PoliceOne surveys beat cops on “national discussion”

| April 9, 2013

Old Trooper sent us a link to PoliceOne which surveyed over 15,000 verified field law enforcement officers on the “national discussion” we’re not having about guns. the upshot is that most police officers stand with less restrictive gun laws as a means to deter crime. They also overwhelmingly state that the proposals currently wending their way through the various legislative bodies across the country won’t have a major or even minor impact on crime.

Almost 96% responded that limiting magazine capacity to ten rounds won’t reduce crime. 71% responded that banning the sale of certain weapons won’t impact the crime rate. Only 11% said that the White House’s current proposals would moderately or significantly make police officers safer. Only 18% would enforce the legislation currently being written if they were in a leadership position within their respective agencies. Given eight choices, 40% concurred that more permissive arming of civilians would do more to prevent crime than the other choices – less than 2.5% chose tighter restrictions on gun ownership and legislative weapons bans as options.

So, how does that fit in the “national discussion”? I mean it is a discussion, right? It’s not a monologue. So will Chuckie Schumer and Dianne Feinstein consider this comprehensive poll of a huge number of law enforcement professionals, or will they just continue on with their idiot gun grabbing ways? You know what my guess is.

Category: Gun Grabbing Fascists

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Common Sense

Just like Colorado’s legislature and Hickenlooper completely ignored all 62 sheriffs.


Nah, it won’t matter. It doesn’t fit in with their narrative.


Chicago PD is proposing to put beat cops back on the streets on foot, instead of leaving them in squad cars. Anyone who grew up in a large city knows that the sight of a cop, who everyone knew, was a better deterrent to crime than the prowlers and paddy wagons ever have been.

So will Schumer and DiFi pay any attention to the cops and what they have to say? Of course not! It does not fit their agenda.

However, in the months to come, I think other more important issues may take a center front seat ahead of gun controls that don’t work and gun bans that criminalize law-abiding citizens.


Your guess would be correct, Jonn.


With these results, the poll obviously used a sample that was too small./sarc
Or, the questions were misleading. Not to mention, the chiefs weren’t consulted about how those right-wingers that work for them answered.


PH, beat cops are nice, if the department can afford them. Most can’t. And by “afford”, I mean, if the department has enough officers to staff the cars first.
And you can’t get to a call for help in time, if you’re two blocks away, on foot. Except to put the toe tag on the body.

Living in Israel

“Only 18% would enforce the legislation currently being written if they were in a leadership position within their respective agencies.”

What about the ones who are not in leadership positions? Will they still enforce unconstitutional legislation?


The question I want to see asked — and answered — is how many cops, when ORDERED to do so, will start confiscating weapons?


As a retired PO, I must tell you that I am somewhat relieved after reading Jonn’s article and the results of the PoliceOne survey.

#3 Ex-PH2 – – Right on the money! I walked a few foot-posts some years back (which have slowly disappeared) up in Oyster Bay, NY and some other areas…..there’s nothing like personal contact, if it’s not raining, or snowing.

2/17 Air Cav

Oh, if the matter ever comes to pass, there are few, if any, who would put their livlihoods at risk to stand on principle. And the numbers crunchers and bean counters will know who is and isn’t enforcing the particular law, right down top the badge number. But, that’s not to say non-enforcement will lose. There are ways of doing things and not doing things that have the same result. LEOs are creative folks. They’ll figure it out.

2/17 Air Cav

@9. That’s Err-ster Bay, Lon Giland!


#8 PintoNag – just saw this after I posted my first comment – the answer is, near 100% will comply with a boss….you can be sure that this subject has been reviewed multiple times in training sessions already. I’m sure that cops have been told that they will be subject to severe penalties (dismissal and internal departmental charges – maybe criminal penalties) for failure to comply.

Department policy and State Laws wield a pretty big stick.


#11 – 2/17 Air Cav

Haha – always trouble spelling that town, but always pronounce it correctly.


@12 I believe you are correct. Cops have had an “us vs. them” mentality for quite awhile. So polls like this one mean absolutely nothing. I could care less about their opinions. I am interested in what their actions will be.

You’ve helped to answer that question.


Expect the usual: 25% of the libs hate guns, so we have to restrict them. 70% of Americans opposed Obamacare, but they know what is best for you, so it got passed.

B Woodman

national discussion = elitist statist lecture

Veritas Omnia Vincit

@8 most of them will do as ordered…no matter what they might say to the contrary now…unless there is some paradigm shift happening beneath the surface in the LEO community they have always done what the law tells them even when the law said to beat up striking workers, black people on buses, etc…the history of police behavior that was immoral if not downright illegal is pretty well documented in our records.

I don’t trust the government, I don’t trust politicians, and I sure as h3ll am not about to trust the police….more of our citizens need to have that healthy distrust of the people they allow to wield power over them….look at how any 3rd world sh1thole operates…they disarm the citizens, they create an economic situation where the small amount of rich people (usually 10% or less) are in control of more and more of the nations wealth and then the police are used to round up, torture, and kill the opposition. Our current crop of politicians are doing the best they can to create that model here in the United States….fewer and fewer people controlling the nation’s wealth, the decreasing prosperity of the middle class, the increasing dependence of the welfare/working poor class, the attempt to disarm the citizens…these are not the actions of a freedom and independence loving nation. They are the actions of a ruling elite determined to hang on to power by any means necessary.

A Proud Infidel

I know a fair share of LEOs in my neck of the woods, and they feel the same, our local Sheriff is among those who have stated they WON’T go along with the gun-grabber laws! One thing is for sure, the left is following the same pattern as Lenin, Stalin, Hitler, Mao, Castro,….. And if strict nationwide Gun Control laws are such a great crime deterrent, then why all the criminal anarchy in Mexico?

2/17 Air Cav

In the history of civilization, there has never been one in which–for glory, money, power, personal security, or heavenly reward–the tyrants have been without an enforcement arm. This is all a matter of process. Early on, there is opposition from within, but it wanes. Opposition from within cannot be sustained. He who opposes the state will be buried by the state. Need (e.g., supporting a family) and rationalization (e.g., It’s the law and that’s my job) will win over most. I intend no meanness here. I made many arrests in my day. I have more than a clue from history and personal experience.


#19 – 2/17 Air Cav

Yes, rationalization and training will win over most. They will see it as their sworn duty.

I particularly like the last three sentences in your comment.


And why would the military be any different from the police in this?


#21 – PintoNag

With all of the military experience on this site, you pose an excellent question and one that I thought of as I commented above.

Duty – Honor – Country is not restricted only to the students and graduates of USMA. Would the military revolt or refuse to obey orders? I don’t think so…..

Tough discussion.


@22 An even tougher discussion is this: what about the ROE when our troops are ordered against us? Our troops are now battle-hardened by over ten years of war, and they’ve become experienced in “nation-building,” kicking in doors, and controlling civilian populations. Tough discussion?

No discussion at all.

The Civil War is going to look like a garden party compared to what’s going to happen to us.

2/17 Air Cav

The best defense is a good offense. Send emails in support of those who will filibuster. Write comments and letters to the editor of your local paper. Send a few dollars to the NRA. You all know the drill. My point is, the matter is moot if we are successful in quashing the gun-grabbing effort. The heat is off if the laws aren’t shoved down our throats.


It starts:


At The Blaze: http://www.theblaze.com/stories/2013/04/09/a-form-of-gun-confiscation-has-reportedly-begun-in-new-york-state-heres-the-justification-being-used/

If you’re being treated for PTSD and own a firearm, you’re screwed….in NY.


I’ve got over fifteen years in law enforcement now, and I could probably count the number of field-level LEOs who are in favor of gun control on the fingers of one hand. Frankly, most of my fellow officers/agents think that gun control is stupid since obviously criminals don’t obey gun laws, and they only inconvenience law-abiding citizens, who are not the problem.

It’s when you start moving up the ranks to the “political” levels of law enforcement organizations that you’ll find the gun-grabbing sentiment in full effect. Simply put, most big-city police chiefs (and Federal law enforcement executives) serve at the pleasure of liberal political masters, and so will parrot whatever line is fed to them.


If you really want to boggle the mind, consider how the Guard would figure into all this. Interesting possibilities there since they are military (part of the time) with strong ties to their communities.

A potential for chaos if the active duty were pitted against the local cops who are also pitted against the Guard, even from another state? Could be very interesting.


Totally of topic here! But, is anyone else watching the live stream from the WH? Gotta love this internet thingy where we can watch others enjoy the fruits of our labors.

2/17 Air Cav

@27. Yes, it gives an inkling of what the country went through in the early 1860s. When writers refer to that war as brother against brother, they are not being fanciful. Choices were made and actions followed those choices. It is both maddening and, I think, awe inspiring to consider what it took to make those choices.


Agreed, AC.

This live stream is of the “Sequestor Soul Show.” Just discovered what a Justin Timberlake is. Ouch!


PintoNag, I am one of those battle-hardened troops that is experienced in kicking in doors. Since I am still active duty I won’t say either way, but draw your own conclusion on how most of us will react. Remember the oath of enlistment “I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States”. There is also the unlawful order thing to consider.


@26. Precisely, the higher one goes in the department, the more one is dependent on the chief/mayor/city or county executive for one’s job. So, it’s always easier to go along to get along.
That way, you get to keep the plainclothes allowance, the take-home car, the department cell phone with unlimited time, the cleaning allowance and the “guaranteed” 8-5 job. And all it costs an executive in the police hierarchy is one’s integrity, if one has retained any, in his/her climb.


That sucks for anyone taking Ambien (which is also considered a psycotropic drug) in spite of it helping people fall asleep.

Also, folks in NY state better stay healthy, because most common cough medicines have destromethorphan in it. It’s an antitussive, but still considered a psychotropic drug.


Sorry, it’s deXtromethorphan…

matt thomas

This poll is the worst piece of bullcrap I’ve ever seen this side of the NRA’s propaganda.


You’re entitled to your opinion, matt thomas. And you’re entitled to be as ignorant as you like, too.

Above, you’ve demonstrated both.

Then again, there always have been a load of Socialists/bordernline Communists in the old PA hard-coal mining country.


Joey Bite-Me is caught on camera admitting what those of us who pay attention already know. http://youtu.be/ljH8L7H_-_k


Hey, Matt, which part do you find offensive, the idea that 15K police officers were polled? That they don’t agree with the Chicago jesus? That they know that more laws won’t help if you won’t enforce the ones that already exist? Or, that this is just another progressive feel-good stunt?