Distinguished Warfare Medal goes out with the Good Idea Fairy
If you’re still interested what with today’s events being what they are, Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel decided that he’s going to swap the Distinguished Warfare Medal (that drone pilot thingie) for a device. According to a link to the Washington Post sent to us by Chief Tango;
After ordering a review of a policy that was one of his predecessor’s last official moves, Hagel said Monday that he concluded no such medal was needed. Instead, he said, a “device” will be affixed to existing medals to recognize those who fly and operate drones, whom he described as “critical to our military’s mission of safeguarding the nation.”
Devices are used by the Pentagon to add a specific form of additional recognition when troops are lauded for exceptional performance.
I don’t like Hagel much, but he did make the right decision in this case. Of course, I think we were set up in the first place. If Panetta had only made the medal lower in precedence than a Bronze Star Medal, you know a medal that you actually be in the same area as the enemy, there probably wouldn’t have been much of a stink made by veterans and VSOs across the country.
I think the medal was just a distraction. And it worked – our Tricare out-of-pocket costs have increased, thousands of retirees have been booted out of Tricare Prime, benefits to active duty troops have been slashed, ships are sitting idle in CONUS ports, pilots have had their training hours cut, veterans are waiting for medical treatment all with hardly a peep while we were all wringing our hands over bits of metal and ribbon.
But, hey, we won one, right? you can read more about the Medal at our buddy War on Terror News‘ place.
Category: Military issues, Veterans Issues
Wow, some common sense from the 5-sided asylum. What’s next – Purple Hearts for the Fort Hood shooting victims?
But, can they still paint mission markings and Shark Mouths on their desks?
I think the devices are unnecessary, as well. Commendation and MSM’s can be issued for a variety of accomplishments. Maybe it’s just the fact that they initially went about this the wrong way that has me opposed entirely. Most MOS’s are necessary, but they don’t get special devices unique to their MOS. They get normal medals like everyone else, and the citation is what describes the accomplishment.
#1 I hope not. Like it or not, Hassan was Soldier when he committed that act, not an enemy. Ideological differences or not.
Gee. Color me strange but someone who shoots at a US soldier is not a friend or an ally, but an enemy. It really doesn’t matter who his employer might be.
What’s with all this situational ethics that seems to have gone pandemic on us?
I want to hear your opinion on the attacks!!! Lets hear them. On an unrelated story, how many of you retards were long gold?
#6 Anony-mouse,
Huh?? Troll, crawl back under your rock, and leave the adults to talk in peace.
Jonn, where is this ISP coming from??
Hassan was an insider threat, an ideological terrorist and deserving of the monicer of terrorist. By labeling his attack workplace violence you are denying benefits to the victims and survivors of that POS. But you probably don’t give a rats ass @#4.
Anonymous is a coward, always has been, always will be.
I totally agree with the misdirection and think it was timed to get us focused on nonsense while we got robbed. There is nothing more worthless than a veteran to polititians. It has always been so. Look at the past 200 years and see all of the commentary. We are only needed when evil is at the door.
Well…. I know one guy who flies drones….he used to fly real and expensive fighters—until he crashed one. So, it was either fly drones or become a supply officer.
I’m sure it takes lots of skill to fly them things…but to give a real medal?
Air Medal with “C” device (signifying Combat Chairborne Carpal Tunnel)