Shane Ladner indicted
We got a call yesterday with the news that Shane Ladner was indicted on Monday in a Georgia Grand Jury for his lies related to his claims of earning a Purple Heart in Central America which led to him being on that float in Midland, Texas and the accident in which his wife lost her leg. He was indicted on a felony count of lying to investigators and four misdemeanor counts related to his ill-gotten Purple Heart license plates.
Actually, I never thought this day would come. The organization that sponsored the ill-fated float ride and parade, Show of Support, gave Shane a big show of support when he returned to Midland over a year ago to be honored once again by the organization despite the fact that records proved that he didn’t have a Purple Heart.
Randy Travis, the FoxTV reporter who told us about the story in the first place was in the court room for the Grand Jury hearing on Monday. He tells us that the prosecution had only one witness to call – an FBI agent who probably testified, like we did, that there is no record of a Purple Heart.
Ladner and his attorney insisted that there were records in Panama and Fort Benning that would prove that he had a Purple Heart. In Panama, there were supposed to be records of his medical treatment, but that particular hospital is now a civilian cancer treatment center, not a military hospital. His Purple Heart citation was supposed to be hiding out in some clerk’s desk at Fort Benning, I guess that wasn’t true either. I did my part – I volunteered to go to Panama and look for records that don’t exist in a hospital that doesn’t exist (where my youngest daughter was born), but I guess the Ladners didn’t need my services.
Our buddy, Randy Travis of FOXTV Atlanta sends us his link to the article about Ladner’s indictment;
Atlanta News, Weather, Traffic, and Sports | FOX 5
If you watch the video, you hear Randy tell of how his station is involved in legal proceedings with the Ladners as they’ve sued the TV station for their reportage on the case. Welcome to the front lines of the war against Stolen Valor, Randy.
Category: Phony soldiers
Ya know, you’d think a cop would know that lying to investigators is a bad idea. Ditto for applying for PH license plates he doesn’t rate.
Couldn’t happen to a more deserving individual. But I can think of a few others that are equally deserving.
About time… hope they nail his ass to the wall. Ladners attorney does understand that he has to prove he was awarded that purple heart in order to win his law suit right? Only thing he has to go on, is his word, and a forged DD214. I say forged as the Military has already stated there is no evidence that he was ever awarded a purple heart. Like to see proof of his “secret mission” as well, seeing as the missions that were secret in CA are no longer, and those involved were awarded their decorations if entitled to them.
When his attorneys learned he would be indicted they quickly settled both Shane and his wife’s lawsuit. They couldn’t go to trial. They settled quickly so his wife would have the funds to pay them to defend this POS. I’ve never seen such unethical attorneys or two people who deserved them more!
If you want to see some unethical attorneys, check out the VA.
There you go MCPO…….*ONE*!!! (at least.)
Aahhh, a “feel good” story to start the day, I wonder if his statement about the lawsuit is true? Regardless, he’s continuing to enjoy his ill-gotten fame! Did his wife ever get a prosthesis to compensate for her amputated leg? I wonder if Lardner was one of those trying to sue the Union Pacific Railroad as well? The crossing that collision happened at was a ” silent crossing”, the trains don’t sound their horns there IAW an agreement with the local government AND the head honchos for that parade didn’t communicate with the UPRR about the parade either. That piece of UPRR trackage has a 50 MPH speed limit for freight trains if I remember correctly from other articles I’ve read about that wreck.
Actually, the Ladners settled with the Railroad earlier this month, probably in anticipation of this indictment.
Sad to hear that, they shouldn’t have gotten SHIT from the UPRR, it wasn’t their fault. I just hope that train’s Crewmen were able to get past that in their minds, that Truck Driver’s stupidity was a main cause of that wreck!
The Show of Support leader, Terry Johnson, was the cause of the accident. 4 honored veterans killed and the lady with half of her body gone because he didn’t get a parade permit. Union Pacific was not at fault. They didn’t know about the parade going thru Midland. Terry Johnson and the City of Midland guilty.
Not getting a permit is one thing, but you NEVER start across a railroad crossing (in any vehicle) without being able to get ALL the way the fuck across. And with people as cargo on the flatbed? No, the truck driver is the one who ultimately fucked up here.
You have no idea what happen that day! You were not there so you have no f’ing idea!!!!!!! Go ahead and assume you do just remember karma is a b*tch!
Someone or their sock puppet just showed up. o.O
Shane Ladner is a turd.
Get over it.
And if your the wife, get a divorce.
Take half of that settlement and get out!
Lovelost78- karma sure is a b’tch! The poser’s wife lost a leg and is brain damaged! He lied to get his free gun and she was looking forward to her free shopping trip to get a pair of boots!
If I were his wife and found out that I lost my leg because of his lies, I would no longer be his wife and would have taken him for everything, lying POS.
Here in Colorado, you can only have a silent crossing if barriers are in place so that you cannot go around the gates when they’re down. You cannot have a silent crossing in a major intersection with multiple lanes.
That makes sense, the only other place I ever saw silent RR Crossings was at night where the trains went past a busy hotel right before going into street trackage wher trains are limited to 5 MPH, not the 50 at the crossing that wreck happened at
They may have a 50 mph limit but they were going almost 70 when they hit the float!
I have never been ordered to lie about anything. I have been told not to discuss certain things, as part of my clearance. (Even signed a document that I would not for twenty years on a few when I left the Army Test And Evualation Command)
But never to lie.
“That does not brief well” is a euphemism for change the information or don’t mention it at all.
Exactly! Even if the details of the operation were classified, the decoration of the still goes on the DD 214. A CO “might” say don’t disclose the details of how you got it, but wouldn’t advise to lie and say you got it in an operation that took place before you joined the Army. And he would have had to sign a non-disclosure agreement. If he was legit he could file his own FOIA request. Get a re-dacted copy showing that he signed a NDA in that timeframe. But he can’t do that because he’s full of SHITE!
Yup, anyone who has been on an SSN in the last 40-plus years probably has a Page-13 or two with their signature on it.
Can’t wait to see Ladner’s “witnesses” fold when they’re deposed or take the stand, or when someone explains to them that perjury is a felony with some fairly stiff penalties.
Don’t forget that Texas outfit “Show of Support” flew Ladner out (again!) after he was busted as a phony and gave him a rifle.
Yes, please explain that group to me! I know people who have donated to them. Ladner is not the first to get a free trip!
IMO, they should go after this Show of Support organization as well. Not only are they poor event organizers that apparently didn’t get any permits, but they didn’t even vet the people on the so called “Floats” they assembled. And then they call this ass wipe back for more benefits. All the people giving to this Terry Johnson needs to think twice….Glad they finally got this idiot, but he isn’t the first. The other thing that stinks is all these veterans using the same attorneys, except maybe one or two? So did these bottom feeders have runners at the hospital that night handing out their business cards? Hummm, now that is interesting….is that ethical? Yea, sign me up! No don’t think it is…
Makes me wonder if he still would have been on that float had he not claimed having a PH. If not, then it’s HIS fault his wife lost her leg.
But hey, Stolen Valor is a victimless crime, right?
Does the enabler wife get a “Stolen Valor Purple Heart” for losing her leg? I use the term “enabler” because she was fully aware of the scam when they went back out there to get more accolades. Sickening.
I wonder why he didn’t go “full Visconi” and just type up a “lower leg above the knee” Purple Heart Certificate in Edwardian Script? They are very pretty.
He’s still feeling lucky !!! This guy just stays stuck on stupid ….. hope they go after the stolen valor, for going back to the show of support and getting his free gun and hunting trip !!! Wonder if they still stand with him ? or was it just that they didn’t want to be sued by Ladner…..what an ASS MONKEY !!! sure his mom ma is proud of her boy !
Lol slick. +1 🙂
Btw, his mother should have swallowed, it would have saved us all the headache.
* Apologies to all my fellow female vets, It just fits the story.*
Shane old buddy, it’s finally caught up to you. All those years of claiming to be a Ranger, part of the battle of Mogadishu, executing prisoners in Iraq, and other tall tales…You finally got tripped up on the Purple Heart.
If you had only told the truth Meg would have her leg and you would have your integrity and career. You just had to be something that you weren’t.
Pretty sad, right! And still lying……and everyone knows who and what he is except for his damaged wife and the attorneys who she says are going to prove he’s an honorable man. She claims to have seen the Purple Hearts. Wonder where he hid them, since he claims now only one and it was lost.
His lawyers are going to prove he is an honorable man? I know this trial is taking place in Georgia, but I don’t think even Matlock could get Shane out of this mess.
Straight up, Planet. AND he would still have his honor and integrity intact (pretty much what you said). I wonder if he feels anything for his wife losing her leg. The negligent accident was not his fault, but his lies are why she was there.
It is his fault that his wife lost her leg. It is called “Cause and effect” or “Connect the dots.” This truth molester’s bursting radius got his wife. How many are in jail or were arrested by this liar?
Worse yet, how many have been released because his testimony is no longer considered credible?
Phony shitbird lied and lied, too bad it was his wife who had to pay the price…
“403 Forbidden”
This one should work now…
Im still pissed that GIDuck beat this turd last year, but the socnet guys stuffed the ballot box for the duck. Even though he couldn’t win, im glad he is still getting his 15 min of shame, I mean fame.
All of Ladner’s lies are catching up to him and biting him on the ass like a bulldog on a pork chop! I don’t see him getting off on this or his civil lawsuit… maybe he needs to fire his lawyer and hire Bernath to represent him?
Now THAT would be some good comedy!!
Prosecutor: We have Mr. Ladner’s official service record from the Army and he never was awarded the Purple heart or any of the other awards he claimed. Furthermore, the DD-214 he used to claim this status is a fraudulent copy.
Judge: I find in favor of the plaintiff – Mr. Ladner, you are sentenced to the maximum in the state pound you in the ass prison for your crimes.
Ladner: Dan.. DAN…DANNY!!!
Good news. indeed.
Lander is a shitbag and gets what he deserved!
Give me some cold cuts!
GT,you’ve got the Icky part down right.
Somebody’s gotta do it. For sure Ladners’ wife can’t do the Icky Shuffle now.
Wow! I have followed many cases of stolen valor and I am always amazed at what they try to pull over all of our eye’s…I am a Purple Heart Vet along with other decorations and I have never received anything because of it nor any special favors other then a discount from lowes for being a Vet…People like this really are stupid and I have met a couple in my life time and the 2 I am thinking of are already dead and gone so I figured God had something to do with them!
We need to petition for the Bernath Law. A law that prevents people guilty of Stolen Valor from suing those who out them.
“Two DD214s — the certificate given to vets as they leave the service — had no mention of the medal, which denotes being wounded in action against the enemy. Ladner was issued a DD214 in 1994 after he left active duty. It noted nearly 12 months overseas duty and a “Humanitarian Service Medal.” He returned to active duty after Sept. 11, 2001, and was discharged in October, 2002. That discharge has additional medals but no Purple Heart.”
“But Ladner has a yellowed DD214 dated October 2004, when he says he left National Guard service. That form lists a Purple Heart.”
Sounds like they are defending him, although a DD214 is not issued upon release from the National Guard. Details…
“But Ladner has a yellowed DD214 dated October 2004, when he says he left National Guard service. That form lists a Purple Heart.”
The only time any Guardsman is issued a DD214 is when they are released from Title X orders, not when the ETS from the Guard. The discharge form from the National Guard is known as a NGB-22.
I’ll vouch for that, I went back into the NG and got a DD214 each time I demobilized from the Middle East.
That’s what I love about TAH. Somebody here will know the regs for any given situation. No matter what branch or affiliation, someone here will know the deal.
Yellowed DD214 from 2004? I have a DD214 typed/completed on myself that is over 40 years old. It’s appearance is just as crisp and fresh as the day it was pulled from the carriage of a Remington typewriter. Maybe Ladner’s 214 knows it is a falsified document and is showing it’s true colors.
This here is what is called, in the Latin, a slamus dunkus.
I just heard a big rock hit the water, sounded like DOUCHE!
It would be real simple to correct this “so called” error. Just let the investigators know your command and the officer that told you that.. We don’t need to know where you were or what you did, since you can’t talk about and all. BUT since you claim you “earned” a Purple Heart. Let’s check with the people that were there with you.
Oh wait, you were sent in alone, as a MP on this “Top Secret” mission. There is no record cause it never happened.
The only place I went alone as an MP was the shitter. We always worked in three man teams when I was deployed.
I wonder if Lardner will threaten to have his lawer go on a Bernathian lawsuit binge thinking it will intimidate us?
I’m surprised he hasn’t hired Bernath as a lawyer yet and made the foursome of stupid a complete idiocy orgy.
Dude’s sure got a lot of ribbons for a buck sergeant. Looks like 6+ rows. This guy must have really been a one-man tip of the spear for the US Army.
Shane, you knob. Actions have consequences, my man, and now you are becoming famous for all the wrong reasons.
No shit!! I’m an E5 with three overseas tours, and I have four rows! His fake PH pisses me off the most, I served with some outstanding Fellow Warriors who earned theirs legitimately, a few of whom came home in flag-draped coffins. Shane Ladner isn’t worth even a squirt of some REMF Finance Clerk’s piss!
Hey, my daughter is a finance clerk. No shit, she really is and is over seas right now. She just raised her right hand again last week.
Nothing against Finance Clerks, it’s Lardner I’m bagging on, no offense to you or your Daughter, and I pray she comes back safe and unscathed!
Infidel.. I got out as an army E5 and have 4 rows myself, but even part of that is a few ribbons earned in the AF first.
The knob-gobbler here doesn’t know enough about the military to realize that his display is just not credible.
It depends on your unit, how popular you are, and if there is any bias going on. I got out as an E5 after 9 years in Guard and only had 7 ribbons. I wasn’t in for the ribbons, though.
I think it also depends on how well one’s unit S1 (Personnel and Administration) has it’s sh!t together, that goes a long way!
Karma is a bitch, ain’t it?
Did Randy have any clothes on during his airtime?
Shane was a good NCO from what I remember. I also know that his unit did come under fire while in Panama. I personally know a female MP that we there.
How many of you people on here are aware of the rules to receive the Purple Heart. It does not have to go on your DD214. Are you aware that you yourself can apply for a PH yourself if you have supporting documentation? That there is not an official document for displaying the fact that you are a recipient?
I spoke with Randy Travis a while back and what a jerk!
Before finding one of your brothers in arms guilty, let’s see arms the cards on the table.
He was in high school during Just Cause.
That’s your problem, Jonn. You always want to use the “facts” in these cases.
And I suppose you now have a few of your own.
Give us a reference because we’re calling BULLSHIT.
Sockpuppet Cleanup on Aisle 4!!! Shane Ladner is no brother in arms to us. In fact, I believe he is so uncoordinated that he couldn’t piss his own pants without a funnel.
If this comment offends you, you have no idea how much I don’t care.
And my old unit took fire in Korea. That is the absolute truth.
So what? I was still a few years shy of being old enough to enlist when it occurred.
No, without documentation, I most definitely cannot put myself in for an award of Purple Heart, or much of anything else. There are ways to request that inaccuracies are corrected in official records.
No, this lying POS Ladner is not a brother in arms. Good NCO’s do not make up awards and military histories. He chose to turn his back on all of us and his own military experience by acting without honor, and causing injury and expense to others.
Hey Ironman! Were you playing that computer game with him in Panama and everywhere else? Cause he WASN’T there! I think I will believe the 46 witnesses and the FBI about where he actually was….
CLAW131 if he has any injuries it was from falling off a curb maybe he hit his head cause I don’t know anyone as stupid as him. What a POS!
Most of us are veterans and know that not everything you entitled to wear is on a 214. Case in point, I’m authorized the Armed Forces Expeditionary Medal. It was authorized after I ets’d. BUT, I can prove it. People I served with can back me up. The rest of my 214 supports it, i.e. Service in Haiti.
If I can get that much to back up an expeditionary medal, a Purple Heart should be a piece of cake. He’s not backing it up because it doesn’t exist. He never could back up his lies about being a ranger, or service in Iraq, Somalia, and being a sniper. It was when his greed kicked in and he applied for a free trip and free license plates that it moved from embellishment and war stories to criminal acts.
It’s a sad situation.
I think a DD214 being completely free of all errors within the first five years of separation is one of the signs of the apocalypse.
Then he certainly can show us his supporting documentation. Otherwise I still consider him a shitbird and he is definitely not a brother in arms of mine.
let me take a swag at this ironman…1. How long did you know him for ? Good NCO he only became an NCO in do I know I was in his unit, and as I recall he was a 12 biscuit eating tool..lets go over a few discrepancies shall we. The unit did get activated in feb 2003 under title x until April 2004 then the orders ended..we all got DD214.. Then some soldiers extended on a new order to augment until the Active Mp’s unit 988th returned from deployment that was for 6 months under a NEW order with Yep you guessed it a new dd214 from April to aug 2004. Why does his say oct 2004? Hmmm guess he forgot..then this DD214 is a member 1 not member 4 it’s kinda like shit paper. Next operation just caused went down while he was high school..did he go there for prom? Was he some kind of spy kid? No he’s a don’t say don’t be messing with brothers at arms cause I give a rats ass, I know far greater men whom rate a Purple Heart and have lost many battle buddies over the last decade to listen to the small violins from the bleeding hearts on what a good guy or great NCO this fraud is.
I knew you would erase my post because it supports truth and real details.
Who is the poser now?
No one erased your stupid post whatever it was.
Oh, oh I know the answer to that one!
Hey, but thanks for playing and stay on the line to find out what you’ve won.
And in 4-6 weeks you’ll receive your first issue and a free football phone. Go away dick.
Certainly not those of us who post comments here who really are retired senior NCO’s. And, yes, there are quite a few of us.
Let’s see …. Liar and poser in the same sentence !!! Wow it’s Shane or one of his friend !!!! Hello how are you doing ? ….. You little Nervess about the indictment ? There’s a person that posted earlier that said she knew a female MP that was in panama with you. You should really reach out to that one Mr. One Leg !
So go ahead and post whatever drivel it was you were going to post. What are you waiting for?
You’re the poser if not a sockpuppet. Eat shit and bark at the moon!!
As Senior Chief Shipley has stated, “These people will take their Stolen Valor to the grave.”
Sounds like Ladner is one of those who just can’t fess up when he got caught.
It looks like Shane Ladner is as addicted to his lies as a junkie is to drugs!!
i knew this turd, he was a lazy bastard. Good for him…apparently he spread around some lies…..and is getting what’s coming to him.
It took long enough, but finally, for everyone’s enjoyment- make way for the Parade of Sockpuppets!
Ironman must be Shane Ladner. Right Shane!
With his fearless sidekick Peg-Leg.
Wow, have to wonder who the two sock-puppets are that posted from above, could they be Shane and/or his wife? Maybe someone from the Show Your Support group, whomever, again your ignorance of how the military works has only shown how stupid you are.
Now then, go shove a sock up your ass/asses.
Ladner takes it in the ass.
@ ironman, female MP in Panama back during operation just cause … Ok Rules to receive a PH … Didn’t John Keary do that ? For a cut on his finger or something ? Pretty sure he did ! But he got the medal, it’s purple and gold do you know why it’s purple ? Really missy !! … And I say miss because you are a girl …. Right !
I wonder if you’ll be a witness for that loser know ? Finaly it’s only been two years and we have a witness for this ASS MONKEY !!!! If you want leave your email and info and I’m sure Shame checks this site out couple times a day, I hear.
No winners in this sory. I feel for his wife.
Think the wife was in on the scam from the beginning. Maybe she should be indicted along with Shame. Should have distanced herself immediately. By standing by her man (scumbag) she makes the statement to all she’s just as guilty or has the lowest self esteem of all. For people in this town to have any respect for her she would have to kick him to the curb.
Yep. The money will run out but the shame will always be there.
(well the shame, but maybe not Shame/Shane. Okay, I’ve confused myself)
The internet is forever!
Ahh, Wasn’t aware she was in on it. I agree in that case she should share responsibility especially after taking money from people.
You know, I don’t know who I dislike more in stolen valor cases: the outright liars or the real vets who have to embellish.
Me, I have equal disdain for both. It just depends on how far they “Ride their lies” as to how much I dislike the buckets of toad snot!!
I probably hold vets in a little more contempt because they are disrespecting “family” and know better, whereas the fakers/posers want to be the cool kid cause they never experienced it in their real lives.
For the record however, they can all go to hell.
Whether she had a clue or not, she has paid a heavy price for his lies. Much worse than any judicial proceeding.
He is full of Crap, I did know him back then as he was in my unit, he had pretty far fetched stories to be honest with you, but we just blew it off. I looked at the DD214 of his posted and it just doesnt seem right, First his DD214 reflects 95B (MP) the MOS is 31B which converted in April 2014 which when the DD214 was done reflected the 31B MOS mine did. I pulled my DD214 to match up the dates and its not totally right. We did deploy in FEB 2003 and the order(duty) ended in April 04 but some soldiers extended for an additonal 6 months however a DD214 was cut for the First Order FEB 2003- APR 2004, a new order was cut from APR 04 – AUG 04 and a NEW DD214 was cut for the extention period April to Aug 2014. It was not a continous order. Therefore he would or should have had 2 DD214s. I checked my IPERMS and verified and I did, I just cant beleive someone would do this, or take this stuff this far!
Correction MOS converted in April 2004, and the 2nd DD214 should have been APR-AUG 2004 not 2014..damn old age is catching up
Welcome to our world, JNEZ. We’ve had Airmen claim to be SEALs and a felon who claimed his 20 years behind bars was spent in the Marines.
The retired colonel is probably right about ironman being Ladner. Ladner has not produced a single name, date, or organization that would lead to conclusive evidence to support his cock and bull stories. The collection of six or so different separation documents (each suspect in some way or another) he provided over the months I was digging into his records reflected an unusually large number of rank and time-in-grade inappropriate, misnamed, poorly sequenced, and questionable (because of their time frames) awards and decorations. It will be interesting to see if any of those “I was there” witnesses tell the same stories under oath.
Does anyone know what happens from this point. Will he be rearrested? Is there a hearing where a trial is set? Will the attorneys who made sure his wife settled with Union Pacific so she would have the funds to pay them to represent this poser wheel and deal with the court to get him a slap on the wrist? There are others who were involved from the time of the accident in Midland who helped him steal money with his lies via fundraisers. The people here are fed up with them! One was even a retired colonel. Not me though. Just curious!
The case will go to the Cherokee County Superior Court and will also be assigned to an assistant district attorney. The ADA and his defense attorney will either come to a negotiated settlement, or it will go to trial.
He will not get re-arrested.
How long for the wheels of justice to spin will that take? Another year? Will he do anytime for this or does he get a slap on the wrist? Meanwhile, I hear he sits playing computer games on his big computer. I think he got his computer combat confused with real military combat so maybe they will say he is mentally incompetent to stand trial? Cause you know he has three or was that two Purple Hearts!!! For someone who lied to so many people about what he did while in the military I find it funny he lost all his metals…..seems he would have had them put up on the wall…of course after he took them off his uniform.
@ Planet Ord Your in law enforcement and you know this Lazy Monkey Ass Turd ! do you really think he’s up to taking a plea …. on a felony and lose his guns forever and ever !! No sir I don’t think so! Plus this is just the start it’s going to get interesting. Lets just say it’s going to be a trifecta !!! There’s still the stolen valor…. going back to get his free hunting trip and the free rifle and should be a crime for parading his one legged wife around like a circus act ! But lets just face it she knew all along what he was ! The third just wait it’s the best of all !!! He’s going away on that one for a very long time and there’s no statute of limitations……lets just say he’s going to be in court for years !!
I know better than to predict how a case will play out after indictment. Anything can happen. I just said what could happen. Basically it will get plead out or go to trial. It could also get reduced, but I doubt that highly given how long it took to indict, but it is possible.
The folks in Texas like him and aren’t complaining of stolen valor, so I doubt there will be prosecution for that.
Go after Union Pacific because they have the deepest wallet. Lie about your service. This group of plaintiffs will go down in history as scumbags
Shane Ladner was re-indicted today! The wheels of justice finally moving.
same as this?
clams: negative. This:
The local Cherokee News Ledger reported yesterday that DA Shannon Wallace had re-indicted Ladner. Charges were for the same “making false statement” activities, but were all changed to felony counts. He is now under indictment for six felonies – no misdemeanors. He should be arraigned on March 3, and has been assigned a special court date of March 16.