Gimme Yer Worst – A Final Chance For Comment

| March 31, 2013

I’ve got most of your suggestions binned, and I’ll start posting items tomorrow (look for 4 different articles Mon thru Thu).  But I’m having trouble binning a few suggestions.  At this point, I’m leaning towards omitting all of these from the Playlist From Hell (PFH).

So here’s a last chance for input.  No new suggestions allowed at this point, but you might change my mind on one of these few “worthy” items.


Here are the 9 problematic suggestions – “The Undetermined Few”, if you will.


1.  Submitted by Twist:  Toni Basil – Micky

Discussion:  Yeah, it’s bad – bad enough to make you want to stick a pencil in your ears.  But the video has some nice eye candy (for guys, anyway).  PFH, or RQ?


2.  Submitted by SGT Kane:  Alice Cooper, Clones

Discussion:  OK, this is pretty bad – both musically, and visually.  But I’m torn – is it bad enough for the Playlist From Hell, or just NBE?


3.  Submitted by AW1 Tim:  The Beach Boys – “I Get Around”  (self spoof)

Discussion:  Truly bad.  Pathetic, even – but intentionally so, since they’re spoofing themselves.  So how about it:  PFH, NBE, or RQ for humor?


4.  Submitted by Jabatam:  Mick Jagger & David Bowie – Dancing in the Streets

Discussion:  Torn on this one and need help – is this one apropos for the PFH, or is it bad enough to be hilariously funny (RQ)?


5.  Submitted by Twist:  David Hasselhof – Du

Discussion:  Can’t decide if this is PFH-worthy bad, NBE, or campy enough to be RQ-funny.  Thoughts?


6.  Submitted by Flagwaver:  Rick Astley – Never Gonna Give You Up

Discussion:  Can’t decide – is this bad enough for PFH, or NBE?


7.  Submitted by Hondo:  Alien Sex Fiend – Attack

Discussion:  Need some help here.  I think it’s bad enough for the PFH – but I might be biased, since I recommended it.  What say you?  Bad enough for the PFH, or NBE?


8.  Submitted by Old Tanker:  Cocteau Twins – Love’s Easy Tears

Discussion:  Bizarre video – and IMO, the song’s really pretty much self-indulgent crap, too.  But I need some help with this one.  Is it bad enough for the PFH, or NBE


9.  Submitted by Aysel:  Kyary Pamyu Pamyu – PonPonPon

Discussion:  A truly . . . odd video (the Japanese seem to do a lot of those).  And on an endless loop, it probably violates the Geneva Convention.  But it seems listenable in smaller doses.

Need help here, folks – bad enough for the PFH, or NBE?


Well, that’s it – the others are binned.  If you want to give me your opinion on one or more of these, put a comment here with the item number and one of the following:

NBE – not bad enough

RQ – Redeeming qualities list

PFH – Playlist From Hell

One comment per person, please.  And please, no long discussions – I’m going to have to extract the data manually and do a quick turn tomorrow evening.


I’ll consider any inputs received by 1800 (6PM) Eastern Daylight Time tomorrow (Mon, 1 Apr).  No guarantees that you’ll change my mind on any of these – but you might.


Author’s Note:  The broken link for item 2 (Alice Cooper – “Clones”) is now fixed.  Sorry for any inconvenience.

Category: Pointless blather, Who knows

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E6 type, 1 ea

If you’re looking for shitty music, I’d start here:


Hondo … are you kidding me? Das Boot did not make it?

The Germans will be so disappointed!

2/17 Air Cav

Hasselhoff is a keeper–in the Gay category, of course. The Alice Cooper link doesn’t work. Jagger/Bowie are just being Jagger/Bowie. You’re right about the Geneva Conventions violations with the Nipponese entry–but they are ALL that way. The only one that is trying to be good and is stupid bad is that one with the red haired fellow, Rick something.


What? You didn’t like the Nork video? Awwww…. Lil Kim will be so butthurt over that.


1. rq
3. nbe
4. should be nbe
5. pfh
6. nbe
7. pfh
8. nbe
9. nbe

SGT Kane

Try this for the Alice Cooper link:

Be warned though. This is horrible. Three full minutes of Alice Cooper closer ups, 80’s cross fades, and lyrics that makes your mind bleed.

Sam Naomi

Think I’ll pass, Strickly Country, nothing eles.
sn. from Iowa


2. nbe

AW1 Tim

I still gotta support my entry:

#3: PFH

I say that because even though it is a self-spoof, there were a LOT of people who didn’t get that when they first saw it. personally, I can’t even finish listening to it, as it’s that bad. 🙂

But that’s my own opinion, and I understand that other’s mileage may vary, so it’s all good.

BTW: Thanks for doing this. It’s a nice relief from all the sad and bitter news, the posers, and other crap I witness each day.

2/17 Air Cav

@7. Thanks for the link. Well, thanks may not be the right word now that I’ve viewed half of it.

2/17 Air Cav

Hondo: Too many rules. Rack ’em!


Heidi send your photo! Rumors have it you are a Viking Babe …


Hondo ….



1. pfh
2. pfh
3. link down
4. rq
5. pfh
6. rq
7. pfh
8. nbe
9. nbe

MCPO to Hondo (Ret.)

Hondo read mail!


For the beach boys song I think I found it here:

PFH. Funny, but still absolutely horrendous.