Charles Rangel: Not Just Ethically-Challenged Any More

| March 22, 2013

We all know about Congressman Charles Rangel’s recent ethical troubles – even if his constituents apparently don’t, or know and don’t care.  But apparently he’s somewhat “challenged” in other ways, too.

Here’s what Rangel had to say yesterday:

We’re talking about millions of kids dying  being shot down by assault weapons, were talking about handguns easier in the inner cities, to get these guns in the inner cities, than to get computers. This is not just a political issue, it’s a moral issue and so when we condemn the NRA we should not ignore the fact that a lot of people that have taken moral positions have been solid on this big one.

Uh, Mr. Congressman – millions of kids being shot down by assault weapons?  Really?  Oh hell no.  You’re out of your freaking mind.

There were less than 8,600 (8,583) US firearms homicides in 2011 – total.  At that pace, it would take over 116 1/2  years to get 1,000,000 total firearms homicides.  Further:  less than 4% of them (323) were committed with rifles of any type – let alone “assault weapons”.   So you’re talking over three millenia to get 1,000,000 killed by rifles of any type.

And do I really need to remind you that not all rifles are “assault weapons”, Congressman Rangel?  I thought anyone with 3 or more working brain cells realized that.

What a moron.  And yet the voters of his deep-blue, mostly Manhattan district keep returning him to Congress.

Category: "Teh Stoopid", Guns

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B Woodman

Being stooopid should hurt. For both Charlie and those that continue to keep him in office. Unfortunately, it doesn’t.
And now I will fall back on my short answer when libtards talk about gun control and taking away my firearms, “No. Not only no, but fuckin’ HELL NO. Clear enough for ya?”

Veritas Omnia Vincit

He’s been a very poor joke for years. That he is allowed to make these idiotic pronouncements time and again without repercussion makes it clear just how poorly informed the electorate is these days.


You’re a racist for pointing out he’s stupid…./sippy


The problem is people are either totally out of touch with what their “representative” is/does. Or they think their specific representative is a super-human fighting for them and every OTHER representative is a dumbass.

“Why should I be allowed to have a scary black gun?”

“Because Fuck You, that’s why.”


NHS nee /sippy,
That’s MR Stoopid to you.

2/17 Air Cav

In 2011, there were 8,583 murders in the US. Of this number, 1,694 were done by cutting and 496 by blunt object. Personal weapons (e.g., punches, kicks, and pushing) accounted for 728 murders. There are other categories for murder methods but here is the point: Murder by rifle was accomplished in 323 cases. I’m no math wizard but even I can see that more than 95% of murders committed in the US in 2011 were by other than rifle. Facts suck when they’re not in one’s favor, eh Chuckie?


Pfft. Who cares about millions of kids? They’re expendable. I must have hit a couple thousand or so of them on my way to work this morning, and each and every year we lose close to a billion children to falling into wells. Sure we could ban wells, or pass laws stating that they can only be 5 feet deep, but then it would only be a week before we were over-populated to the point of starvation. There’d be nothing left to eat except the children.


“I thought anyone with 3 or more working brain cells realized that”. Well, then, it’s obvious that Rangel and those who elect him don’t have the requisite 3 working brain cells.


Kids? Oh, I get it. He’s not talking about human children. He’s talking about baby goats, goatlings, junior goats, also known as kids.

Face it. Charlie is a short step away from senile. The more he rambles on with out making any sense, the more senile he appears. Statistics don’t support anything he says.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

He also said, “There is no hunter that needs automatic military weapons to enjoy the culture of going hunting.”

Why is there a constant reference to hunting and automatic weapons?

As the argument on the left continues to disintegrate, the nonsensical rhetoric rises in volume and hysteria. People like Rangel should be ashamed of themselves for telling such lies, but they are not. They claim to despise people like Nixon, but their action proclaim their true belief that the end does in fact justify the means.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

@6 I did some checking on that recently because of the 300 or so folks in New Hampshire gathered to push an AWB in NH as well….of course no one in NH has been murdered by an AW so I am not exactly why they need the law since it would be a law designed to protect the public from a non-existent threat in that state…


Syphilis finally got to him.


“You Honor, I object”. “Sustained”. Heh, got it in the juror’s minds anyway!

There will be those of the public that believe there are 1 million.


All U.S. military combat losses since WW 1 doesn’t approach 1 million…just be glad Charlie doesn’t head the Ways and Means Committee anymore, or any other committee for that matter.


It used to fascinate me that people like Rangel and folks of his ilk actually think the way they do – now it just pisses me off and convinces me their totally lost and stupid.