Alabama State Legislator’s email infuriates voters

| March 27, 2013

A link sent to us by Daric tells the tale of voter, Eddie Maxwell, who sent out a mass email to his legislators pleading with them to not inflict more gun control legislation on him and his neighbors. The response that he got back from one State legislator, Joe Mitchell, wasn’t what he expected;

Mitchell responded an hour later, telling Maxwell: “Your folk never used all this sheit (sic) to protect my folk from your slave-holding, murdering, adulterous, baby-raping, incestuous, snaggle-toothed, backward-a**ed, inbreed (sic), imported criminal-minded kin folk.”

“That’s not the type of reply I expect to receive from a state legislator,” Maxwell replied on Feb. 11. “I’m not a racist and I find your reply to be especially offensive considering the position you hold.”

I think Maxwell’s response to Representative Mitchell was worded much better than anything Mitchell would have received from me if I had been in Mitchell’s place. I’ve been pleading with gun-rights folks to be decent and civilized in this discussion and to obey the laws as they’ve been written. Apparently, I’ve been talking to the wrong M-er F-ers. I wonder what made Mitchell think he could get away with such a racist line of bullshit – well, other than complete arrogance and disregard for the concerns of his constituents.

I hope the voters reward Mitchell with a job search opportunity, but I doubt they will – and that’s what fuels his arrogance.

Category: Gun Grabbing Fascists

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@47 – Over 30? Still a student? What, flipping burgers didn’t work out for you?

A Proud Infidel

@47, You haven’t responded yet, is Spring *BLUEEECCCH!* over with at your school yet?


it is what it is: obviously the answer to my question is “no” – you don’t understand the concept of hypocrisy. I guess I’ll have to spell it out of you. I’ll try and use common words to make it easier for you to understand.

Your comments above are hypocritical because you take Maxwell to task for “credit by association” in one comment, then 7 comments later do exactly the same thing yourself while apparently “claiming credit” for having done “a good thing”.

Specifically: in comment 31 you bash Maxwell for saying (your words) “my dad helped a negro before”, characterizing this comment as “obligatory”. However, in comment 38 you do a variant of exactly the same thing when you say “I have friends of all races and my favorite professor is Indian”. Your comment 38 appears to be serious and not satire, as it is not qualified in any way. Thus you appear to be claiming “credit” for having both “friends” and a “favorite professor” of a (presumably) different ethnic group than yourself.

Blameworthy when done by Maxwell, but praiseworthy when you do the same? That, youngster, is hypocrisy. Blatant, rank, and odious hypocrisy.

And for the record: I am indeed old enough to be your father, so my calling you “youngster” in this context is neither unjustified nor patronizing.


@43, You do realise that during the time frame Maxwell was talking about “negro” was the polite way to reference an African-American right? My father used that term and his black co-workers that used to come to the house for cookouts seemed not to take offense with it. If you are indeed in your 30’s I weep for my generation.


I am from Sylvester, GA and there has NEVER been a bombing here, and someone wanna explain to me what the hell is a “Air Jump Master”? I was Airborne for 8 yrs never heard a JM called that.


Chris: I’m having trouble finding anything about any Civil Rights Era bombing in “Albany” or “Newton”, too. (There apparently was a bombing in Leesburg, GA, in 1962.)

The guy turns 65 this year. Maybe he’s starting to “lose it”.

Or maybe he’s just a LSoS.

2/17 Air Cav

@55. Maybe he simply omitted a word. Try this: Air Soft Jump Master. Works for me.


So during his final reply, he says his dad was “Regular Army”

I didn’t realize the Marines were getting help from the Army to fill Drill Instructor positions…

I read this and still find it hard to believe this is real.

Then again, Diane Feinstein and Nancy Pelosi say all kinds of dumb things and continually get re-elected to the US Congress. And Joe Biden, well, you know…


Speaking of doubling down on stupid:

“I was NOT elected to make people happy. I was NOT elected to say what somebody ELSE wants me to say,” Mitchell wrote. “I got elected because I protect my community. Folk in other communities were electd (sic) to do the same thing. We do not need ‘leadership’ to go noplace.”

Mitchell posted a second message that day in which he appeared to challenge his critics.

“I am a descendent of a run-away slave. If you have problems with THAT, then it’s YOUR PROBLEM,” he wrote. “If you would like citations that back my position on ANY subject or statement then (Facebook) mail me. I have more information than some folk wanna handle.”

Mitchell, a state representative since 1994, confirmed in an interview with the Associated Press that he wrote the emails. He said he was trying to explain that citizens who descended from slaves and were disenfranchised by the state constitution have a different view of history than white citizens.