Prosecutor in CO kills intruder in home

| April 3, 2013

Brian sends us a link to the news that an as yet unnamed prosecutor in Colorado, or her husband, a police officer, killed an erratically-behaved intruder in her home after she called 911 according to Reuters;

The deputy district attorney made a 911 emergency call and reported that a man was at her door “behaving very erratically,” police said.

The prosecutor then told dispatchers that the stranger forced his way into her home. An altercation ensued inside and shots were fired, leaving the unidentified man dead, police said.

A spokeswoman for one of the agencies investigating the incident told Reuters that the prosecutor and her husband, himself a sheriff’s deputy, both fired at the intruder, but it is too early in the probe to know who fired the fatal shot.

Of course this comes on the heels of the shooting deaths of CO’s prison director and another prosecutor and his wife in Texas.

I see that even Fox was on the horn to Mark Potok of the Southern Poverty Law Center because the first shooter had ties to a white supremacist group. I didn’t listen because Potok is played on a loop about how he’s tried to warn us for decades about white people – so I know what he had to say.

Category: Crime

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I think that the prosecutor and his wife that were murdered were in Texas. And, the dead prosecutor’s deputy was murdered a couple of months ago.
There was also speculation[because that’s all anyone has, right now] that the Texas killings could be tied to a drug cartel.


A TX district attorney and his wife were also killed. It is thought to be linked to a white supremecist case.


UpNorth, the man killed in Colorado was the prisons director.


A prosecutor quit the aryan brotherhood case in Texas citing security concers. It appears to be dangerous to be in the Criminal Justice system.


No one really disputes that white supremacist gangs are dangerous. The problem is that the SPLC considers the Republican Party, the Tea Party Movement and the American Legion to be white supremacist gangs as well.


@5 – Note that the Texas prosecutor who quit has so far shown no evidence of imminent danger, just cited “security concerns”. No word whether he is actually in danger or just has his panties in a twist or wants publicity. Too early to tell… but here prosecutors are politicians. One can suspect.


@6 Traditionally, white supremacists are violence prone. If one of these groups is involved in murdering prison and legal officials, then it’s time to call them what they are and hunt them down. Again.


No that’s real gun control!


errrr “NoW”

Veritas Omnia Vincit

@5 that’s because we’ve allowed our prisons to become gang strongholds…. If it were up to me there would be no need for maximum security prisons because the type of individual that needed to be housed there would be executed long before he had a chance to be a problem. We worry about whether or not we should execute men who rape a woman, her two daughters and then burn their house to the ground. Really? I don’t understand why criminals who use violence aren’t executed. If you are willing to beat up a 70 year old woman for her SS check, as far as I am concerned you are no longer fit to breathe the oxygen on this planet. You should be shot behind the ear and buried in a cornfield after we harvest your organs so that for once in your useless piece of sh1t existence you actually contribute to society as you decompose in the soil. I am still unclear as to why we are worried about what happens to violent, convicted felons with respect to meals and exercise. If you are in a gang, white or black or hispanic that is involved in violence we should be constructing prisons that are basically 24 hour a day lockdowns until you die at the end of your life without parole sentences…instead because we allow the socialization of these parasites in the prison environment a de facto truce between guards and gangs has taken place allowing the gangs to run the prison according to their code instead of the other way around, ostensibly as a method to help with control. It’s my thinking that once an inmate exhibits and inability to behave in prison he should be placed in a 60ft square foot cell and given a minimal amount of soy protein until he is down to about 98lbs….at that point he should be kept light until he dies of old age without ever again having any communication with the outside world. Since we can’t execute these pieces of sh1t we ought to at least be able to honestly… Read more »


What VOV said. In spades.


@4, Twist, I knew that. I wasn’t clear, apparently. The prosecutor and his wife that were murdered were in Texas, as was his deputy.
And, I agree with what VOV said.


@11 – back in the late 1800s “rehabilitation” instead of punishment became the goal for the majority of prisoners… their pooor li’l souls were salvageable and they gained protection against cruel and unusual punishment. No one with any cojones stood up to the do-gooders to say “for the aforementioned rapist/arsonist/killers, NORMAL punishment should be castration/burning at the stake, CRUEL punishment is looking at Nancy Pelosi or Diane Feinstein – we won’t do that to ’em.”


UpNorth, You were clear. I was going to post a correction, but I got sidetracked by a shiny object.


Just saw this on the local NBC station, the guy who was DRT(dead right there) lived about a mile from me. And, the pic that TV8 put up is a mug shot of him from Florida.
The comments are hilarious, one of his apparent girl friends goes on about Stevens just trying to turn his life around, and that he was at the prosecutor’s house to help a friend who was in jail. At midnight. By forcing his way into the house. Maybe under the influence of drugs.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

@14 I am willing to consider a training program for someone who commits a non-violent property crime like unoccupied car theft. Several years in prison learning how to be readmitted to society with a decent blue collar job would be a great outcome.

Once you graduate from car theft to car jacking though as far as I am concerned we in society need to protect ourselves from you. The safest and most cost effective method is to harvest the organs and eliminate the body. Violent criminals last moments would now result in a life giving organ donation for a tax-paying law abiding citizen and the criminal would no longer be able to prey on decent society as they would be dead. Dead men have a very low rate of recidivism.

While I am not opposed to “rehabilitation” considerations, without appropriate segregation from the most violent and repeat offenders novice criminals have very little opportunity to succeed as decent citizens upon their release.

The problem here is that these discussion are substantive, difficult, time-consuming, and are improved moderately on a generational time line. In our instant gratification world of today that time frame is beyond the capability and scope of our politicians who don’t actually care if they succeed in making the nation better, they only care if they succeed in “appearing” to be making the nation better.

Of course what do I know, I’m just some idiot who has paid taxes since I was able to start working on a farm as a 13 year old…I’m not a highly educated Ivy League man with an advanced perception of the universe….


Harvest organs from dead criminals? No, I don’t think so. You don’t know what vile drugs they’ve been pumping into their systems, do you now? Or what kind of genetic birth defects they’re carrying, or like some recipients of donated organs found out the hard way, what infectious diseases they’re carrying — like rabies. No.

Automatic execution for crimes? Considering the percentages of people who were convicted of crimes they didn’t commit but confessed to under torture from slimeballs like former, and now convicted, CPD police chief John Burge, I’d have to say “no” to that, also. And Burge isn’t the only piece of trash that did/does those things.

Angry much, VOV? We don’t live in the Middle Ages, you know.

Or maybe you want to go back to execution by fire – you know, burning people at the stake. One of my ancestors was executed that way by Mary Tudor’s orders for translating the Bible into English.


And of course, Diane DeGette is now telling seniors who want to defend themselves, “You’ll probably be dead anyway.”

I fucking hate liberals, and I REALLY hate liberal politicians in “safe” districts.



My wife worked in a prison for a few years. It was a pretty rough job, although she was safer in the prison than the mental hospital where she works now(!). But they do indeed have a punishment like you describe and the inmates hate it. They basically get put on “loaf” which is all the nutrition they need for the day but it’s engineered to taste like crap. It’s kind of the last resort. Yeah, they won’t starve em down to 98 lbs, but even the threat of “loaf” got most to behave from what I’ve been told. Lots of instances of d-bags “falling down stairs” when escorted by guards, etc. And of course Security Housing Unit, where they get more supervision and are locked down most of the time.

Again, this is not anything I have witnessed myself, but I do actually listen to my wife when she comes home from work with work stories.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

It’s tax time Ex-PH2, so I could be a little angrier than normal….

I don’t need execution by fire. Just execution…lethal injection, bullet behind the ear…we do need to decide that we intend to take back our streets and prisons and make it extremely uncomfortable to be a prisoner in the United States. If we are not executing them because we have a moral issue with and the majority agree that’s fine. But a plan that is more than “just stick them in a cage and hope it works out” would be in order. The ability of a prisoner in solitary to run his gangs activities outside of prison would be an indicator that solitary is perhaps not so solitary after all. In this day of constant surveillance prisoners who threaten guards, administrators, prison personnel should be considered unfit for continued participation in gen pop and should be placed in a facility that has no communication with the outside world for prisoners and is on 24 hour a day lockdown.

Or we could just keep going the way we are hope the prisoners will stop killing the folks they disagree with.


One thing I would do about criminals today is microchip them. And put it where it can’t easily be removed when they get out. Or there would be a big ugly scar if they do remove it. The microchip would be a record of who they are, and their arrests/convictions.


Actually, I would like to see ‘THIEF’ stamped on some guy’s forehead if he’s convicted, and it doesn’t get removed until he’s learned his lesson. Ostracism is a remarkably effective way to get people to correct their behavior. I know, it’s very “Scarlet Letter”, but it’s effective.

If you want to take back your streets, you have to do what the people in the Englewood neighborhoods are doing — make it happen.


I do a lot of work in the prison and justice system these days with a faith-based prison/military outreach program (minority religion calls for consolidation) and our county Veterans Court. I don’t think one requires a graduate or doctoral degree to see some of the problems incubating prison gangs. I look to the economy and the nature of crimes the people I visit and the vets I work with in the court commit, and then combine it with my graduate coursework and business experience, particularly with process automation. Blame what you want, some will say unions, but for the large part, automation has killed the unskilled labor market. In response to the anticipated metaphors about willingness to work, yes, those that *want* to succeed will, but we used to have a space in our labor market for those who just wanted to cruise by. I am sure the possibility exists that there were no rewards for indolence 60-70 years go as there are now, but there was a place in the job market for them. We can all wax on about personal accountability, but we cannot create space in a labor market that doesn’t exist to hold them. I’m not saying the welfare system is tenable, either, but it’s worth considering that a bifurcated “either you are lazy or you are not” view on the circumstances is unhelpful. We’ve also increased in orders of magnitude, over the last 40 years especially, the number of non-violent offenses that carry jail time. Say what you will about the failure of the rehabilitation model, but it’s a tidbit disingenuous in the course of making that argument to ignore how a barely adequate system has been flooded with inmates across the last 40 years. The resources have not been there to commit to rehabilitation. The reality is that the larger portion of our states’ correctional facilities are over-crowded, under-funded, and are in no way performing any of the assumed rehabilitative tasks that are asserted to have failed by many here. More often than not, our system of mass incarceration has become an extensive system… Read more »


Two is always better than one.



Pros: Did you hear that, honey?
Cop: What??? SH** someone’s in the house!
Pros: I’ve got this *grabs gun*
Cop: Oh no you don’t *grabs other gun*
*pushing, jostling between couple*

Pros: I got him!
Cop: No way, I shot first!

2/17 Air Cav

You know that media-fueled speculation that the Texas killings of two prosecutors and the wife of one of them were linked, alternatively, to white supremacists or a drug cartel? Well, here’s an update. Murder charges are pending against a former justice of the peace who had been prosecuted for theft by the slain prosecutors and who, consequently, lost his job and his law license. He is neither a white supremacist nor a drug carter hit man. Just a lunatic with a grudge.