TSO; the militant beard

| April 16, 2013

TSO fighting position

TSO’s beard sent us this picture and sent word that if we don’t force TSO to go home and play WoW for hours, the beard is shooting down an Apache in retaliation…or something.

Category: Bloggers

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We need an action-adventure flick starring Don Shipley’s hair and TSO’s beard.

And we should have action figures, too!


When the TSO’s Beard Tin Lunch Box comes out, I will stand in line for hours to get one!


I expect the people at Ranger Up to come through on something like an action-figure movie. Claymation or something. Maybe boxing kittens, too.

Retired Master

Count me in for a lunch box of Don Shipley’s hair


Similar to “The Expendables,” it could be called “The Extendables.”


Ok what am I missing ?? A fake RPG in the desert, maybe it should be used as a Butt Plug !


I took my son’s poster for the kids movie “Cars” and painted a TSO beard on Lightning McQueen.


I’m expecting TSO to play Evil Santa in a B movie soon.


TSO’s Beard and Don’ Shipley’s hair in a Cage Match Battle ROYALE!!!!
SUNDAY SUNDAY SUNDAY!!! Tickets on sale through your local TAH blog or Ticketmaster.
Bring the Kids Bring the Whole Family!!


Chip, I’m telling ya, I already proposed that with Chuck Norris being the referee.

PH2 can be the ring girl between rounds. Jonn and Zero can be the corner guys. I can just see Jonn doing his best Burgess Meredith/Rocky impression:

“TSO, ya dickweed! Whaddya think you’re doing out there? That pompadour is killin ya, I mean it’s KILLIN ya! Now get out there and piss lightining, and crap thundah!”



Fine with me.

But I do wish they’d put clothes on those mannequins. Make it look more authentic. Lots of fake blood, too. They just look like store window dummies in those videos.

Not fair. TSO gets to go play war games and the rest of us get to sit here and watch? So NOT FAIR!!!! I’m about to ramp up my United Space Fleet persona and bombardment the battlements.

Joe Williams

TSO’s bread verus a squdron of A-10s/ Betting odds would be against the Warthogs.