How to make an angry Dad
ROS sends us a link to a Fox News article about a father who was looking over his 8th grade son’s homework and found a worksheet;
On Monday his social studies teacher gave students a worksheet titled, ‘The Second Amendment Today.’
“The courts have consistently determined that the Second Amendment does not ensure each individual the right to bear arms,” the worksheet states. “The courts have never found a law regulating the private ownership of weapons unconstitutional.amendment
The worksheet, published by Instructional Fair, goes on to say that the Second Amendment is not incorporated against the states.
“This means that the rights of this amendment are not extended to the individual citizens of the states,” the worksheet reads. “So a person has no right to complain about a Second Amendment violation by state laws.”
According to the document, the Second Amendment “only provides the right of a state to keep an armed National Guard.”
I guess these Instructional Fair folks have never heard of the District of Columbia v. Heller in which the Supreme Court found the District’s laws against gun ownership to be unconstitutional. It was in all of the papers. If, I’m not mistaken, Illinois is dealing with the same “problem”.
It’s no wonder that folks think we need more regulations when they’re being fed tripe like this in school. I wonder why the school hasn’t returned phone calls to Fox?
Category: Gun Grabbing Fascists, Schools
Well, bless their indoctrinating, misinforming, lying, brain-washing, devious, anti-American “progressive” hearts.
Remedial training is going to be a b*tch.
The book said page comes from was discontinued in 2003, so……
Don’t forget to tell them that not only did the Heller case confirm an individual right, Heller 2(a follow-up case) prohibited banning semi-auto pistols(considered “in common use”). And Macdonald v. Chicago incorporated the right to the states.
This is how the left brainwashes our children. The answer is homeschooling.
@2: That’s what I was thinking, as the McDonald decision in 2010 incorporated the 2nd to the states, and that happened in Illinois.
So if I were a parent in this district, I’d contact the teacher and politely inquire as to why they were using information that is both factually incorrect and out-of-date?
True, it may be that the teacher is an idealogue, but it’s just as likely that the teacher is simply ignorant and/or lazy. In fact, I’d say ignorance/laziness is probably at least as likely.
Yeah, I figured it was old stuff but what do you suppose would happen if a teacher taught that abortion has never been found constitutional? Or how about if material was passed out to students that froze racial segregation in education before Brown v. Board of Ed? The Heller case was not decided last week or last year. The teacher ought to reprimanded for teaching crap–but, again, I dream.
In case anyone wants to read the actual opinions:
Heller v. DC (2008):
McDonald v. Chicago (2010):
As noted above, Heller v. DC affirmed the individual right of firearms ownership of weapons “in common use,” irrespective of membership in any military organization, but applied only to Federal enclaves. McDonald v. Chicago extended this Constitutional right to states and localities.
Using outdated material is no excuse, in fact it is even more egregious…. did the teacher do it intentionally like Obama does with decades old crime statistics?
This happend in, suoprise, Connecticut.
Connecticut Constitution, Art. I, § 15: “Every citizen has a right to bear arms in defense of himself and the state.”
It is hard to have any respect for the teaching profession any more. That’s because they don’t teach anymore – they indoctrinate personal and cultural self-destruction while strutting around like thugs wielding politically correct, zero-tolerance, viciously vindictive punishments backed by rank stupidity, cowardice and hypocrisy.
Too bad all the money spent on education isn’t involved in purchasing updated teaching materials like books….instead we spend a fortune on providing special ed kids with an integrated experience at the cost of actual learning…
I sympathize with parents of special ed kids, and their desire to mainstream their children instead of having them in separate classrooms. However the cost to our society has been great in this regard. By focusing on the special ed kids constant needs instead of pushing for advanced learning classes for our best and brightest we have created a murky stew of average intelligence by stifling the kids at the higher end of the scale. Throw in some celebrity worship, and sports figure worship and suddenly there is a nation of weak minded fools sucking on the public teat for generations….
Thankfully my community has Advanced Placement classes at the high school level but not so much at the elementary or middle school levels…we need to encourage elementary and middle school children to embrace mathematics and science instead of teaching them nonsensical myths about the Bill of Rights, or how to be sensitive to the feelings of their dumber class mates…if you are lazy and stupid you should not feel good about yourself. You should be embarrassed and motivated to work harder, but in an age where every participant gets a trophy the trophies are meaningless because they recognize non-achievement…
Perhaps some day we will remember that it’s okay to push yourself to be as smart, and ambitious as you can in order to succeed in a world that increasingly cares less and less for you.
It’s as bad as the Social Studies teacher last year that told a student that they could go to jail for saying negative things about President Barack Obama. These are the people that teach our children.
I’m a h.s. social studies teacher. I teach geography, government, economics, and U.S. history at an alternative school. I am also a 21 year disabled Army veteran (spent time with 10th & 5th Grp as well as SOCEUR and SOUTHCOM as an intel wienie).
I always tell my students that SCOTUS has consistently ruled IN FAVOR of private gun rights (there have only been a handful of SCOTUS cases regarding the 2nd amendment). That said, I understand that they are trying to say that when the Bill of Rights were first enacted they did not deal with the relationship between the individual states and individual private citizens. This was ruled in Barron v. Baltimore, 1833. However, it’s a moot point because when the 14th Amendment was passed it essentially stated that ALL of the first ten amendments deal with the relationship between states and citizens (due process clause).
Yeah, I love setting my students straight from the liberal crap out there. This father would NOT have that problem if his child was in my class (God willing that wouldn’t happen since I only deal with those who have been sent to me because they’ve royally messed up).
“Every citizen has a right to bear arms in defense of himself and the state.”
Giving further truth to the statement, “An armed man is a citizen. An unarmed man is a subject.”
@13 Amen
Eric: be careful. Not all of the 1st 8 Amendments have been held as binding on states. In particular, the 3rd Amendment has never been ruled on by the SCOTUS; the 5th Amendment’s guarantee of Grand Jury indictment; the right of trial by a jury from the jurisdiction in which the crime occurred; and the right to jury trial in civil cases have been held NOT binding on states by the SCOTUS.
Wikipedia’s article on Incorporation of the Bill of Rights is actually fairly good on the subject, and has decent references.
@12: And you haven’t been burned at the stake as a heretic yet? I’m impressed!
Par for the course.
Hear it all the time here in the Great NW. (HS and college as well)
@15: Good point Hondo and one I shouldn’t have stated “ALL the first ten amendments”. Thanks for the correction.
@16: NR Pax, not yet! haha…thankfully, I work in a very small school with other teachers who are fairly conservative. One is a USAF retiree and, amazingly, out of 9 teachers and one principal, three or four of us do not belong to a union. Pretty good percentage really.
@16 Notice his last statement. They use him as the lion-tamer!
Jesus, Mary and Holy Saint Joseph … God damn it! Holy Friggin’ Geeze Us Christ … I was having a good day!
I have two elementary school aged children, and their schooling makes me shake my head. Both have tested into Advanced Placement but due to budget cuts in our county (I live in North Carolina) the AP teacher is working for 5 different schools in our district. You can imagine the lack of enthusiasm for challenging bright children when our children’s principal has to look at a dwindling budget and resources and further has to prepare ALL students for state wide advancement exams. They are basically training my daughters to pass a test. Actual learning is secondary. I feel my kids are being warehoused. Add to that all of the liberal dogma of “mainstreaming” intellectually challenged children and I feel my children’s education is being held hostage. Fortunately, my wife is very pro-active and is supplementing their education with many extra curricular activities that stimulate their desire to learn. I am sick and tired of seeing not just my daughters, but other bright children held back due to this desire on the part of our educators to make sure that every child gets a participation ribbon. My father had an apt saying when I would bring home a less than stellar report card (a common occurrence) “the world needs ditch diggers too”. I did the next best thing and became a grunt…….
I seem to recall when I was a kid (not really all that long ago) they were telling us global warming would have something like 20% of the US under water by now. I want to say the magical date this was to happen by was 2010.
@21. The world indeed needs ditch diggers–and smart soldiers. There is really no reasonable alternative but to supplement your children’s as you and your wife are doing. As Mark Twain said, “I never let my schooling interfere with my education.” It was true then and it is true now. I love that quote!
@23 Correction
First, I should have said “smart soldiers and Marines.” Second, I butchered my second line (of course, it just had to be in a comment about schooling!). The mangled line was to have read, “…supplement your children’s schooling as you….”
2/17 Air Cav, great quote brother. It just pains me to see the most technologically advanced country in the history of the world just absolutely punt the education of our children into the cheap seats.
Okay, put down the food and drink and sit on one hand. You need the other to use your mouse. Bite your lip so that the neighbors don’t call the police when you read this. That’s the best I can do. You will lose it anyway. Now, see this:
Stuff like this is why my wife and myself ensure that our children’s education doesn’t stop when they step off of the school bus. My 10 year old daughter got mad at me at first that I was making her read “White Fang” instead of some book about Justin Beiber. She ended up loving it and pestered me until I got her “Call of the Wild”. My son is younger, but my wife and I work with him on things like reading, math, writing, and geography. I’m willing to bet that my 8 year old son could point out more States on the map than the kids in the local High School.
Are we the ONLY ones that noticed that the 2d Amendment was written after the 1st, and written in such a deliberate manner that no confusion was anticipated?
Given that fact, it tells me how important the founding fathers thought it was, and how disconnected the gun-grabbers are from the real issue and actual facts.
@27 The cultural rot has set in. When I saw White Fang I thought of Soupy Sales before Jack London. The shame, the shame. Good luck with the kids and keep ’em reading.
@22, Reaperman, when I was in college during the late ’80s, they were telling us that at least 70-80% of the World’s population was going to be dead by 2000 because of rising oceans, climate change, ozone depletion, acid rain, (We DON”T hear about those two anymore, do we?)…….. Anymore, I don’t even remotely think that most publik shcools are even trying to teach anymore, they just want to brainwash tomorrow’s OWS dropouts and fleabags into thinking that life and the World owes them everything just because they’re breathing!
@21, Khan Academy is a free, online place for people of all ages to learn in many, many subjects. Material is constantly beind added. Nothing is watered down, either.
And if you really want kids to learn why history is so important, get copies of “Connections” by James Burke. The smallest things can have major importance in what happens in the world.
@29, She already read “My Side of the Mountain” and now wants to read “Where the Red Fern Grows”. She is now doing a report on pioneer Alaskan living for dad that has nothing to do with school.
The smartest collection of folks America ever produced learned to read using the KJV Bible, did basic math from the fruits of their own labor, and spent time working before playing.
And now? Those that can read get lies to learn, and their math sense is so whacked they believe Obama’s Spending America Out of Debt is pure genius.
#32 I used to make the cousins write me reports in order to play games while baby sitting them. They wanted to play the old Call of Duty games? Look up Point du Hoc or tell me about Monty and El-Alamein. Both of my cousins now come to me for books and to fact check anything their teachers say. Also told them which teachers to take and which teachers to avoid so they actually learned something.
Funny enough, after a while the one cousin was more interested in looking through my history books than gaming; as much, still
Not a lot of time to write this morning, other than to say that as a teacher of U.S. History in a California middle school, I am shocked by this obvious use of propaganda in the classroom. Shameful.