months however a DD214 was cut for the First Order and a NEW DD214 was cut for the extention period April to Aug 2014. It was not a continous order. Therefore he would or should have had 2 DD214. I know I did, I just cant beleive someone would do this..


Maybe you want to post here where it talks about him being indicted….