Ignorance in flag flap
Apparently, ignorant of the history of the Gadsden Flag, the city council of New Rochelle, New York has ordered a Gadsden flag removed from their armory because it has been, in recent years, adopted by the Tea Party. But since 1775, it has flown with the Navy flag as a remembrance of the first flag flown on a US Navy vessel, presented to the commander-in-chief of the Navy, Commodore Esek Hopkins by Continental Colonel Christopher Gadsden. The city council was informed of this long history of the relationship of the flag to Naval and Marine heritage, but, since US history began on January 21st, 2009, the long history of the flag matters naught to the city council. Says Fox News;
The United Veterans Memorial and Patriotic Association of New Rochelle is fighting the decision, ordered by City Manager Chuck Strome after complaints that the flag is a symbol of the Tea Party movement, according to World Net Daily.
But Strome did an about-face after Peter Parente, president of United Veterans Memorial, sent Strome the history of the Gadsden flag, which is flown beneath the U.S. flag on many military sites, according to World Net Daily.
Then the New Rochelle City Council overruled Strome, voting 5-2 to have the flag removed.
According to the Washington Examiner, the council objected to the flag because they said Parente is a member of the Tea Party and wants to display the flag to push a political agenda.
Nearby Deerpark, NY has decided to raise a Gadsden flag in support of veterans in New Rochelle.
A small Orange County town is throwing its support behind a New Rochelle veterans group seeking to return a Revolutionary War-era flag atop the city-owned former armory.
During a noon ceremony Monday, the town of Deerpark plans to raise its own yellow Gadsden flag on the town’s flag pole in front of Town Hall, the town said in a news release.
The Thomas More Center is taking up the legal battle for veterans of new Rochelle.
Richard Thompson, President and Chief Counsel of the Thomas More Law Center commented, “Their outrageous decision to confiscate a cherished symbol of our War for Independence smacks of pure partisan politics. Many Americans fought and died for our independence under that flag, and the Law Center will take available means to return the Gadsden Flag back on the Veterans’ flag pole. As one Revolutionary War hero said, we ‘have just begun to fight.'”
Continued Thompson, “Using the City Council’s reasoning, they would remove the Stars and Stripes from flagpoles because both Democrat and Republican Parties, as well as most political candidates, use the Stars and Stripes in their campaign messaging.”
Someone needs to take the city council and spank them in the town square, under the Gadsden flag for being immature little dicks.
Category: "Teh Stoopid"
I just visited the New Rochelle City Council on the web and took a look at each of the members. What a hoot. Let’s look at the bio of one, a Shari Rackman. Her brief bio is little more than an advertisement for her legal services: “As an attorney, Shari specializes in family law and mediation, making sure that the most difficult negotiations of a person’s life are handled fairly and compassionately. Shari is dedicated to offering her services to clients unable to afford legal representation. She was recently honored with a New York State Bar Association Award of merit in recognition of her legal advocacy for women.”
What sort of silliness is that? The other councimembers bios are similar: ads for their businesses. I’m guessing that they figured that the flag decision was good for business. And it may be. New Rochelle citizens may favor that sort of thing.
A council member called the Gadsden Flag the equivalent of the Nazi Flag. Remember that.
What else would you expect from the People’s Republic of New York? Just a few weeks ago they showed contempt for Second Amendment. Now they are showing equal contempt for the First Amendment.
When will the average citizen learn that elections have consequences? Democrats keep claiming that they are “progressives” but the truth is that they are liberal socialists.
You get what you vote for!
April 9. Council meeting. At about 03:01, one councilman raises the issue of the flag and the next councilman to speak laments that the issue “has taken on a life of its own.” He was referring to the backlash by Veterans and other concerned citizens. He tries to make nice and give the council an out by deferring to the city manager whose decision it was not to remove the flag. Then the fun begins. First up is Councilman Rice who tries to change the topic from the flag to the armory renovation itself. But he’s called on it. Then Rackman speaks up and sounds like a total ditz. The rebuttal is strong and it’s clear that two councilmen get it. Rackman, however, doesn’t and invokes the gay pride flag! When she’s told that people died for the flag at issue, she says that there are other flags people died for too! The vote is taken and the mayor joins with the gay pride/nazi group. The motion fails, 4-2.
These are the same clowns who advise others to just look away when mistreatment of the official flag of the United States offends them, right?
Of all the battles the loony left could select, this is probably not a wise choice.
Keep reminding me why I hate NY.
This is my surprised look. Really.
A battle flag is making the sheep nervous? Gee, who’d have thunk it?
I guess it’s time to go buy a flag.
An emotionalreaction I guess. Goes to show how toxic the tea party has become.
The ignorance of the city counsil is the Tea Parties fault?
more like how ignorant of history the average leftist is. The teagabbers may have co-opted the Gadsden flag, but it no more makes it theirs than if the New Black Panthers adopted the Mexican flag for some damnfool reason.
That’s not toxic, Joe, it’s typical knee-jerk liberalism – like everything you people do.
Are they that damned scared of the Tea Party? How can it be any more toxic than any of the Left’s grassroots parties? If they were trying to keep it neutral I could possibly understand, but to just call them out…I mean come on. Really?
Forget the spanking. Since we are talking about old traditions from our Republics early beginnings, let us bring back Tar and Feathering – which I believe was used on primarily Loyalists who were attempting to impose the Kings tyranny.
JBS, no, they’re that scared of Americans. If you can’t be stuffed into one of the classifications that Progressives love, like Tea Partier, White, Racist, they get all bent out of shape. Just look at our resident progressive, Joey the Rock Climbing Hero. He totally ignores the history of the flag to try to pigeonhole a group of people.
Joe, the KKK and many neo-nazi groups like to fly the Stars & Stripes at their rallies. Does that mean our national flag is a symbol of racism and should be banned? Because the so-called “logic” of the New Rochelle SSR and many other PC liberals would say yes. This is just plain stupidity.
Easy to explain. The City Council has BG Fermijon Marrero on retainer as a Subject Matter Expert.
I think Joe meant that the coucil’s reaction concerning the flag was emotional?
Joe–since when is anything you libturds do based on reason or reality?
Oh, and I was thinking of you when I bought my Sig Sauer 5.56 yesterday. Less than 1 magazine put through it so they sold it as used for just over a grand, and it came with a couple of extra 30-round magazines.
Sleep well, rock boy.
Ha! Funny you posted this today, I happen to be wearing my Gadsden Flag shirt.
As for Joe, my family has our own “Joe”, Alan, and he is regularly slapped around (figuratively) by my husband and son. I provide them facts and sources to use as ammunition.
Now that you’ve argued it out, Pinto was correct in interpreting what I said – rightly or wrongly, as a matter of perception, the tea party has become extremely toxic to many citizens of the US. This should come as no surprise.
That’s what happens when an entire media apparatus is dedicated to lying to “low information” people, smearing peacefully protesting citizens who clean up after themselves and don’t require massive amounts of law enforcement presence to prevent assaults and property damage.
Joe, the only reason that the council voted against the flag is that there are only two republicans on the council. So it seems that with your logic only the democratic party has the feelings the Tea Party is toxic. Which we can agree with, the ideas of the Tea Party are pretty much toxic to the policies of today’s democratic party.
Joe, the Tea Party hasn’t become toxic to anyone except those who hated it in the first place. Matter of fact, had the GOP bothered to field a conservative candidate rather than a Dem-lite Obumbles wannabe, Obama would be sitting on the beach in Hawaii writing his memoirs or on the rubber chicken circuit.
Funny how freedom and personal responsibility have ALWAYS been “toxic” to liberals, ain’t it?
Know where I can get a case of .223 Lake City ammo for under $500?
Sparky, I have to give some points to Joe’s argument about the Tea Party. I was leaning that way until a couple of years ago, when we had a rally here. It was orderly, polite (at far as rallies like that go) and absolutely nuts. There was the “Roadkill” sign, the “Revolution” sign, the “Grandma Killed” sign, and these folks were tooled up to the point you could have loaded then on C-130’s and dropped them in Afghanistan, and they’d have taken the fight to the enemy with no problem at all. Not bad, in and of itself, but at a political rally?! I backed away from that scene, and haven’t looked that way since. There’s radical, and then there’s just plain crazy, and that went way over the line for me.
Was this building a National Guard Armory? I had no clue that a city counsel could dictate policy to the National Guard.
Libs love to show their intolerance and stupidity, don’t they? I remember when I was an Over-the-Road (OTR) trucker, and I did a lot of runs into the Northeast. I lived in Georgia at the time, and I’d heard plenty of stories about how Northern LEO’s loved to harass any trucker with the Confederate Battle Flag on their vehicles. My solution? I had the “Bonnie Blue” on one side of my truck, and the Confederate national Flag on the other. They had NO idea what those were!!
Just another spur-of-the-moment thought,maybe the left won’t ever be satisfied until we’re all forced to fly the French Battle Flag (a white cross on a white background!) over our homes and businesses?!
PintoNag–see what happens when Paul takes over a group then? Seriously, when he starts taking credit, the nutbags come out in droves. Thankfully he’s retired, and they’ll go back home and make videos about chemtrails.
Yeah, the TP at least in its genesis had a good idea. I never really got involved with their movement, but if they’ve gone off the rails, well, wouldn’t be the first time.
Still, amazing how some people would sacrifice their freedom for the illusion of security. And it’s just that–ILLUSION.
So I guess when the democrats decide to replace the Stars and Stripes for being an old symbol of racism or what ever no one will complain?
Dump the Constitution, Bill of Rights and the flag you know it’s in their manifesto.
Surprising that it didn’t get mentioned, but something of interest to this issue. When reserve personnel returned from deployment (OIF, OEF), they all receive a US Flag in a case with their name on it and….wait for it…
A Gadsden flag. Yes, really.
Not only that, but units usually invite local elected officials and dignitaries to the ceremony. I’m guessing in this “little” town, they don’t get invited to many of those kinds of things.
And what do you expect Joe? When they Tea Partiers are called a white hate group, evil white people, etc., by the liberal stream media?
Just the same as them calling Mitt Romney an evil rich white guy who dictates over an evil corporation because he has money. Oh, but wait, there’s more! Both Bloomberg and Secretary Heinz…oops I mean Kerry, both can buy and sell his wealth multiple times over. Ohhhhh, but its okay because they are democrats.
Like was said, the Tea Party isn’t toxic to anyone but liberals who want to denigrate anyone that doesn’t follow their party line.