Nightingale’s sentence suspended

| November 29, 2012

Our buddy, Aunty Brat, sends the news that Danny Nightingale, the SAS trooper who was court martialed for possessing a weapon given to him by our Iraqi allies whom we discussed last month, had his sentence suspended by the Court Of Appeals;

Judges at the Court of Appeal cut Nightingale’s [18 month] sentence to 12 months and suspended it.

His wife Sally, 38, cried when the verdict was delivered.

Nightingale thanked her and his supporters for their “trust and support” after walking from the central London court.

So, I guess there is a measure of common sense left in some corners of the legal world.

Category: Dumbass Bullshit

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Since this is the case does he still have a career.


Good on him and the judges with wisdom!

Based on cut to 12 months and suspended … further appeals will most definately make this go away.

Like any court system, it will take time.

He should get back to work and try to or begin to forget this injustice!

We need our well qualified SAS brothers with their heads in the game … not thinking about chicken sh*t like this!

Al T.

@2, hopefully he can immigrate.

Common Sense

The Navy Seals Fund had a fundraiser (raising about $1000) and there was a petition signed by something like 90,000 people. It did get the attention of the courts.

I’m glad they listened.



Common Sense

Correction, the petition had 107,000 signatures.


The only thing the Brits fear more than the illegal Islamists they pander to for votes to keep office is pissing off the few men there that can protect them. If they could get away with this without it affected them negatively they’d have let it go through.

That SAS guy needs to leave and find a home where he isn’t considered the enemy.

2-17 Air Cav

The poor guy still has a conviction. Only the sentence was affected.