Tuesday riches
SanFranNan hits the news again… it hasn’t been a week since she was again named as one of the premier insider traders in Congress. Her defense at the time was that her HUSBAND is the trader. She doesn’t buy anything, and I guess the implication is that a) they don’t ever talk (with her as the spouse, I sorta believe that) and b) l’il ole Nan couldn’t be bothered. Update:
The Pelosi household — comprised of powerful California Congresswoman Nancy and her husband Paul, a wealthy investor — has made a number of shrewd financial moves lately, cashing in to the tune of a few million dollars worth of appreciated stock since December.
And the luck just doesn’t seem to run out. The 6th richest member of the House made a well-timed investment last month of $100,000 in Tempus AI, a health and medical company that says it’s powered by artificial intelligence.
That turned out to be the right bet, because Tempus AI stocks have skyrocketed by over 113 percent since Pelosi bought her shares.
I’m sure it’s just a co-inky-dinky, as the vaudeville folks used to say.
The value pump started almost immediately after Pelosi’s buy, and continued after Tempus acquired Ambry Genetics, a genetic testing lab firm valued at over $300 million. As most American companies are required to disclose transactions and mergers over $101 million to the government, it’s very likely that at least some federal employees in the FTC and Department of Justice had advanced knowledge of the move, which is seen as a very healthy merger.
Fear not, folks. You aren’t left out.
Nancy Pelosi Stock Tracker — a million-follower X-formerly-Twitter account that follows the Pelosis’ financial health with intimate precision — highlighted her investment savvy in a post yesterday.Futurism
You, too, can buy stocks like a crooked insider-trading amoral politician. Here’s hoping you make LOTS of money.
Moving to the Republican side of the aisle – I know lots of folks here think Pete Hegseth is a great guy. And he very well may be in some respects. As SECDEF, he is entitled to live in military housing, and I for one think every SECDEF should (though they rarely do – for example Austin bought an 8,700 square foot home to live in. 8700 square feet? I have literally seen multimillionaire’s houses smaller than that.) – after all, they are supposed to be in charge of ALL military housing, even the bad lots – and God knows we have a lot of that around.
Defense Secretary Pete Hegseth is looking to live in military family housing and requested to use $137,000 in taxpayer funding for repairs — including nearly $50,000 for an “emergency” paint job — a pair of top Democratic lawmakers said in a letter Friday demanding more details.
Under the law, Congress must be notified if maintenance and repairs for housing meant for general and flag officers is going to cost more than $35,000.
In that context, lawmakers were notified late last month that the Army was looking to spend $137,297 on maintenance on an unoccupied family housing unit, according to Wasserman Schultz and DeLauro’s letter. The total cost included $49,900 for an “emergency” paint job, the letter added. Military.com
How the actual hell can anyone justify fifty grand to paint a house? Knowing it is in the Washington area I am not terribly shocked at eighty grand or so for home repairs…but I agree at least this much with the questioners: I want to see how those costs are priced out. Pretty sure ol’ Pete isn’t personally involved – when was the last time you moved into quarters and they asked your opinion on painting? Or is someone in the Army using this renovation to sneak in some other desired repairs? Maybe Elon needs to see that invoice.
If his new govt provided living accommodations are anything like the reports have suggested about the barracks for the troops, some very deferred maintenance has been occurring.
I mean, if Austin wouldn’t live in it, just saying.
Is the paint job for just painting or does it include all the stuff to do before you paint like caulking the trim, maybe fixing damaged trim, damaged plaster, sanding and such? Or maybe if it’s old housing there’s lead based paint that has to go through some remediation work? Maybe there’s asbestos there also. O-fisshule Gummint Regs specify what has to be done for that or lead paint.
50G seems a lot but if this is one of those old homes for flag officers that is over 100 years old, and it has not been maintained the cost could be pretty high for a number of reasons.
If it is one of the houses on Ft. McNair, they are big, and old, and you are paying DC labor prices. I am sure because it is a govt contract the paint ain’t cheap either.
For perspective, in a DC suburb, 3k sqft house, I was quoted 23K to paint it, with mid grade paint, and that was 8 years ago.
My money is that it is all of those factors (D.C. labor rates, remediation and removal of Lead or asbestos and extra prep work) as well as specific fire retardant, anti-RF paint that prevents Chinese spies from tapping his SIPR and NSA net lines in the house…. ohh and adding those to the property!
You can’t get illegals to paint government housing so they will be paying top dollar.
Mandated payment of prevailing wages whenever you’re working on a government project.
So, Dems are crying about paying for the renovations to the SECDEF’s domicile, but when the GAO says there was $326 billion in improper payments for FY 2023 all we hear is crickets? Got it. Thanks for the consistency Dems.
In other SECDEF news: Hegseth does PT with Special Forces. Remember when Austin got out the PT gear and was sweatin’ it with da fellas? Neither do I.
Amazing what happens when you put someone who actually cares about thr troops in charge..
Judging by the way his suits (didn’t) fit him,I think Austin stopped doing PT sometime back when he was a bird or when he got his first star
6 years at Drum from 10th Mountain division activation in 1st Brigade under COL Jack Keane (now a retired 4 star General) when Austin was 2-22 Bn S3 then XO then 1st Bde XO. He was seldom spotted in PT gear, much less doing PT. Keane carried his own tent in the field.
If the best the Left can kerfuffle is “he painted his house”, this next 4 years is going to be a curb-stomp.
As a former GC I don’t think those numbers are anything to be concerned about. Painting inside and out with repairs. All the cost are pretty low compared to many projects I ve done over the years. My last remodel exceeded those numbers on an average size house by double or better. And then being on a military base that typically lacks maintenance to housing. The numbers are low.
I agree, Jim. I’ve re-habed several old houses, it ain’t cheap. Hell, I dropped pert near $250K on the 4K sq ft Fire Base Magnolia farm house back in ’10-’12 and I’m in the middle of po-dunk God’s Country. Buddy of mine dropped twice that on a house 1/2 the size that was in the ATL area. If he decides to sell, he’ll probably get his $ back and then some. Me? Probably not unless I sell to some damnyanky that’s looking for a real nice retirement home/B&B.
Y’all may recall I had told my 401K dood to invest in whatever SanFranNan invested in back in ’19. He musta done so ’cause I’ve earned almost as much as the account started out with since then. She IS a shrewd investor…AND a Shrew. Pillow talk? Wonder if she could talk with a pillow pressing into her face?
Both Pelosi’s, hell, all three of them, are ready for conversion to islamic saints.
Take them to the river.
The purple-haired freak and the poodle are bitching about paint?
Stop. Hurt. Sides. Laughing.