Oregon goes “there”
In case some of you were worried that yesterday’s incident in Houston when a knife wielding student slashed several of his school mates is some sort of national trend of knife injuries, you might want to move to Oregon where this legislation has been introduced in the state Senate, Senate Bill 740;
Requires criminal history record check for transfer of knife
from knife dealer to purchaser.
Prohibits transferring knife to disqualified purchaser.
Punishes by maximum of one year’s imprisonment, $6,250 fine, or
Prohibits transfer of knife in violation of criminal history record check requirement. Punishes by maximum of one year’s imprisonment, $6,250 fine, or both.
Requires Department of State Police to maintain registry of all knives transferred in state. Directs department to establish rules implementing registration requirement.
Applies to transfers of knives initiated on or after January 1, 2015.
According to the text of the bill, the new law would apply to any knife with a blade over 3 inches sold by a knife dealer, whatever the Hell that is. Oh, wait;
(c) ‘Knife dealer’ means a person engaged in the business of selling, leasing or otherwise transferring a knife, regardless of whether the person is a retail dealer, pawnbroker or other person;
* * * * *
(e) ‘Purchaser’ means a person who buys, leases or otherwise receives a knife from a knife dealer.
So, I guess I won’t be leasing any of my knives from a knife dealer n Oregon anytime soon.
I don’t know the status of this bill or how old it is or how long it’s been languishing in a pile of other stupid legislation. but at least you know that your calls to “Do Something!” has been heard. Thanks to Gary for the link.
ADDED: The word is that, although it’s a real bill, it was done to make fun of gun grabbers, so…
Category: Dumbass Bullshit
This legislation doesn’t cover the box cutter used during the recent knife attack at Lone Star College.
What about large kitchen knives from Target or Sears? If I want to cut a large roast beef will I need a permit?
I can see Benchmade moving out of the state.
Uh…what? Knife dealer? What is that?
What kind knife? Kitchen knife? Table knife? Paring knife? Filleting knife? Hunting knife with a fish scaler? Exacto knife? Engraver’s knife? Bowie knife? Paper cutter knife? Hay knife? Veggie/fruit/potato peeeler? Electric carving knife?
If that is not THE dumbest thing I’ve ever heard of, it’s close.
Talked to three battle buddies of mine from Oregon and one from Washington. Their response was something along the lines of there being too many woods in the PACNW for things to ever make it past committee.
Are we sure this isn’t legislative satire? This reads like the kind of thing a progun legislator would introduce to make a point about the ridiculousness of malum prohibitum weapons laws.
I suppose that ranchers, homemakers,sportsmen and mechanics should lay in a lifetime supply of scissors, rope, ducttape and steak knivees, axes, saws, hammers, iron frying pans and sharp sticks.
Once the lawmakers get rolling, anything with a sharp edge will need two pounds of paperwork and $50 in fees to possess.
#6: It actually is legislative satire. It was introduced by a Republican to point fun at the ongoing gun control craze.
Even if it was tongue in cheek. There are enough idiots around that could possibly pass this kind of stupidity.
Oregon went full retard a long time ago. Google rain water catching in Oregon and prepare to be amazed, but the summary is that even if you own property, if the rain touches the ground – it is the property of the state of Oregon… Fines include thousands of dollars and jail time.
All I can say it that it’s a pretty good thing that I eat very little meat! Oops – that might make it difficult to justify keeping those steak knives around.
The Houston slasher used an X-Acto hobby knife, the blade wasn’t even three inches long….
Holy Geeze Us, Mother Mary, Lord thy Friggin’ God … what the fu*k is going on here.
Oh sh*t, this is not a dream!
It gets better and better here in Oregon. Not really, it just gets dumber.
The sponsor of this bill is state senator Brian Boquist. Mr. Boquist is a republican and a retired Special Forces officer, LTC, one each.
Every day I think to myself, “how can this state get more disgusting?”. Every day I get an answer and today its this. I love my state but I am seriously entertaining the thought of moving elsewhere.
Well, thank god its satire!
#12: You know what’s next. “Buy a pair of scissors! Scissors will keep you a lot safer–a pair of kitchen scissors–than a tactical hobby knife in someone’s hands who doesn’t know how to use it…It’s harder to use an assault knife to cut someone than it is a pair of scissors.”
I hope this is satire, because I’m too busy buying ammo to worry about stocking up on knives.
First guns, now knives, next is screwdriver and icepicks,…..
Just saw about three dozen kitchen knives in a local thrift shop. Good luck regulating them!
you laugh, take a look across the pond to England. after getting rid of those darn pesky guns, now the press prattles on about “knife crime”
As I read this, (after I had just used one of my many knives from my kitchen drawer…..lol) I was SURE it was from the Onion, or at least a spoof site.
Just when you think the insanity/stooopid can’t get any worse, it DOES!!!
Soon, we will all be cutting our steaks (if we are still allowed to eat meat) with a government approved plastic safety knife. Remembering the good old days when knives were made of steel, when you could buy a big gulp soda, when the magazines for our weapons held more than 5 rounds. Our society is being quickly and effectively dumbed down. I am really beginning to think that the liberal plan is to just talk nonsense until thinking people just give up in order to get the liberal screeching to stop……
Dam! There goes the wedding present kitchen knife set from Wal-Mart.
time to break out the sporks
Back when I was a kid there was a Sunday funnies feature called “There Oughta Be A Law” that poked fun at people that thought there should be a law for every minor annoyance. Looks like satire has become reality.
As one of the resident Oregonians, I’ll say my state has done some stupid shit in the past. I don’t believe this to be one.
That bill was put forward by Senator Boquist, reportedly a Spec Forces LtC in the USAR and Republican. He’s no big fan of gun control, as far as I have ever been able to tell.
It’s not like any major knife companies are in Oregon….Benchmade, Kershaw, CRKT, Gerber, and Leatherman are all based in Oregon.
@8 Dammit – I got hooked… Well played Sir, well played…
So I can’t buy a kitchen knife w/o a background check? And who is a “qualified” person? They don’t define that.
Even if it IS satire, someone just gave them an idea.
Gotta ban the scary long black handled knives to prevent mass stabbing you know (sarcasm).
If it was done to prove how absurd the “Do Something” over-reaction crowd is, then I say good on the lawmakers who recognize how stupid reacting to violence with an emotional bill is. They are getting the point across to the Dems that knee jerk reaction bills are just plain stupid from a thinking person’s perspective.
I would hope that they thought even deeper into it by knowing that the attack was done with a box cutter and not a knife to parallel the shootings that happen with handguns followed by a push for an “assault weapons” ban.
What bothers me the most is the perp didn’t have a mark on him! Not one of those sheeples stabbed fought back. What the hell is wrong with the kids in this country!?
@34 Do you work in a modern office environment? Ever sit through the “workplace violence” talk? You’re told to run, hide, beg…anything but fight an attacker.
THAT is what’s wrong with kids in this country…the ADULTS are out of their freakin’ minds.
@35 NO… I’m retired and worked construction most of my life! 60’s Liberals teaching our children and making our laws are the main source of America’s problems.
Liberals are afraid of anything they can’t control.
Further down the page, she wrote “You had me for just one tiny minute, JL. Now I have to come up with one.”
@35 – I’m going to put red paint over the doorway to my office. Maybe death will pass me by with that visual cue.
Guess I’d better bury my Gerber Mk II in the backyard.
@38 — red paint won’t work, needs to be lamb’s blood.
coupla points – as one cop pointed out, gun crime usually scares people inbto running because to the general public, gunshots are bad – not an entirely unreasonalble view. Knife crimes, on the other hand, tend to be quiet and until someone screams, the people around can be clueless. In the Houston case (according to the morning Houston paper) the guy was walking down the hall trying to slash people’s throats or heads, and until soemone screamed, no one knew. And, once the surrounding kids DID know, they took appropriate action and tackled the assclown and held him for the cops.
He was operating in a crowded hallway – even if someone had a CHL and was a) breaking state law against carrying on campus and b) willing to take a difficult shot in a very crowded environment – it would have been very risky. The kids did good.
I believe you can carry on TX college campuses …
The great American social commentator Will Rogers once said, “when congress makes a law it’s a joke, and when they make a joke it’s a law”. Not only a comic, but a prophet as well.
remember kids, you can’t legislate morality….unless it’s LIBERAL morality.
I’m moving back to Alaska.
What kind of kitty-cat, cock-sucking, monkey-fucker decided to think up this little queer-duck bill to try and fly through the government? If this actually passes, they will probably call my martial arts Dojo a militia and send DHS since we are an authorized seller of katana and tanto. Not to mention, we have about fifty on the walls.
Then again, we also have rubber ducks… but they are made of wood and are called bokken.
Evidently it’s a joke?
@42 MCPO – nope, there have been a couple of bills discussed allow concealed carry on campuses, but as of today campuses are still part of the same group as bars, schools, sports events, government buildings, etc – no carry.