Gimme Yer Worst – The Near Misses

| April 2, 2013

Well, here’s the next batch.  These submissions were all arguably bad, but IMO just weren’t really bad enough for a Playlist From Hell.

So without further fanfare, we have the near-misses:


Submitted by Red6:  Chuggo  (NSFW)

Rationale:  Pretty bad.  But not bad enough.


Submitted by  Flagwaver:  I Can’t Decide – Scissor Sisters

Rationale:  Just not really bad enough for a Playlist From Hell.


Submitted by mattinnc:  Justin Bieber – Baby Ft Ludacris

Rationale:  Don’t much like the guy, either, mattinnc – but the song ain’t bad, even if it’s being sung by a twerp.  It’s just not bad enough for any Playlist from Hell.


Submitted by mattinnc:  Vanilla Ice – Ice Ice Baby

Rationale:   Also not my “cup of tea”, but not that bad.  Just not “Playlist From Hell” material.


Submitted by NR Pax:  multiple artists – “Whiskey in a Jar”

Rationale:  Sorry, NR Pax – I like the song, as do many others.  Hell, it’s an Irish traditional folk ballad, and a good one at that.  And besides:  I don’t want the IRA to send anyone over here to kneecap me, either.  (smile)


Submitted by Old Tanker – Japanese Maritime Self Defense Force song

Rationale:  Not bad enough, I’m afraid.  Actually, not that bad period.  Simply not playlist material.


Submitted by Ex-PH2:  JSDF Division Video (“Hell March”) and North Korean Propaganda Video

Rationale:  Second is bad, but not bad enough.  First is actually not too bad at all, and is really kinda impressive.  Neither is bad enough for a Playlist From Hell.


Submitted by James:  MacArthur Park – Richard Harris

This one’s a very binary song – people either tend to hate it or love it.  IMO it’s pretty bad and quite overblown, but it’s just not bad enough for inclusion in a Playlist From Hell.  YMMV.


Submitted by Jabatam:  Mick Jagger & David Bowie – Dancing in the Streets

Discussion:  As one commenter noted, just Jagger and Bowie being Jagger and Bowie.  Bad, but not bad enough for a Playlist From Hell.


Submitted by Flagwaver:  Rick Astley – Never Gonna Give You Up

Discussion:  Bad, but just short of being bad enough.  Damned close, though.


Submitted by FourteenSierra:  @MrEBT & @CaptnHook_Maine – My EBT

Rationale:  Just not bad enough for the Playlist From Hell – no matter how much the subject pisses you off.


Submitted by MCPO NYC USN (Ret):  M C Hammer – Can’t Touch This

Rationale:  Just not bad enough, even if it’s a pretty blatant Rick James rip-off.  Eye candy in the video was nice, too.


Submitted by EdUSMCLeg:  RuPAUL – SUPERMODEL (You Better Work)

Rationale:  Sorry, that one’s actually listenable, even if the singer is kinda “different”.  Not bad enough for any Playlist From Hell.


Submitted by Heidi:  Bjørk – It’s Oh So Quiet

Rationale:  Bjørk isn’t exactly my “cup of tea” either, but she does offer a bit of eye candy plus some talent.  This one is just simply not bad enough for the Playlist From Hell.


Submitted by Steelbreeze:  Night Ranger – Sister Christian

Rationale:   Bad, but not bad enough.  And yeah, as I said before – parts of the 80s just don’t make much sense 30 years later. (smile)


Submitted by Scubasteve:  Bonnie Tyler – Total Eclipse of the Heart

Rationale:  see previous rationale.  Also, I’m certainly not going to pick on someone who was obviously so poor as a child that they couldn’t afford Listerine and had to gargle with Drano whenever they had a sore throat! (smile)


Submitted by Scubasteve:  Dio – Holy Diver

Comment:  Even though the video is straight from WTF central, it’s just not bad enough overall for the Playlist From Hell.


Submitted by Heidi:  Erste Allgemeine Verunsicherung – Banküberfall

Rationale:  Just seemed too campy and not nearly weird or bad enough for a Playlist From Hell.


Submitted by Heidi:  Klaus & Klaus

Rationale:  Seems too campy to me – bad, but not bad enough for the Playlist From Hell.


Submitted by Heidi:  DOF-Codo

Rationale:  The first minute was indeed spectacularly bad IMO, and I thought it was Playlist material of the highest order.  But the last 2 minutes or so weren’t bad – hell, that part was quite listenable.  Considered in its entirety, it’s just not bad enough overall.


Submitted by Twist:  ????? – Harlem Shake

Rationale:  Bad, with WTF? factor going for it.  But just not bad enough.


Submitted by Instinct:  Eiffel 65 – Blue

Rationale:  Catchy at first, but gets old really quickly.  Yeah, it’s pretty bad – just not bad enough.


Submitted by Kateser:  Gunther and the Sunshine – Ding Ding Dong Song  (NSFW)

Rationale:  Bad, but not bad enough.  And has some nice eye candy for guys, too.


Submitted by PFDRbrendan:  “Charlie the Unicorn” All four songs.

Too catchy to make the Playlist From Hell – they’re kinda stupid songs and are bad, but not bad enough.  And hell, after a few beers (or some other chemicals, for those who partake of such) they might be funny as hell! (smile)


Submitted by Heidi:  Grace Jones – Slave to the Rhythm

Grace has always been “over the top” visually, but I think that’s a decently listenable tune.  Not bad enough.


Submitted by Aysel:  Star Wars Holiday Special Theme Song

Rationale:  Odd, but listenable.  Just not bad enough.


Submitted by Old Tanker:  The Wiggles – Fruit Salad

Rationale:  Bad, but not Playlist From Hell material.  Enough of their stuff back-to-back-to-back might be useful at GTMO, though, due to cumulative effect.


Submitted by NHSparky:  The Wiggles – Gangster Wiggles–VwYTHAM

Rationale:  see previous.


Submitted by Old Tanker:  Cocteau Twins – Love’s Easy Tears

Discussion:  Bizarre video – and IMO, the song’s really pretty much self-indulgent crap, too.  But it’s just IMO not quite bad enough for the Playlist From Hell, either.


Submitted by Aysel:  Kyary Pamyu Pamyu – PonPonPon

Discussion:  A truly . . . odd video (the Japanese seem to do a lot of those).  And on an endless loop, it probably violates the Geneva Convention.  But it seems listenable in smaller doses. Bad, but not bad enough.


OK, there you have the “near misses”.  They were indeed generally really bad.  They just weren’t quite bad enough for a Playlist From Hell.  Since peoples’ tastes vary, YMMV.

Tomorrow – those videos that were saved from the playlist due to other redeeming factors.

Category: Pointless blather, Who knows

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Old Tanker

Did you just say “other redeeming factors”? Did any of those videos have a single redeeming factor?

SGT Kane

Holy Crap! You’ve got exceedingly high standards for bad 🙂


I knew I should have included a cut from the gag-me-with-a-spoon ‘Ladyhawke’ soundtrack.

Next time.

NR Pax

OK, I understand your objection to my submission. But I stand by my thoughts on it. 😀


How about this:


I giggle every time I listen to “I Can’t Decide”.


Awsome, I still have several in the running.


I don’t know why I failed to include the Ride of the Valkyrie in the soundtrack from “Apocalypse Now”. That and the soundtrack from ‘Ladyhawke’ are enough to gag a maggot.