Walter Mitty Matt Farthing

| April 16, 2013

Our friends over there in the UK, the Walter Mitty Hunt Club, send us a link to their latest bust, Walter Mitty Matt Farthing in South Shields, who, apparently, has snowed the whole town into believing that he was an SAS doctor and helicopter pilot;

He has conned the local British Legion by becoming a member but not claiming he is in the forces. Now this is where he is in a class of his own ! He has given the impression that he was a secret missions
soldier and that because of this there are no records of his past military career.

By this creative thinking he has not directly claimed in the Legion that he was in the Paratroop regiment. The reason for this is that this story he tells to the dopes in the local pub he does not want to risk spinning in the legion so he has just implied it .

However I believe because of his mobility that he is using the stick to create the war hero facade. But wait for it! I promised you something special and here it is.

One day he got hold of a wheelchair and wheeled himself into a local pub. He waxed on about his war days and how he was crippled on the battle field. He pumped drinks out of so many people on that day that the wheelchair actually became necessary to get him home.

You should pop over and read the rest.

Category: Phony soldiers

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Just an Old Dog

That guy is beyond humor,,, really, dropping a roofie in a guys drink to steal his money? Borrowing a wheelchair to hit people up for free drinks in a pub?


Falls off chair laughing! This guy has Dullass beat all hollow!!! He really does!

Not just a Walter Mitter Secret Squirrel, but a wheelie WMSS, too! Holy crap!

Just one (obvious) question: these guys are so GREAT at spinning stories, so why in the blue-eyed world don’t they write them up as novels and publish them?

Oh! Wait! I forgot: they’d have to admit everything they say is fiction, then, wouldn’t they?!?!?

Retired Master

Damn! never thought about the idea of using a wheelchair to get drinks at a pub. I guess it was because I sat in a wheelchair at a legion meeting (all regular chairs were taken) and I caught all kinds of hell for it. Strangely enough I was the commander at the time.


Foam padding around his biceps?????? Must be to protect his “guns”


A fake veteran in a wheelchair? Sorry, been done before. Remember Steve Martin’s bit in “Dirty Rotten Scoundrels?”


Or Eddie Murphy’s character in “Trading Places”!